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Viewing Taki_Wolf's Profile

User ID: #90694
Username: Taki_Wolf
Gender: Male
Last Online: 14 Feb 2025, 9:10 am
Registered: 27 Mar 2017, 10:22 pm

Profile description


Heerrrooo~! =w=

I am your friendly neighborhood wolf, the resident canine!
Support our Wolves!
Visit the Wolf Conservation Center!

I am an Olde Foxburian! Mainly of Japanese and Mexican (well, very mixed with European, too) descent, I am no pedigree, but my mutt nature is what makes me polite and helpful! ^n^

I certainly wish to be committed to FurVilla and my town Olde Foxbury for many seasons to come! Expect to see this wolf trying to contribute or fail at it!

Some things about me:
I also go by Tak, and Taco, Tako, Take-chan, Takeeto.

I am...
Insect/crawlies nut
I catch many things, as well as spiders being my favorite. I care for my "neighbors" and make sure they grow strong and safe in their webs. They are pure, and I go out of my way to help them. Highly interested in entomology.

Occasional gardener/plant hobbyist
Not very adept, but interested in growing and observing plant life. Also interested in environment and ecosystem functions.

Likes Animals, especially canines
My top canid favorites are all wolves, all German Shepherds (Blue Bays look floof), and all Siberian Huskies! Coyotes also are up there. Hope to learn more on Dire Wolves. Enjoys reading on their biology, social and psyche.
Absolute shameless wolf lover and adamant advocate
Very into the research of wolf society, their psyche, emotions and general behaviors, and their relationships with other beings and the environment. Hope to meet everyone and expand my pack. Beware; An enemy of wolf is an enemy mine. I am sworn in life to never kill a wolf, and to fight for my kin.

Have done all kinds of art mediums, such as painting, etching, sketch, digital paint and animation, etc. I spend significant amounts of my daily time elaborating and creating stories that I've made since before middle school and beyond. As there is huge diversity and setting I worldbuild a lot!

#1 fan of Anchorman Frostbite!


SoupVilla Logo LascielsShadow
Soup Paintie Rotsuoy

Villagers 7

Comments 72

    • Ah... well h'lo there... caught a whiff off a scent that I'd had a recent visitor... No,no No worries... blind as I may be by 'visual' aspects I do retain at least some sense of my surroundings... but hope ya excuse the dwellings if they seem in a bit of a disarray... I rarely get visitors... at least none that I've seen, he... so m'glad that'cha even wanted ta visit... {:)

    • Thank you for the welcome! I agree the moon wuff is the best :]

    • hey taki, i just updated placeholder's house

    • before i just kinda shoved everything in with no consideration but, now i am trying mine is a sort of "killer mansion", Jacob 's is a fairy house, and Zak's is kinda pirate king.

    • i see you have been visiting my houses. what do you think of my redecorating?

    • In case no one has told you today ^0^:

      • You are an awesome person
      • You are generous and empathetic
      • You are handsome and beautiful
      • You are loved and
      • You are needed and you are alive for a good reason.
      • You are stronger then you think that you are.
      • You are going to get through this!
      • I'm glad that you are alive and I believe in you! Don't give up!

    • thank you for visiting! fellow moon moon buddy :3

    • Thank you for visiting!

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