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June Contest Winners!

Posted by Staff on 10 Jul 2017, 7:32 pm


Hello again everyone, time to show off some winning contest entries!

June Paintie Contest

Thanks to all of you that participated in the contest, there were lots of fun entries, you made it very hard for our judges to pick just 5! Below are the winning entries, congratulations to all of the winners!

Entry by Cute #14945


Entry by Goji #3941


Entry by Nudibranch #82832


Entry by Zori #27131


Entry by Sangria #84018


June Decoration Contest

-Humane #30435 Wubbadubdub

-ShortyLynnChaos #346 KaNala

-Oliver_Woolfe #34957 Oliver

-Demyx #28780 Luigi

-TavixTheDragon #69678 Tavix

June Villager Profile Contest

-Ammoth #7924 Sequoia

-Lupin #71059 Professor Hosta

-Ultron #37474 Cosmo

*Painties have been uploaded and prizes will be sent out very soon! If you are one of the above winners please PM Admin-Mat with your FD Pet Box choices (options are the boxes currently available in the FD shop).*

And please remember to take a look at the news post below this one for more important info!


Write a comment 14

    • These are adorable! c= I love the very first one. It reminds me of strawberry frosted sugar cookies.

    • McReyes You could likewise say the Aquarium painties were ignored too, except both Pride and Aquarium got one winner each. So...Yeah.

    • McReyes
      The Hyena paintie that won is a LGBTQ+ pride paintie
      And there weren't many pride paintie entries to begin with that looked good

    • *loud happy screaming*
      Congrats everyone! <3

    • Sangria Entry is sooooo pretty! Well done and congratulations everyone. x3

    • did anyone else notice that they ignored the pride entries? just me? okay

    • Waah..! This is so exciting.. ;; ^ ;;

    • Congrats everyone~!

    • Congrats everyone! :D