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Questing Tweaks and Upcoming Downtime

Posted by Owner-Aspen on 5 Dec 2018, 4:34 pm


New Items to Help You Quest!

I hope you've all been having fun discovering some of the newest items in Furvilla!


The above can be found through unique village explore events and battlegrounds! All Clawtooth themed loot can be found in all villages, Wandering Monsters, Deadly Monsters and the Abyss.

"But Aspen", you ask. "What are they for?"

Now, the questing system is a bit tedious, and admittedly in need of a revamp. However, with so many pressing projects on our plate, we've decided to make things a tiny bit easier for now on those who would like to collect shards.

All furniture, costumes, and costume parts have been removed from the quest pool. Instead, the above items will now be requested in addition to other site items. Their drop rates are high, and ultimately it should be much easier to trade, buy, or find these items to use for questing as more and more people discover them. Help each other!

You will still need to work together to craft weapons, brew medicine, and find other items around Furvilla to satisfy quest requirements, but I hope this change will help you progress to your goals. We've also added some splendid new vistas to the shop, and more content will be added regularly as well!


"ASPEN," you scream. "But what will I do with all the furniture I have just laying around?"

Well, rest assured that the current house feature isn't going away, but I did happen to hear that a certain Serpent might be looking for some nice home goods in addition to his usual demands of weapons and pets.

This Serpent... right here...

So if you happen to have a few nightstands or pink couches laying around collecting dust, do not fret. The Serpent's house is large, your tribute is much awaited.

Upcoming Downtime and Site Maintenance

Furvilla will be going down for some very important site maintenance on Wednesday, December 12th (exact time will be announced in advance). We do not have an estimate of how long the downtime will last.

We will be making some vital changes behind the scenes. These changes are necessary to ensure the future of the site and help our community to grow. Once this task is accomplished, we can begin allowing larger inventories, new features, support more players, and begin more visible work on other aspects of the site.

This downtime should not interfere with the Tiger Eye Peak festival, which will be held later this month. Also, this Friday is Furvilla's 2nd anniversary! Please plan to join us for some special festivities! More on that next time...

Until then,
- Aspen -

Write a comment 31

    • uuuuh last night i was asked for a chii plush, but i don't quest often, so that's all i know

    • Are we going to need furniture to give to the Serpent to get stuff, or is it okay to just recycle it now?

    • Furvilla's birthday and Smash on the same day?

    • Taki_Wolf I sent you a trade since it's easier then sending everything individually, just click "offer" without adding anything. Enjoy! :)

    • Demongirl10 bless <3 ;w;
      At the very least I'd like to have a Snek Statue and maybe Christmas tree and Snow Fox+Wolf
      Otherwise any so long as they're not gone forever ^^'

    • Taki_Wolf are you looking for old event furniture? If you're looking for a specific item I might have extras I can send you c:

    • Very exciting news, thanks for continuing to better the site Aspen!! <3
      Just curious, though, I like the house feature myself ;w;, if it's possible to obtain event furniture? I'm worried everyone will feed them all to Serpent ;n;

    • I'm excited for the work being done on the site! As a once-regular member about a year ago, I took a break because the game stagnated for me. Now I'm back and enjoying it a bit more because there will be changes! I'm happy to see you guys are doing stuff! :)

      Also I lowkey hope there will be some kind of option to use a "nighttime" option for site layout because the solid white background (even on the other available layouts) hurts my eyes XD Is there a suggestion thread?

    • @mooshroom can you give me some specific items for me to look into? I had to go in and remove some older custom items that were added incorrectly. Would love to know if something else is being pesky!

      melodys_angel I'm hoping that quests moving again will encourage people to craft more sellable items.

      @willowghost I will need to double check with the coder on this, but we will make sure we announce in advance exactly what time we will be pulling the site down and will try to do it at a low-traffic time. I can't imagine this will possibly take 24 hours. I will get more info for you.