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Changes Coming to the Feast in February

Posted by Owner-Aspen on 15 Jan 2019, 8:46 pm


We have some changes coming soon to the Feast!

The basic structure and function of the Feast, as well as the cooking career, will remain generally the same. However, we are making important changes to prizes and placement.

These plans are scheduled to go into effect for February's Feast. Please read them carefully.

One Villager Per Account May Register for the Feast

You will no longer need to feed multiple villagers to obtain a mini-pet set. Each pet prize tier will award two pets.

Tiers Instead of Places

Starting with February's Feast, prizes will be awarded in tiers. This means that any number of players will be able to reach each prize tier, and you will be able to plan ahead for a Feast knowing just how many food points you will need to earn the prize you desire.

Feast Participation Ribbon

The tiers are as follows:

A player will earn the prizes from the tier they achieve, as well as each tier surpassed on the ladder, with the exception of trophies.

Your villager will receive the trophy for their profile which corresponds to the highest tier they achieve, if applicable.

10 Points - Common Animal x2, Used Food Wrapper

25 Points - Uncommon Animal x2, Feast Button (button will change each month)

100 Points - Rare Animal x2, Feast Participant Ribbon Keepsake

500 Points - Super Rare Animal x2, Bronze Trophy

1500 Points - Magical Sweetiecorn, Silver Trophy

5000 Points - Worker Slot Coupon, Gold Trophy

The new item, Used Food Wrapper Is quite mysterious! I do believe that those who hold onto many wrappers will eventually be rewarded! Er... eventually!

About Worker Totems

Worker Slot Totem will be pulled from the top prize tier. It will be replaced with Worker Slot Coupon, which will function the same way as the totem, but is untradable.

Worker Slot Coupon

Worker Slot Totem will be moved to the FurDollar Emporium.

Ingredient Availability

In an effort to make sure that cooking ingredients do not price spike out of control due to the above changes, we will be running new multi-skill-level rotating battlegrounds as well as an explore event that will drop common cooking ingredients. Look for these events to start within the next few days.

We also have several new recipes on the way!

Downtime as We Make Changes

The site will go down at 11:55 PM on January 31st to implement the above changes.

This means that the Feast will conclude at 11:55 PM, not Midnight.

Do not plan to feed past 11:55 PM on January 31st for the current Feast.

You will be able to start feeding your registered villager for the month once the site comes back online.

Who's Hungry?
- Aspen -


Furvilla at Further Confusion!

Posted by Owner-Aspen on 14 Jan 2019, 7:15 am


Furvilla will have a small presence at Further Confusion in San Jose, California, January 18th thru 20th!

We will have a limited selection of prints, keychains, and plush for sale as well as a free button and shopping bag for you - while supplies last. Please visit booth 5 in Dealer Room West, run by artist Mary Mouse.

You may also stop by the booth to pick up a code for this snazzy convention trophy for your profile!


We are currently making arrangements to have our small setup at other furry conventions throughout 2019, and will announce details as we finalize them.

We are also aware that not everyone can attend conventions. Plans to sell online are still on the horizon, as we are focusing on the site itself. When the time comes to have merch available again, we will announce it loudly! Thank you for your understanding.

- Aspen -


The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Posted by AdminAssistant on 13 Jan 2019, 4:34 pm

Hello everyone!

It has been brought to our attention that there is a bug going on with the birthday gifts. The notification to claim your birthday gifts has been reported to be clickable two times, giving people two times the gifts.

Any user who has gotten their Birthday Gift Box and Paintie Ticket multiple times from claiming their birthday gifts is being asked to please immediately send the duplicate Gift Box and Paintie Ticket to AdminAssistant
If you have already opened your extra Gift Box please send us the items that came from the box.

Note: This does NOT apply to Gift Boxes and Paintie Tickets that have been bought from the FD Emporium or obtained otherwise, this only applies to the Gift Boxes and Paintie Tickets that were awarded a second time when claiming your birthday gift.

If it is your birthday, or your birthday has yet to come up, and you notice the birthday notification not going away after claiming your birthday gifts please do not click the notification a second time to avoid the system awarding you a second Gift Box and Paintie Ticket.

Thank you all for your cooperation and have a wonderful day!

☀ MOD-Thaleia ☀


A Message From Sage Ismene

Posted by Owner-Quinn on 11 Jan 2019, 10:08 pm


"Hello friend of Chief Clawtooth. It is good of you to visit me again.

My mate and I thank you for your efforts to locate our people and supplies. Every day more of our lost kin return to us. We still await word from our homeland, and I hope it will not be long before we are able to return home."


"You may have noticed some foreign plants scattered across your lands. They likely spilled from the ship that contained the seeds of Chief Clawtooth's most favourite plants. Chief Clawtooth has quite the passion for herbalism. You will find the roar of a field of Dandy Lions most inspiring. The Wolf's Cane is very sweet to a canine's tongue, and the Puppy Poppy is very useful in soothing pain."


"However, they are most potent combined in magic. I have spent much time with Chief Minstrel's master of conjury, who assisted me in creating this recipe in your language. This will create a potion allowing you to take the form of a people native to Clawtooth."


"If you need a vessel for your potion, please search for our master of camel. I charged him with the task of bringing me gourds from our stores, but he is late as is usual."


"Please, take this recipe. I also have a few seeds in excess you may have. Perhaps a new form will allow you to cover more ground. Go in peace, and continue to search for our people."


- Sage Ismene -


Yay! How exciting! New citizens of Furvilla!

They seem to have brought some smaller friends with them! Head on over to the quest shop to make these donkey friends your own.


- Hkr. Quinn, Abert's Squirrel -


Wolf Plush

Posted by Owner-Aspen on 5 Jan 2019, 2:17 pm


Hello everyone!

In the past, the item, Wolf Plush had been erroneously added to the toybox. This item is correctly a keepsake.


We have removed the Wolf Plush from the toybox checklist, which caused those in toyboxes to be lost. I will be manually replacing the ones that get eaten in the process now (we can see who has one in their toybox).

Thank you for your patience during down time, we hope you enjoy the new features!

- Aspen -


We're Back! Again!

Posted by Admin-Mat on 5 Jan 2019, 1:52 pm


Downtime is done! And we have rolled out a few changes, which I have listed below!


-User blocks also now extend to galleries, menageries, and toy boxes.

-Toy Boxes can now take multiples of plushies, can have both types of plushies put in without hassle, and no longer display set slots in exchange for a Checklist.

-Added a Button Book and Sticker Album, similar to Toybox, they are for buttons and stickers respectively.

-The Gallery finally has a button in the inventory, along with a little reorganization and buttons for our new collection boxes.

-Sludge Potion is now working and craftable, you can pick up the recipe in the Recycle Shop and get your Doctors working on Chester’s (not so) secret formula!


And that’s all for now, thanks for your patience guys!

Welcome Back!



Posted by Admin-Mat on 5 Jan 2019, 1:30 pm

Nothing to see here!


Birthday Gifts & Other Info!

Posted by Admin-Mat on 4 Jan 2019, 4:47 pm


Hello all, just stopping by to bring you a quick announcement about the 2019 Furvilla user birthday gifts, as well as a few other things so please read carefully...Alongside the normal Paintie Ticket, this year we are giving you guys fun little gift boxes! Inside you will find a Magic Birthstone Chibi Gem Raptor sticker, a birthstone themed birthday crown, a birth month flower button, and a keepsake Birthday Cake!





If you had a birthday before this new box was released (January 1st through January 3rd) and did not receive your gift, please click below and send a PM letting us know!

PM AdminAssistant for MISSED GIFT!


This is a warning to expect some downtime tomorrow, January 5th, around Noon Furvilla Time for database work! Thank you for your patience!

Snow Festival Trophy

We had an awesome time celebrating the annual Snow Festival with everyone, be sure to grab your event trophy from the link!

Shiny Trophy!

Have A Great Day Everyone!


Certified Badges - Addendum

Posted by Owner-Aspen on 4 Jan 2019, 5:36 am


Ah... the Certified Badge tangle keeps going!

I've located a small bug in the address collection that causes address updates to not timestamp if they are unedited. If your mailing address has not changed, please write "I've updated" under your address and press "Update Address". Please refer to the previous news post for more information.


I apologize for this extra step. Other than that, packing is going smoothly, 75 are already packed and stamped, ready to head out to you, all over the world!

- Aspen -


Certified Furvilla Fan Badges - Mailing Begins!

Posted by Owner-Aspen on 4 Jan 2019, 3:19 am


Hello everyone!

Many of you have been waiting to receive your Certified Furvilla Fan Badge. I am happy to announce that the backlog has been worked through, and shipping has begun!


Before we can ship, you must:

- Go to the dailies page by clicking HERE. Double check your address for accuracy.


- Format your address according to your own country's mailing standards. This includes your name, street and number, city, country, zip code, etc.

- Include a legal name, (this is especially important outside of the USA). If you do not do this, your tag will be addressed to "Resident". Furvilla is not responsible for any lost or mis-directed mail due to incomplete mailing information.

- After double checking your information, click "update address". This will timestamp your update, and we will know that your information is correct. Please do this even if your address is correct. If you do not do this, your badge will not be shipped.

We truly appreciate your cooperation in making sure your information is accurate. Your help goes a long way! To those still working on your 90-day streak, don't fret! All future badges will be shipped out in a timely manner. Just make sure you include your full mailing info.

- Aspen -