Viewing lulu's Profile

Profile description
Hi! I'm a site dev - I handle coding and a pinch of server administration on FurVilla, but am otherwise un-affiliated with site administration, moderation & management.
If you would like to report a bug, the fastest response time you will get is via the bug option on the Contact Us form (or emailing [email protected] directly). You can also file a Ticket, but this will incur some delay before the ticket is forwarded to me.
Please don't ask me difficult questions about the site or site administration or moderation, I'm just a coder and I am easily frightened and will probably start crying. Your best bet for getting site-related questions answered is again - either the Contact Us Form or filing a ticket.
If you would like to report a bug, the fastest response time you will get is via the bug option on the Contact Us form (or emailing [email protected] directly). You can also file a Ticket, but this will incur some delay before the ticket is forwarded to me.
Please don't ask me difficult questions about the site or site administration or moderation, I'm just a coder and I am easily frightened and will probably start crying. Your best bet for getting site-related questions answered is again - either the Contact Us Form or filing a ticket.
Thank you for all your work in making furvilla fun and exciting! You don't get nearly as much appreciation as you deserve :(
Please come back to we really need you. :\
I pay for premium and the site is not being taken care of. So many unanswered tickets, so many problems that need to be resolved. I hope you haven't given up on the site.
You're just the best?? And your username has the best colour ever?? You deserve more love <3
It's been over a month since anyone told you that you're amazing?? ??
No >:0 I won't have it
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
You're amazing!
There, one for each day missed. Thanks for all you've done! \(^^)/
Thank you for all your hard work LuLu. It's what makes this sight better.
Thank you for all of your hard work for the site! <3
Hello Lulu! I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work! You and all the people who spend time on Furvilla make it an amazing game/site to be on ;v;
Thanks for your hard work Lulu <3 the sites coming along beautifully~
*hugs lulu for everything she done by herself* You are an amazing person, don't let anyone say otherwise~
you are my hero~