Viewing CandyCarnivore's Profile

User ID: #111284
Username: CandyCarnivore
Gender: Male
Last Online: 20 Sep 2023, 2:19 am
Registered: 16 Feb 2018, 11:11 am
Username: CandyCarnivore
Gender: Male
Last Online: 20 Sep 2023, 2:19 am
Registered: 16 Feb 2018, 11:11 am

Profile description

I’m just a guy that enjoys
everything aesthetic.
You can check me out here!
⇢My Instagram⇠
oh, it's okay. i'll miss you
hey, do you have a toyhouse or something where I can still see your characters?
Thank you for the plushies!
I'm gonna miss you SweetTooth! Thanks again for the Manokit Base you let me purchase so I could use it for Harbor. Your dinos always brought a smile to my face <3 I hope you continue to find adventure wherever you go!
I agree Halloween all the time.
I understand, I just wanted to make sure is all~ ^^
Do you happen to have a full res version of this villagers paintie~?
Why does your username sound familiar....?
(Also I too appreciate candy corn)
Always nice to see other dino fiends around.
im pretty sure i got it from opening something, but i dont remember if it was from the furdollar emporium or something else? sorry :[