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Tournament Is Back!

Posted by Admin-Wisteria on 1 Jun 2018, 2:10 am


Just a quick update to announce the tournament is available again - apologies for the issues there!

If you lost your valour points, you'll have an extra 15,000 points to spend!

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    • How do I sign back up? There's no button now and I can't see the shop

    • Whoa, thanks for the points! :)

    • As one of the affected users, thank you so much ;u;

    • BigBad

      Caps have reset, so you can earn another 15,000 points. This was always intentional. The bug was that held valour was removed, which is now resolved.

    • So I have no VP earned toward the Tourney, but it's registering in the shop. I'm assuming that was the intended effect? Sorry I was gone all day and am trying to keep up with what all went down sweating

    • v-- Stupid question, I know, but I don't want to mess something up.

    • Do I have to re-register my warrior? Tournament options are still not showing up without doing so.

    • Admin-Wisteria so very true 8P hang in there. You guys all do a fantastic job and are quite generous with your time and VP!

    • noiro18

      They'll only vanish before the tournament each year, though with FV's code who knows what might happen? >_>