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Paintie Rules & More

Posted by Staff on 27 Dec 2016, 8:29 pm


Hello everyone, I hope you've all been having a great holiday season and are enjoying the festivities here on site! So with that in mind, I apologize for barging to interrupt, just a couple quick announcements and it's back to your snowball fights and fairy hunting.

Paintie Update

Paintie Rules

The Paintie Rules have been updated once again, we hope that they are less of a chore to read now and easier to understand. Please be sure to check them out! For those of you that are sad to see the visual examples go, we will be working on bringing some of those back soon in a Knowledge Base article. We may even ask for your help so be on the look out!

Fur Idol

Behind the scenes our Mod team has been working tirelessly to get Fur Idol more organized, bringing you guys rules to follow to help keep the competition fair, but this also means there will soon be consequences for breaking those rules. A new set of Fur Idol infractions will be added soon, a post will be made in the Change Log when they are officially in the system so please be sure to look for that in the near future.

On a funner note, Fur Idol will also soon be bringing you themed contests to spice things up once in a while! We love seeing everyone's creativity and hope that even more of you will consider participating and sharing your amazing entries with all of us.

Paintie Tickets

It seems there has been some confusion over Paintie Tickets so we wanted to clarify that not all Paintie submissions require a Ticket. Paintie Tickets are simply another payment option, you can either use a Ticket or pay the 250FD fee, you do not need both.

Thank you for reading guys, have a great rest of the Snow Festival!


Snow Festival

Posted by Mat on 21 Dec 2016, 5:30 pm


Some of the village mayors have updated their villages today! Polaria is busy with the Snow Festival so Tigereye Peak hasn't added anything new. Why don't you ask your friends in other villages what kinds of updates their villages have gotten? The mayors are enjoying the Snow Festival, so hopefully the rest of you are too!


Referral Contest Ended

Posted by Mat on 21 Dec 2016, 12:11 pm


Our launch referral contest has now come to an end! Screenshots were taken at exactly 12:00 PM, and the tentative winners are: Kiitsu , Felispirit , and zmei_vulpe .

Staff will now be looking into the referrals for the three winners to ensure the referrals were earned in accordance with our rules. Congratulations to our tentative winners! After everything checks out, we will be in contact with how to claim your prize from Dandylions, LLC.


Snow Festival

Posted by Mat on 14 Dec 2016, 1:57 pm


Polaria says:

Good afternoon to all the five villages! Please excuse my tardiness, these old bones ache a lot in the morning so it's hard to get moving. But despite that, dears, let me introduce myself to the rest of you. My name is Polaria, and I'm the mayor of Tigereye Peak. On behalf of my village and all its residents, we're excited to share the Snow Festival with you!


Around this time of year, the snow fairies come out of hiding play with the residents of Tigereye Peak. We've encouraged them to travel far and wide across Furvilla, so you'll be able to encounter them too! Each fairy has a special ability that'll bring a boon to your villagers. The abilities vary from giving you a cute holiday item to improving your village someway. If you're curious, they're easily viewable here.

If you didn't know, it was a Frozen Leaf Fairy that led the founder of Tigereye Peak to the mountain where we all reside. In the cold of the night, Samuel and his exploration party were ready to give up. But then there was a beautiful golden light, and Samuel followed it to the caves and mountain crags where we live now. Because of this, you often see Snow Festival trees topped with a golden tiger -- a tiger, because Samuel was a tiger, and golden, because of the Frozen Leaf Fairy's beautiful glow.

Fairies will befriend you while you explore or battle monsters. You'll encounter them easily at first, but as you collect a lot of fairies, they will slowly become more rare to encounter. But never fear, dears, this resets at the top of each day, so you can start finding fairies easier again at the beginning of the next day.


We have a lot of simply wonderful holiday furniture that you can obtain from one of the fairies. One tradition we have here in Tigereye Peak is to fill our homes with Snow Festival decorations, and we've made it into a bit of a contest. If you'd like to participate in the contest, decorate your home with Snow Festival items, and then post your home here in this thread. There are some cute little prizes for the participants! (Speaking of furniture, did you know a darling named Darkmoon Dancer is the one crafting all this furniture? She's so talented! What a dear!)


Even our villagers are getting into the spirit of the holiday. Why don't you try putting on the Fluffy Costume if you're a Gembound, Wickerbeast, Dutch Angel Dragon, Deer, Big Cat, or Snuffle? I'd love if you could bundle in something warm, because you know I worry about all of you, right? Now that the snow's drifting from Tigereye Peak, it must be so cold in those other villages... I know Olde Foxbury and Quetzal Palace are used to the cold weather, but I worry so much for you folks in Oceandome and Dragonsmaw Manor! The weather's usually so temperate down there...


There are a lot of cute outfits that our village is producing too, which you can dress yourself in when you're blessed by a Magic Plush. One of the fairies will give you one of those Magic Plushes if you ask it nicely enough! Darlings, please bear in mind these Snow Festival colors will be available only during this year's event, then will retire.


Since the snow is drifting down into the other villages, perhaps you'd like to make a new friend? Our Snowbunny and Snowfox population has simply exploded now that the Festival has come! We'd like to invite you to take one of each with you. Simply click on them to do so! During the festival, these snow critters breed quite fast, with cool-downs of one day. However, when the Festival is over, they will no longer be breedable. Please keep that in mind! If you're searching for the rarer colors of these pets, please be sure to breed them out during the fourteen days of the festival.


Last, we'd love to see how you decide to dress up for the festival! Therefore, we're having another contest, where you can show us your beautiful look, dears. Submit a Paintie to the contest that's themed with the Snow Festival to participate, and I might be congratulating you as one of the best dressed in the Snow Festival! Come participate here!

All of us here at Tigereye Peak hope you enjoy the Snow Festival!

Information Recap:

All items retire on December 29th. Plushes and Furniture items will not be re-released.

Mini-Pets have a 1 Day Cooldown until 12:00 PM on December 29th, in which they become unbreedable and retired.

Fairies are obtained from the Explore and Warrior features, and begin with a 20% drop rate, decreasing by 1% with every fairy found to a 1% drop rate. This resets at the beginning of the next day. Fairies will drop until December 29th.

Contests (house and Paintie) end December 29th.

The current site theme will become an option for use after the Snow Festival as the game goes back to default layout.


Important Email Information

Posted by Staff on 8 Dec 2016, 8:40 pm


Hello all! Dropping in with some important contact info for you guys this time so please read carefully!

Community Email

Our lovely dragon admin, Admin-Deinmaar, has been whisked away temporarily and will be unavailable until December 14th so please be patient in waiting for responses to messages sent to [email protected] - Normal Responses will resume on the 14th.

If you have an issue that is time sensitive then please send your email to [email protected] with "Time Sensitive" in your subject line.

Helper Requests

We know that a lot of you are eager to be made into an official Furvilla Helper but requests will be suspended and not responded to until Admin-Deinmaar returns on the 14th. Please be patient and do not send multiple requests or bump your messages, you aren't being ignored, we promise!

Thanks for your time and I hope all the new members are enjoy their time here with us so far ♥


Furvilla Launches!

Posted by Mat on 7 Dec 2016, 11:54 am


WOOHOOO!!! Furvilla is launching!

After six months of beta testing, we are happy to welcome all of the furry fandom and beyond into Furvilla! To celebrate our launch, we're hosting a special referral contest with the help of Dandylions LLC, a super talented fursuit making company!

You can win a full suit, partial suit, or fursuit head by participating in our launch referral contest! Any referral you make between December 7 - December 21st is eligible toward the contest. The top three referrers will win a fursuit prize. Check out the page on the Launch Contest for more information (please note the sample fursuit is an example of what Dandylions LLC can make)!


December's Mini-Pets are now stocking in the FurDollar Emporium. These mini-pets have five breeding charges as commons and thirty day cool-down periods, so they should hold their value better! We will be swapping out the monthly mini-pets on the first of the month, meaning the next round comes out January 1st.


The Snow Festival is coming! All the villages of Furvilla will be celebrating the Snow Festival from December 14th - December 28th. During this time, you'll be able to collect items exclusive to this year's snow festival, like a new Furvilla layout skin, home decor, villager colors, plushes, costumes, special effect fairies, and more. Villagers of Tigereye Peak will also be learning a little about their village's backstory in the process!


Home decoration has come just in time for launch! If you visit your Villagers Page you'll see the option to remodel your villager's home so you can start decorating it. You can get furniture from your village's Crafting Shop and go to town with your decorations. Look forward to the Snow Festival's exclusive seasonal decorations as well!


The village mayors are getting comfortable in their new offices and are preparing to communicate with their villages for the first time! Expect each of the mayors to introduce themselves and their village, as well as their plans for the village's development in the next 1-2 days.

Here's to a fine opening!


New MODs, Beta Content Rule, & Restock Change

Posted by NPC-Lucien on 5 Dec 2016, 1:23 am



Hello everyone! We’ve got some very exciting news to share with you, it’s time to Welcome our new Mods as an official part the Furvilla Staff! We’re very happy to have each and every one of them here now to continue on this journey with us. Opening the site is going to be a big job and having all hands on deck is a very important thing. Please be welcoming to all these fresh new faces when you see them around the site. They won’t be diving into any Mod work until launch but they’re getting their feet wet for now so feel free to say hello.

New Furvilla Moderators


*insert spectacular fireworks show here*
(we spent all the budget on streamers and cake for the party so let your imagination run wild)

Beta Content Rule

Another thing before we let you go, a new rule has been added to the Global Rules section regarding Beta Content so please go and give that a read. There is also a corresponding infraction for this rule addition. Be sure you are all up to date on the Furvilla Site Rules and TOS as we head into the Site’s Grand Opening.

This new rule will be going into effect at launch:

Discussion of, reposting of forum content, or screenshots about Beta activity is strictly forbidden by the TOS. Distribution of this information only serves to incite drama and will not be permitted. Exceptions to this rule are any remade threads for sales, role plays, knowledge base & guides, and site resources.

Edit: Moving farther into this, this rule is mainly to avoid reinstating all the drama and fighting from the Beta. Signatures stating that you were a Beta tester are fine. With the new MOD team coming in, I've adjusted how I want to go forward; less infractions for things we can talk to you first on, more community interaction, which hopefully will bring the community together more. Not literally everything from Beta is banned. If you're unsure about if a signature or screenshot you have will be okay, by all means, ask a MOD; Ask me. I dont mind, and neither do they. We're here to be a part of the Community.

Restock Change

And last but not least, all Container Items and Basic Weapons/Shields have been removed from Restock and returned to their original unlimited stock status.

Check the news post below for important Forum related information!


48 Hour Warning

Posted by Staff on 4 Dec 2016, 6:06 pm


Hi everyone, just stopping by to talk to you about another step to prepare for our official site opening on December 7th! To start everyone off with a clean slate, we will be wiping all content from the forums and doing a bit of restructuring.

This News post is your 48 HOUR WARNING, the forums will be closed and wiped at Midnight Furvilla Time on December 7th so please be sure to collect and save all content that you do not want to lose. Once the forum clean up is complete you will be allowed to re-create any threads that you need to and resume your normal activity.

Thanks so much for reading and have a great day!


100 FD Paintie Deadline Extension

Posted by Staff on 28 Nov 2016, 9:11 pm


Hello again! The staff has heard your concerns and we have decided to extend the deadline for 100 FD Painties another 48 hours. The previous news post has been edited to reflect this decision so please re-read and still use that post to determine the exact time of the deadline.

Thanks so much for reading!


New Paintie Price, Opening Day & Holiday Event

Posted by Staff on 28 Nov 2016, 1:03 am


Hello everyone, another quick announcement for you all! Going to cover a couple things here so be sure to give it all a thorough read.

Paintie Prices

Paintie prices will be going up, from the current 100 Fur Dollars to the new price of 250 Fur Dollars. This news post is the 72 HOUR WARNING for you to submit at the current price, after the 72 hours are up, the new price will be in effect. So be sure to get those cuties into the queue ASAP if you'd like to take advantage of the 100 Fur Dollar price!

Opening Day

Furvilla Staff have come to the decision to push back opening day to December 7th 2016, this is going to give everyone just a little more time to be sure that all the little ducks are in a row and we are ready to give a warm welcome to all our new members.

Winter Holiday Event

And last but not least, we will have a fun winter holiday event coming to you on December 14th so be prepared for the festivities! We're all looking forward to our first holiday event and can't wait to share it with all of you! This event will be bringing a new holiday themed site layout skin, seasonal items, new limited Villager colors, and drum roll please 6 new species will be getting a Costume!

Thanks so much for reading, cheers my busy little beta bugs.