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User ID: #219938
Username: JazzHands
Gender: Non-Binary
Last Online: 27 Jul 2024, 12:02 am
Registered: 19 Aug 2023, 8:42 am

Profile description

Art by dogday

Hello, Furvilla! You can call me Jazz, if you want to call me anything.
ToyHouse || Artfight
Note that some of my characters are adapted from the original to fit Furvilla's gameplay and lore. Everything you see on ToyHouse is the original, think of this as a non-canon spinoff I guess.
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About me:
- I mostly do art things around here. Too much clicking wasn't good for my wrists so I had to prioritize. I still stay online for forum stuff and games and all that jazz *ba dum tss*
- I don't know if you can tell but I really like Windows XP
- I might reply really late for a number of reasons, so if I take a while to reply to you, it's not you, I just can't be online right then.
- Please don't send me any random DMs just looking to talk if I don't know you. I'm fine interacting on the forums, but there are VERY few people on here I'd be comfortable chatting in private with. (This has happened...... Too Many Times.)
- I like rabbits!! Anything rabbit related is a big thumbs up from me!!
- Fav movie: Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Fav tv show: Infinity Train, Fav musical artist: Dream Puzzles or Radical Face or Dry the River. Indecisive I know

Current wishlist
Thanks to everyone who's gifted me items! I don't know who all of y'all are, but it means a bunch :))
Nothing for now!
Or anything rabbit- or bee-related :3

Villagers 17

Comments 59

    • AWW thank you so much!! it means a ton <33

    • it was SO FUN literally the best concert ive been to ! and yeah same haha, its weird how anamanaguchi's music is everywhere (miku + scott pilgrim) and yet theyre simultaneously obcure as hell. the tony hawk of music i guess

    • AAAAAAAAHHH youre the first anamanguchi fan ive seen in the wild !! i got to see them live last november and it was actually the greatest experience of my life, such an awesome band ^_^

    • WAHH i am smiling So big thank you so much for drawing tai :D !!!

    • Aaa you're welcome, I'm glad you like it! :D

    • of course!! vocaloid has been one of my special interests for a while now, so whenever i see it i'm like "IT'S THE THING!!" (don't listen to that song too much though, don't want you ending up hypnotized and all. ^^")

    • you're welcome!!! and thank you for all you've done!!

    • you're welcome, I just wanted to show my gratitude - spend it wisely!

    • WHAT!!! THANK YOU!??!?!? that was far too sweet of you, i appreciate it so much :'((( <3

    • You're welcome! Just happy to help! :D

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