Viewing Jijinka's Profile

User ID: #49473
Username: Jijinka
Gender: Female
Last Online: 26 Mar 2021, 4:53 pm
Registered: 5 Jul 2016, 1:27 am
Username: Jijinka
Gender: Female
Last Online: 26 Mar 2021, 4:53 pm
Registered: 5 Jul 2016, 1:27 am
Profile description
Will edit later
Villagers 8
Gallery 12
Gold Goblet x1
Gold Mythic Creature Statue x1
Pirate Gold x1
Gold Repair Kit x1
Gold Anvil x1
Raw Gold Pieces x1
Gold Pieces x1
Golden Apple x1
Aaa sorry for being silent on the thread! I really hope you're doing well, and I do adore the art for the spellengles, my fellow is so precious ;v;
Thank you~! Yes, Etienne's name is French for "crown." It is apparently a fairly common name. I thought it suited his royal majesty quite well LOL
Oh I thought I did fill out a paper ;w; but I'll do it again here!
I'd written down for anything light or angelic inspired! Soft creams maybe?
Aha glad to hear it! I'm looking forward to it :D
Oh! For some reason it never told me it was updated! My bad ^^;
Just checking in - did you get my trade? With the angelic costume +6k fc?
Thank you for having chosen Lute for your repairs! I hope you have a great rest of the day!
Same, and no problem, it was just one small item out of like... the entire slew of salads. I can forgive that mistake, plus I immediately corrected it in like 2 seconds, but you somehow managed to get there first /laughs
Anyway here you go for your trouble!
You've got fast fingers, don't you? /laughs good job on the snipe!
Thank you so so much for the beautiful art oh my lordie ;;<33