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Viewing ManicWolf's Profile

User ID: #439
Username: ManicWolf
Gender: Non-Binary
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 12:01 pm

Profile description

Hey! I'm Manic. Welcome to my profile!


★ ☆ ★ I occasionally visit other villages but Quetzal Palace is my home ★ ☆ ★

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All of my villagers (except my default, Manic) are named after the various angel characters - both good and bad - from the TV show "Supernatural" and their pets are named after the other various characters from it.

Ultimate FV Goal: Complete my Menagerie.
...or Breeding Potions/materials to make them.

Animals that I still need:


If you need a stud to breed your female pets with then be sure to check out FV's Free Studding Service.
Please note that I'm on a +6 hour timezone from FV time.


Thanks for stopping by!


Villagers 92

Comments 111

    • Sorry, i didnt need them rn ^^' just wanted to know if u had them

    • oh my you are a sweetheart for doing this for me thanks for this

    • I forgot and started taming an animal. xD
      Mind if I return in a couple hours?

    • Hey there, you pinged me right after I left last night and I just wanted to check if you got your hermit crab back? The transfer is showing as complete on my end- unless there was just some weird delay or glitch

    • Ya i did accidentky cancwl the trade sorry

    • Thank you so much for letting me use your studs!

    • Yes please, sorry I couldnt accept sooner because I live in a different timezone

    • Not to be rude, but why did you cancel the item transfer?

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