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Viewing Xedoc's Profile

User ID: #175063
Username: Xedoc
Gender: Female
Registered: 7 Mar 2020, 1:22 pm

Profile description

(profile page under construction, currently remaking it!)

Hello! I'm Xedoc (zee-dock)! I've been playing this game for a few years now. I like to chat about things I enjoy so if we ever have the same interests maybe- let's talk? >.>
I'm always looking to make new friends anyway lol!

I spend time collecting things like buttons, minipets, stickers, stones, and plushes. When I have extras, I donate them to the Giving Tree.

Villagers 14

Comments 14

    • Tysm for the help ^^!

    • You're welcome ^^

    • I don't know why, but I put 1 stud in the trade title, but I did send 2. 1 for each type. Whoops!

    • Sorry that took so long. I wanted to be sure to send pets that might produce outcomes you still need for your collection.

    • Okay, thank you. I'll send you another set in a few minutes.

    • I forgot to ask you if you wanted to breed more pets for me. Any time you have extra turns, just let me know, either on my profile page or in my thread or send me a message, and I'll set up a trade with you.

    • So did you get any outcomes you were missing from that bunch?

    • aa thank you so much!! Happy holidays! <33

    • Omg THANK YOU :D!!
      They look awesome in your style!

    • hi! just letting you know that your art in the DTOAY thread is done and also sent to your toyhouse! hope you like it ^^

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