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Viewing Enoch's Profile

User ID: #10434
Username: Enoch
Gender: Female
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 5:29 pm

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leaving the site

Villagers 0

Comments 239

    • Once I get on my desktop I'll message you an explanation.

    • oh rip ur inventory

    • owo yes hello I love your villagers

    • im not giving any more away sorry :(


    • Thank you! :D (Also I added you to my todo list, I'll try to get it done asap! :))

    • Oops sorry for the bother, it should be fine now! ;;

    • haha thank you!! violetpool designed him and i just had to snatch him up when i got the chance

      fun FACT i started liking the name Helios because theres a location in Fallout New Vegas called Helios One Power Plant..... so.............. extra NERD. self roast

    • I'm literally forcing it in her face moments after finding it - so unless it's been chilled for awhile... it definitely is. xD

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