Recent News
Challengers have arrived!
Posted by Admin-Wisteria on 5 Oct 2017, 10:22 pm
Hey all! Just a quick update to let you all know that two new battlegrounds are available:
Challengers & Fierce Fighters.
We're experimenting with a new system with the Challengers battleground. The odds of receiving a Kitsune mini-pet should increase after each battle until it eventually drops for you. Once that particular Kitsune drops, you'll no longer receive this bonus. If all goes well, we'll use this system for future additions.
Please Note:
While there is a small chance of a Kitsune dropping in the Fierce Fighters battleground, it does not use the new system.
Due to this system having a large amount of variance, there has not been a tremendous amount of testing. Please report any issues you encounter!
October Is Here!
Posted by Staff on 1 Oct 2017, 7:09 pm
October is here and you know what that means, it’s time again for the new monthly goodies!
New Minipets
The October FD Pets are here! Let's check out what we have for this month...
First up we’ve got Worgons! Perfect for those of you that like microscopic pets!
Aquatic bunnies? Huh...well the Munny is going to swim...hop? it’s way into your hearts!
Hey, look, beach tigers...Let’s welcome the Grreal!
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until November 1st, when a new batch of FD Monthlies will be released.
October Mini Events
I don’t have a lot of details to give but you should all expect a couple little treats from Admin-Wisteria soon to celebrate the harvest season starting and general spooky fun of this month! So be on the look out!

"Excuse me, sincerest apologies for the interruption but perhaps the rest of this News post should be handled by someone a bit more qualified? Afterall, who knows the ins and outs of Dragonsmaw Manor better than myself, the town’s Mayor."
Upcoming Festival Celebration
"It is my distinct pleasure to bring you all the wonderful news of the upcoming Dragonsmaw Manor yearly festival, the festivities will begin on October 15th. I’d suggest that you prepare your Herbalists, they’ll be working hard soon. The citizens of our fair town are quite excited to be hosting all of you for this event so please do come by and visit."
October Contests
"And look what we have here...special contests brought to you by my spectacular and generous village! What fun..."
Haunted Couture Fashion Show
October Writing Contest
October Art Contest
October Paintie Contest
October Villager Profile Contest
October House Decoration Contest
special Fur Idol contest will be starting later in the month
All winners will be announced and prizes handed out for September contests soon.
Um, big thanks to Mayor Chester for stopping by to help out...I think.
Ok, I have just one last thing for you guys, a bit of warning that we are planning to remove the Worker Slot Totems from the Feast prizes and replace them with a new item. The totems seem to be providing an unfair advantage in the contest, which was not our intent. Totems will be a craftable item once the switch happens.
Thanks for reading, see you all again soon!
♥ ADMIN-MAT ♥ and your esteemed Mayor Chester
August Winners and Upcoming Contests!
Posted by Staff on 22 Sep 2017, 9:00 pm
Hello again everyone, time to check out August’s winning contest entries!
Thanks to everyone that participated, there were a ton of great entries, you made it difficult for our judges to pick! Below are the winning entries, congratulations to all of the winners!
August Paintie Contest
Entry by Grimmjow #40847
Entry by Kaenisei #59082
Entry by snafflewyrm #20990
Entry by snowshoees #37474
Entry by CosmicDragon #63412
August Decoration Contest
-Lupin #71059 Caspian
-SilverFelyne #19454 Nimbus
-Oliver_Woolfe #34957 Oliver
-Baelfin #35056 Kubon
-Lion #105 Chief
August Villager Profile Contest
-Florakoko #75883 Phosphor
-noll #12373 Vladimir
-Lost_On_The_Moon #533 Lullaby
*Painties have been uploaded and prizes will be sent out very soon! If you are one of the above winners please PM Admin-Mat with your FD Pet Box choices (options are the boxes currently available in the FD shop).*
October Contest Extravaganza!
And with the September contests coming to an end soon...The Staff has decided to have a little extra fun this coming month so be on the lookout for bigger contests in October and a few returning contests! So take a peek below and check out what we have planned for you guys next month!
-Paintie Contest (5 themes and 10 winners)
-Home Decor Contest (2 themes, a new category, and 10 winners. We also added a trophy!)
-Villager Profile Contest (2 themes and 6 winners)
-Writing Contest (will be a permanent addition if there is enough interest)
-Art Contest (will be a permanent addition if there is enough interest)
-Special Edition Fur Idol (this will be another official unofficial forum based FI)
-Festival Fashion Show (some of you may remember this one from the Serpent Festival)
So let’s get prepared for all the fun that next month is bringing! Contest threads with all rules/prize listings/details will be available on October 1st.
A Fond Farewell
Posted by NPC-Lucien on 13 Sep 2017, 2:37 am
Greeting, everyone! Admin-Deinmaar here, though unfortunately, it will be for the last time.
Due to IRL hardships and unfortunate circumstances, I've chosen to resign from my Admin position here on Furvilla. It is with a heavy heart that I am forced to step down from this mountain and leave the Furvilla Community. It's been an amazing experience being with you all since Beta released, and through the highs and lows of it all, and I'm going to miss each and every one of you. You've all been through so much with me, and I just hope I've been as helpful as I could be while I've been here.
I'm going to miss my MODs, as they've been my greatest support from the start, and have really stepped up to the tasks at hand. I believe that they will do great things for this site, as I believe you all can as well. Your support for this site has been uplifting, despite the hard times, and I just hope you all can forgive me for my mistakes along the way. I am but a mere Ice Dragon, after all.
As I descend the Admin Mountain, fear not, for Admin-Mat will be taking my place as the Head of Community from here on out, and has already been relieving me of my duties. Please show him the same co-operation and respect that you've shown me, and possibly even greater as he steps up to do what I no longer can. This Community has been through so much, and I know you can help us keep it all together, bit by bit. Within the week, probably within the next few days, my Admin status will be deactivated. This is not easy for me, but unfortunately, I don't have any other options.
I will miss you all.
Event Ending Soon!
Posted by Admin-Wisteria on 6 Sep 2017, 10:40 pm
Hi all! Just quickly letting you know what the current plans are regarding the conclusion of the event.
At noon Furvilla time tomorrow, map fragments will no longer drop. You'll also no longer be able to access your ship.
A week later, all materials & recipes related to the event will vanish, excluding plunder items, which you will no longer be able to convert into plunder points.
And finally, a week after that, the festival shop will close.
That's all for now, have fun!
September Is Here!
Posted by Staff on 1 Sep 2017, 4:17 pm
September is here and you know what that means, I am here again with some new goodies for you all!
New Minipets
The September FD Pets are here! Let's check out what we have for this month...
First it looks like we have Bauble Crab! Curious little creatures that love nothing more than gathering hoards of gems.
Pets within a pet? Huh...well the Jelliquarium is here!
Aww, it’s a little garden friend...Let’s welcome the Topifairy!
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until October 1st, when a new batch of FD Monthlies will be released.
September Contests
September Villager Profile Contest
September Paintie Contest
September Home Decor Contest
All winners will be announced and prizes handed out for August contests soon.
July contest prizes are in the process of being distributed but I still have not received PMs from all winners, if you were a July contest winner please be sure to send me a message to get your prizes!
I hope you all enjoy our fun new additions!
Treasure Hunt is Back On!
Posted by Staff on 28 Aug 2017, 5:49 pm
Looks like those pesky exploits have been fixed now and we're ready to get back into the swing of things with this event! Maps and the plunder conversion from your inventory have now been reactivated so let's get back to the fun. If you notice any bugs or issues please be sure to report them as you normally would through the site's report function.
And now statues should convert when you do the mass plunder turn in, they were a bit reluctant before but I think we've finally convinced them to get on board.
Be sure to check out the news post below for a fun, special edition round of Fur Idol!
Fur Idol Special Edition!
Posted by Staff on 28 Aug 2017, 3:37 pm
Hello, hello! Just stopping in real quick to let you guys know about a Special round of Fur Idol that is starting up!
You can find the special Fur Idol contest at the link below, as always be sure to make sure to read all the rules carefully before entering.
So have fun showing off your Villagers and trying to win some nice piles of treasure! We look forward to seeing everyone's awesome entries.
Map Exploit
Posted by Admin-Wisteria on 27 Aug 2017, 3:07 am
Maps have temporarily been disabled due to information about an existing exploit becoming public. They'll be enabled again once this issue has been resolved.
Maps are no longer marked as maps, but any maps you craft or had previously will still exist within your inventory. There is currently no estimated time for a fix.
Unfortunately, we have to take a harsh stance when it comes to intentional exploiting of mechanics like this. Thank you to people who reported the issue and simply moved on. People who may have accidentally used the exploit or otherwise simply done it once or twice out of curiosity need not worry, however. We'll be investigating on case-by-case basis. If you suspect another player of cheating, please report them using the standard report feature.
Update: You can no longer add plunder to your hoard from your inventory. You can still use the convert-all function.
July Contest Results!
Posted by Staff on 25 Aug 2017, 10:40 pm
Hello again everyone, time to check out July’s winning contest entries!
Thanks to everyone that participated in the contests, there were lots of great entries, you made it very hard for our judges to pick! Below are the winning entries, congratulations to all of the winners!
July Paintie Contest
Entry by CarrotCube #12283
Entry by Zori #27131
Entry by Ammoth #7924
Entry by Falorie #233164
Entry by Pokat #39966
July Decoration Contest
-SparkleWolf404 #93592 Desdemona
-TavixTheDragon #69678 Tavix
-Enoch #10434 Zephyrus
-Varinis #19997 Gallia
-loris #91118 Doris
July Villager Profile Contest
-lexa #1365 Blease
-Lupin #71059 Parfait
-msjanny #7302 Chicken
*Painties have been uploaded and prizes will be sent out very soon! If you are one of the above winners please PM Admin-Mat with your FD Pet Box choices (options are the boxes currently available in the FD shop).*
And please remember to take a look at the news post below this one for more important info!