Viewing DreamingHeart's Profile

User ID: #82894
Username: DreamingHeart
Gender: Female
Last Online: 19 Jun 2024, 12:23 pm
Registered: 29 Dec 2016, 2:24 pm
Username: DreamingHeart
Gender: Female
Last Online: 19 Jun 2024, 12:23 pm
Registered: 29 Dec 2016, 2:24 pm

Profile description
Ann ♡ 27 ♡ Female (She/Her) ♡ Christian ♡ Lesbian ♡ INFP
~*♡*~ ♡ DeviantArt ♡ Fur Affinity ♡ Neopets ♡ Flight Rising
~*♡*~ ♡ DeviantArt ♡ Fur Affinity ♡ Neopets ♡ Flight Rising
Hello there, and welcome! My name is Ann, and this here is my little corner of Furvilla. My profile is a major WIP, so please bear with me!
Villagers 22
Gallery 61
Pride Flag x1
Pride Bandana x1
Rainbow Sky Ring x1
Pride Button x1
Lesbian Pride Flag Button x1
Demisexual Pride Button x1
She/Her Pronoun Button x1
Traditional Artist Button x1
ill give you anything for that strange snuffle stone, fc,a regi box, plz
Jazz grins again with two thumbs up before bounding away with a hyper, cackling hyena following from a different direction.
SeargentMuffins Thank you for the treat! :'D I shall enjoy it thoroughly~ *noms*
"BOO!! Bahahahaha! Happy Halloween!" Jazz rumbles loudly with gusty Halloween Spirit and a lopsided grin. He hands you a treat with great flair.
Hey, anytime <3! I really hope you start feeling better~
You brought some light to my day so I thought I'd like to bring some to yours : )
I really like your username! It makes me feel kind of hopeful, for some reason, and I don’t really know why.
Do you need a pair of hydras? (Or a harem?) I bred mine today and was going to just hoard sell them, but if you want some of them, I can send them to you instead.
You're welcome.