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Viewing Enoch's Profile

User ID: #10434
Username: Enoch
Gender: Female
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 5:29 pm

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leaving the site

Villagers 0

Comments 239

    • Poor Bea has been literally eating soup all morning. And all night ....

    • Yisss. It's probably one of my favorite drawings of Bea right now. XD And I knnnowwww I've been literally staring at my e-mail waiting - although I knew she said the 23rd BUTSTILL.

    • sadly, out of those too, trying to get the kitsunes. :") good luck tho!

    • EEEEE YOU'RE WELCOME!! Donburi made the doodle in that forum post "draw the villager above you badly"... It's AMAZING. 0U0 ALSO, I'll need getting my kiwiggle sketch on the 23rd.

    • looking back at that comment...
      72k is enough for a few fursuits. if i owned DappyV i'd spend it on one =w=

    • It's okay! I'm not sure what happened with the other user but I don't hold any ill feelings towards them. Thank you for your efforts regardless!

    • Thank you! I'm very grateful for your assistance in obtaining a villager created on that date. ^_^

    • aww thank you ^^ yeah i grabbed the black, white, and gold tier
      im gonan see if i can trade for a headstart key but either way i got a key! excited to see you on dappervolk :3

    • You're too kind!

    • Oh my gosh thank you ;;

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