The "loot" tag as been audited with a script. It should now tag any item that is droppable from a battleground that is currently active.
Several changes concerning battlegrounds have been made in preparation for upcoming site content:
- Lissar and Talois have been removed from Deadlier Monsters and placed in the Legacy battleground.
- The Deadlier Monsters battleground now yields slightly less Furcoins upon victory.
- Monsters throughout all battlegrounds have been resized and turned to face you in battle. Some of the more powerful versions of these monsters have been recolored. Skittering Monsters weak creatures have also been recolored.
- Mimic has been removed from the Legacy battleground and placed in Deadly Monsters at a very rare spawn rate.
- Corrupted Spire, Beta Drone, and Industrial Wraith have been moved from the Abyss to Deadly Monsters.
More small tweaks to monster graphics may happen over the next several days. You may need to hard refresh (cntrl+F5) several times to see some of these changes, our apologies for the dust!
We are currently working on tweaking some monster graphics - they may display a little wacky for a bit!
Issues with the Repair Kit and Gold Repair Kit have been addressed:
- The Repair Kit can only repair houses that are not destroyed, as they no longer have a maximum durability. Destroyed houses will thus need to be replaced. However, note that houses currently no longer degrade (a change that was made long ago). The description for the item has been updated.
- For both repair kits, it should now correctly produce an error message if there is nothing that qualifies to be repaired, and it should not consume the repair kit.
As always please let me know if you notice any related errors!
A few villagers career pages would crash if they were set to the Warrior career. This was due to having a specific item (Spooky Scary Mousey Doll) equipped in the utility equipment slot when it had briefly been assigned as an equipment in the past. These equips were manually removed from these villagers, and the item reimbursed to the affected players. There were 5 such villagers. Please let us know if you have any other issues viewing your warriors' career pages.
Trivia prizes have been awarded to the winners and runner ups. -MOD-Thaleia
Birthday Bash Piñata has been added to the Birthday Boutique. If today is your birthday, this was already set to claim at 12am FVT.
Don't forget, you will get a FREE Piñata throughout 2022 when logging in on your birthday, as well as 20% off of anything in the Birthday Boutique. You must log in on your Birthday to receive this gift.
Happy New Year!
All the Haunted Couture Fashion Show Winners have been drawn and received their prizes! -MOD-Thaleia
Diamond Fox Totem How-To has been adjusted and should now be craftable. All fox totems are now available to discover in more ways, in addition to their current locations.
Rainbow Beach Ball of DOOM now correctly requires level 16.
There is an error that occurs while joining the event if you have never set an active villager (who is assigned a your boat’s captain). I will need to write a script to check and remind players set an active villager if they have not done so.
In the meantime if you encounter any new players that are having issues joining the event please kindly remind them they need to set a villager as active.
I'll be slowly fixing streaks in batches. Anyone who had their streak GREATER THAN 500 on 9/13/21 have been checked and any that were lost have been added back.
Go ahead and file a report if you think you fall in this category and your streak wasn't corrected properly.
Our service provider experienced a hardware failure on the drive containing our databases which led to the site going down for several hours. The databases were moved to a new drive. We appear to be back online, good as new. Please let us know via report or bug report forum if you discover any new issues. Thank you!
Octavia seems to be a little confused and accidentally opened up last year's Oceandome festival shop, any attempt to get her to close it again has not yet been successful as she insists it's festival time, please bear with us as we try to figure out how to close the shop. -MOD-Thaleia
Custom stall name will now allow apostrophes.
Stallkeeper text should now only allow numbers, letters, and "normal" sentence punctuation, including the following:
! . , ? " '
All other special characters will produce an error message. Let me know if you find the code is not behaving as intended!
A bug that was causing rollovers to be missed has been fixed. I manually ran a career rollover at 9:45 PM FV time so you should still have time to squeeze in your hourly tasks from the past hour. At 10 PM it should rollover again. Please let me know if there continues to be issues.
Increased Royal Coin drop rate a bit.
When the tourney icons in the header bar light up green (indicating a warrior is in the queue), clicking it should now take you straight to your warrior's corresponding tourney page. This of course will only occur if you have a warrior registered in the tourney.
Otherwise, it will take you to the tourney's main front page.
Note: I made a typo with the first change log and have reposted it, so you may be seeing an alert for both.
If you've redeemed your code for the Grande Melee chest and it is still asleep, it should wake up shortly. All codes redeemed now should have an awake chest.
Strength increased to 8 from 0. Endurance increased to 20 from 10.
Grande Melee Cloak
Increases all stats by 10, instead of just endurance.
Grande Melee Ring
Increases all resistances by 300.
A new openable, Sack O' The Secret Ingredient, is available now in the Fair Exchange and FurDollar Emporium. This openable contains 10 jars of The Secret Ingredient (and maybe a worm).
When searching for items in the Item Museum or the Stalls via search tags, selecting multiple tags will now filter the results by only returning items that have ALL the selected tags.
Clinic update:
In the header bar there is now a indicator icon that will turn yellow if any new patients have spawned in the past 10 minutes. Hovering over it will tell you how many new patients there are. This icon is purely informational and it does not link to anywhere. This is because not every player has a doctor and you can have multiple doctors, so you'll still need to access your doctor(s)' Clinic(s) the traditional way or via the links on your user profile.
Also, in your user settings, under "Header Bar", you can toggle whether or not you want this icon to appear at all. You can now also do the same for the Serpent Pot icon.
A small update to the clinic. A patient should no longer appear or be treatable by a doctor if an instance of that patient is awaiting discharge in their discharge ward. This should also mean that going forward (once you've discharged any existing duplicates), there should no longer be multiple of the same patient in the discharge area either.
Also, a reminder that the beta test is scheduled to end at the end of May. My intent is for new patients to stop spawning at the end of the month, and I will give a couple day's grace period for you to discharge any undischarged patients. After then, I will purge all undischarged patients, and begin sending players their earned trophies and awards!
The spawning rates for the clinic have been tweaked. It will now occur once again every hour on the hour IN ADDITION TO occurring at semi-random intervals. Though I may adjust the random rates as needed I intend to keep it this way for the rest of the beta. I do not know exactly how things will look when the Clinic is later released in its final form. But for now, it works out to a guaranteed respawn every hourly rollover, with an average of a little more than one additional random respawn an hour. (so on average a little over 2 respawns an hour).
Previously the clinic respawned patients every hour on the hour. This has been changed to occur any random time with a rate of about once an hour (that is just an average rate). What this means is you will not be able to predict when sick patients will rollover.
As a reminder, existing patients that require multiple treatments ignore roll-over and instead disappear whenever they are fully treated.
For Doctors, the page now has the link to the Clinic at the top. The Mix Medicines button remains on the buttom labeled as a Legacy Skill, as we do not intend to utilize that mechanic in the future.
Likewise, for Blacksmiths, the Scrapping link has been moved to the top, while the Repair Equipment button has been categorized as a Legacy Skill.
A few more changes have been made to the icons that appear on your Villagers section on your profile.
- some color changes to status icons - the feast icon links to the villager's feast log - all Blacksmiths have a link that take you to their Scrapper page - all Animal Husbandry have a link that takes you to their Animal Donation page - all Doctors have a link that takes you to their Clinic. This icon will turn green if they have any patients ready for discharge, and will link to their discharge page.
In the villagers section on your player profile page, villagers that are doctors now show a check mark if they have patients ready for discharge. Clicking it will take you directly to their discharge page.
Similarly, the icon designating a warrior registered for the Tourney will link directly to that warrior's Standard Tourney page.
In the Clinic, the Sick Ward will now separate patients that only need one treatment and those that require treatments from multiple doctors before going to Discharge. There have been a few other minor changes to the interface to hopefully make things less confusing. Hovering over most text and images will give you a description, and some have been added. This update involved some background coding changes, so please let me know if you encounter any new bugs! Otherwise, the mechanics of the Clinic is still supposed to work the same as previously.
Serpanana Split Recipe Card now requires 75 mins to craft in order to match the time requirement of Serpent's Cake Recipe Card.
We noticed a new type of ad called "vignette ads" appearing on site today, which are basically pop-ups that occur between load screens.
After investivation this was the result of a form of "Auto-optimization" that Google Ads ran as a test. I deemed the presence of such ads far too invasive and have manually deactivated them.
You may report in the bug report forum if you do notice such ads (or any unusual ads beyond the standard banner type) in the bug report forum.
Most importantly, I can assure you these ads were not the result if any type of mal-ware or change in ad-hosting policy on our part.
Thank you!
The way Warrior EXP bonus buffs stack has been updated to accumulate additively rather than multiplicatively. Thus they will provide EXP bonuses linearly rather than an exponential manner. This was done to prevent the potential for runaway growth in EXP bonuses as additional such buffs become active in the game, for example during the Olde Foxbury Festival. In the future, such bonuses will be referred to in terms like "100% EXP bonus" rather than "double EXP".
As this potentially would have devalued the potential of serpent brews, we have bumped up the bonuses provided by them.
The Serpent's Brew now gives 50% bonus EXP. The Galaxy Serpent's Brew now give 100% bonus EXP. The Mythical Serpent's Brew now gives 150% bonus EXP.
Just as an example, if there is a site-wide 100% EXP bonus from the Olde Foxbury Festival, and you have all three Serpent's Brew buffs, this is the amount of EXP you should get from defeating a monster rewarding 10 base EXP:
10 EXP +
10 * (0.5 + 1 + 1.5 + 1) = 40 BONUS EXP
for a total of 50 EXP.
The logs will now break down how much bonus EXP you got in addition to the base amount.
If anyone notices any inconsistencies with how the EXP is actually tabulated and added to your warriors please let me know in the bug report forums!
Shield Crystals: Greater Air Resist - 190 Air Resist, up from 100. Tremendous Fire Resist - 460 Fire Resist, up from 340. Tremendous Water Resist - 250 Water Resist, up from 170. Note: This crystal has been renamed from 'Shield Crystal: Water' to "Shield Crystal: Tremendous Water Resist' Fusion - 100 Mitigation & 100 Resist All (Now includes Water/Air).
Utility Crystal: Fusion - 50 Mitigation and 50 resist all (now includes new elements).
Icy Antlers now drop rarely in the Abyss, and even more rarely in the Mystic Caves.
Sparkly Sprinkles now drop in Deadly and Deadlier Monsters.
You may notice some crystal names and artwork change over the next few days. This is in preparation for an expansion to crystal crafting, which is planned for a later date.
Year of the Ox Red Envelope is now classified as a keepsake. It provides 1 extra charge to an Explorer.
The winning vistas from the Out of This World Vista Contest have now been put into the Recycling Shop! Apologies for this unusual delay and we thank you all for your patience! ~MOD-Piko
Additional battle buddies have had effects added to them. Also, some of the previous ones have had their images updated to look cleaner.
Remember you can disable battle effects in your User Settings.
Obsidian Greatsword & Faeli's Cursed Amulet have had their silence effects replaced with Eternal Silence; this effect silences as per usual, but cannot be 'replaced' by temporary silence effects.
Two long overdue updates to the Spell books!
-Spell book of Air's damage increased from 130-200 to 275-350 -Spell book of Water's damage increased from 150-200 to 250-320
Every participation prize for the Out of This World contests have been given out. If you believe a mistake was made and you did not receive the right number of prizes, please message the AdminAssistant account.
Prizes for the contest winners are still being sent out. Thank you for your patience! ~MOD-Piko
The site should now show on your browser as being on a secure connection, with all addresses routing to
This may have required you to log back into your account.
Around 35,000 unverified accounts have been permanently banned, which will temporility effect the users online count. For now on such accounts will be purged on a regular basis.
Icy Antlers now drop very rarely in the Legacy Grounds.
Some code has been updated related to battleground graphics. This is a expansion of related updates from the last downtime. No one has yet to report any bugs related to this, but please be on the lookout as there were additional changes today.
What you should notice as a player is nothing different. However, there was a single addition since the event started that was previously unannounced:
The Dapper Chicken Battle Buddy will appear on the battlefield with your warrior (or with your opponent in PVP) if equipped. Where they appear is determined by which of the 3 weapon slots they are equipped to. It is possible to have more than one.
If you do not wish to see this effect, there is an option to "Hide Battle Effects" in your account settings. Checking this will also hide any future similar effects. Note that the Dapper Chicken is currently the only such element in the game, and will remain that way for the immediate future as we continue to look for bugs and other issues.
The "loot" tag as been audited with a script. It should now tag any item that is droppable from a battleground that is currently active.
Several changes concerning battlegrounds have been made in preparation for upcoming site content:
- Lissar and Talois have been removed from Deadlier Monsters and placed in the Legacy battleground.
- The Deadlier Monsters battleground now yields slightly less Furcoins upon victory.
- Monsters throughout all battlegrounds have been resized and turned to face you in battle. Some of the more powerful versions of these monsters have been recolored. Skittering Monsters weak creatures have also been recolored.
- Mimic has been removed from the Legacy battleground and placed in Deadly Monsters at a very rare spawn rate.
- Corrupted Spire, Beta Drone, and Industrial Wraith have been moved from the Abyss to Deadly Monsters.
More small tweaks to monster graphics may happen over the next several days. You may need to hard refresh (cntrl+F5) several times to see some of these changes, our apologies for the dust!
We are currently working on tweaking some monster graphics - they may display a little wacky for a bit!
Issues with the Repair Kit and Gold Repair Kit have been addressed:
- The Repair Kit can only repair houses that are not destroyed, as they no longer have a maximum durability. Destroyed houses will thus need to be replaced. However, note that houses currently no longer degrade (a change that was made long ago). The description for the item has been updated.
- For both repair kits, it should now correctly produce an error message if there is nothing that qualifies to be repaired, and it should not consume the repair kit.
As always please let me know if you notice any related errors!
A few villagers career pages would crash if they were set to the Warrior career. This was due to having a specific item (Spooky Scary Mousey Doll) equipped in the utility equipment slot when it had briefly been assigned as an equipment in the past. These equips were manually removed from these villagers, and the item reimbursed to the affected players. There were 5 such villagers. Please let us know if you have any other issues viewing your warriors' career pages.
Trivia prizes have been awarded to the winners and runner ups.
Birthday Bash Piñata has been added to the Birthday Boutique. If today is your birthday, this was already set to claim at 12am FVT.
Don't forget, you will get a FREE Piñata throughout 2022 when logging in on your birthday, as well as 20% off of anything in the Birthday Boutique. You must log in on your Birthday to receive this gift.
Happy New Year!
All the Haunted Couture Fashion Show Winners have been drawn and received their prizes!
Diamond Fox Totem How-To has been adjusted and should now be craftable. All fox totems are now available to discover in more ways, in addition to their current locations.
Rainbow Beach Ball of DOOM now correctly requires level 16.
There is an error that occurs while joining the event if you have never set an active villager (who is assigned a your boat’s captain). I will need to write a script to check and remind players set an active villager if they have not done so.
In the meantime if you encounter any new players that are having issues joining the event please kindly remind them they need to set a villager as active.
I'll be slowly fixing streaks in batches. Anyone who had their streak GREATER THAN 500 on 9/13/21 have been checked and any that were lost have been added back.
Go ahead and file a report if you think you fall in this category and your streak wasn't corrected properly.
Our service provider experienced a hardware failure on the drive containing our databases which led to the site going down for several hours. The databases were moved to a new drive. We appear to be back online, good as new. Please let us know via report or bug report forum if you discover any new issues. Thank you!
Octavia seems to be a little confused and accidentally opened up last year's Oceandome festival shop, any attempt to get her to close it again has not yet been successful as she insists it's festival time, please bear with us as we try to figure out how to close the shop.
Custom stall name will now allow apostrophes.
Stallkeeper text should now only allow numbers, letters, and "normal" sentence punctuation, including the following:
! . , ? " '
All other special characters will produce an error message. Let me know if you find the code is not behaving as intended!
A bug that was causing rollovers to be missed has been fixed. I manually ran a career rollover at 9:45 PM FV time so you should still have time to squeeze in your hourly tasks from the past hour. At 10 PM it should rollover again. Please let me know if there continues to be issues.
Increased Royal Coin drop rate a bit.
When the tourney icons in the header bar light up green (indicating a warrior is in the queue), clicking it should now take you straight to your warrior's corresponding tourney page. This of course will only occur if you have a warrior registered in the tourney.
Otherwise, it will take you to the tourney's main front page.
Note: I made a typo with the first change log and have reposted it, so you may be seeing an alert for both.
If you've redeemed your code for the Grande Melee chest and it is still asleep, it should wake up shortly. All codes redeemed now should have an awake chest.
Oozy Goo Chibi Shifty Paintie Contest!
Grande Melee Armour
Strength increased to 8 from 0.
Endurance increased to 20 from 10.
Grande Melee Cloak
Increases all stats by 10, instead of just endurance.
Grande Melee Ring
Increases all resistances by 300.
A new openable, Sack O' The Secret Ingredient, is available now in the Fair Exchange and FurDollar Emporium. This openable contains 10 jars of The Secret Ingredient (and maybe a worm).
When searching for items in the Item Museum or the Stalls via search tags, selecting multiple tags will now filter the results by only returning items that have ALL the selected tags.
Clinic update:
In the header bar there is now a indicator icon that will turn yellow if any new patients have spawned in the past 10 minutes. Hovering over it will tell you how many new patients there are. This icon is purely informational and it does not link to anywhere. This is because not every player has a doctor and you can have multiple doctors, so you'll still need to access your doctor(s)' Clinic(s) the traditional way or via the links on your user profile.
Also, in your user settings, under "Header Bar", you can toggle whether or not you want this icon to appear at all. You can now also do the same for the Serpent Pot icon.
A small update to the clinic. A patient should no longer appear or be treatable by a doctor if an instance of that patient is awaiting discharge in their discharge ward. This should also mean that going forward (once you've discharged any existing duplicates), there should no longer be multiple of the same patient in the discharge area either.
Also, a reminder that the beta test is scheduled to end at the end of May. My intent is for new patients to stop spawning at the end of the month, and I will give a couple day's grace period for you to discharge any undischarged patients. After then, I will purge all undischarged patients, and begin sending players their earned trophies and awards!
The spawning rates for the clinic have been tweaked. It will now occur once again every hour on the hour IN ADDITION TO occurring at semi-random intervals. Though I may adjust the random rates as needed I intend to keep it this way for the rest of the beta. I do not know exactly how things will look when the Clinic is later released in its final form. But for now, it works out to a guaranteed respawn every hourly rollover, with an average of a little more than one additional random respawn an hour. (so on average a little over 2 respawns an hour).
Previously the clinic respawned patients every hour on the hour. This has been changed to occur any random time with a rate of about once an hour (that is just an average rate). What this means is you will not be able to predict when sick patients will rollover.
As a reminder, existing patients that require multiple treatments ignore roll-over and instead disappear whenever they are fully treated.
For Doctors, the page now has the link to the Clinic at the top. The Mix Medicines button remains on the buttom labeled as a Legacy Skill, as we do not intend to utilize that mechanic in the future.
Likewise, for Blacksmiths, the Scrapping link has been moved to the top, while the Repair Equipment button has been categorized as a Legacy Skill.
A few more changes have been made to the icons that appear on your Villagers section on your profile.
- some color changes to status icons
- the feast icon links to the villager's feast log
- all Blacksmiths have a link that take you to their Scrapper page
- all Animal Husbandry have a link that takes you to their Animal Donation page
- all Doctors have a link that takes you to their Clinic. This icon will turn green if they have any patients ready for discharge, and will link to their discharge page.
In the villagers section on your player profile page, villagers that are doctors now show a check mark if they have patients ready for discharge. Clicking it will take you directly to their discharge page.
Similarly, the icon designating a warrior registered for the Tourney will link directly to that warrior's Standard Tourney page.
In the Clinic, the Sick Ward will now separate patients that only need one treatment and those that require treatments from multiple doctors before going to Discharge. There have been a few other minor changes to the interface to hopefully make things less confusing. Hovering over most text and images will give you a description, and some have been added. This update involved some background coding changes, so please let me know if you encounter any new bugs! Otherwise, the mechanics of the Clinic is still supposed to work the same as previously.
Serpanana Split Recipe Card now requires 75 mins to craft in order to match the time requirement of Serpent's Cake Recipe Card.
We noticed a new type of ad called "vignette ads" appearing on site today, which are basically pop-ups that occur between load screens.
After investivation this was the result of a form of "Auto-optimization" that Google Ads ran as a test. I deemed the presence of such ads far too invasive and have manually deactivated them.
You may report in the bug report forum if you do notice such ads (or any unusual ads beyond the standard banner type) in the bug report forum.
Most importantly, I can assure you these ads were not the result if any type of mal-ware or change in ad-hosting policy on our part.
Thank you!
The way Warrior EXP bonus buffs stack has been updated to accumulate additively rather than multiplicatively. Thus they will provide EXP bonuses linearly rather than an exponential manner. This was done to prevent the potential for runaway growth in EXP bonuses as additional such buffs become active in the game, for example during the Olde Foxbury Festival. In the future, such bonuses will be referred to in terms like "100% EXP bonus" rather than "double EXP".
As this potentially would have devalued the potential of serpent brews, we have bumped up the bonuses provided by them.
The Serpent's Brew now gives 50% bonus EXP.
The Galaxy Serpent's Brew now give 100% bonus EXP.
The Mythical Serpent's Brew now gives 150% bonus EXP.
Just as an example, if there is a site-wide 100% EXP bonus from the Olde Foxbury Festival, and you have all three Serpent's Brew buffs, this is the amount of EXP you should get from defeating a monster rewarding 10 base EXP:
10 EXP +
10 * (0.5 + 1 + 1.5 + 1) = 40 BONUS EXP
for a total of 50 EXP.
The logs will now break down how much bonus EXP you got in addition to the base amount.
If anyone notices any inconsistencies with how the EXP is actually tabulated and added to your warriors please let me know in the bug report forums!
A new Questionable Quiztacular has begun! Go check out the thread! The first question can be found here:
Official contests have now gone live! Make sure to check them out!
Explorers of Quetzal Palace will find their friendly neighborhood shopkeep has had a bit of a makeover, just in time for tomorrow's festival.
Two new Knowledge Base articles have been made! Go check them out:
Upgrading Equipment
Crystal List and Odds
A couple quick changes regarding some crystals:
Shield Crystals:
Greater Air Resist - 190 Air Resist, up from 100.
Tremendous Fire Resist - 460 Fire Resist, up from 340.
Tremendous Water Resist - 250 Water Resist, up from 170.
Note: This crystal has been renamed from 'Shield Crystal: Water' to "Shield Crystal: Tremendous Water Resist'
Fusion - 100 Mitigation & 100 Resist All (Now includes Water/Air).
Utility Crystal:
Fusion - 50 Mitigation and 50 resist all (now includes new elements).
Icy Antlers now drop rarely in the Abyss, and even more rarely in the Mystic Caves.
Sparkly Sprinkles now drop in Deadly and Deadlier Monsters.
You may notice some crystal names and artwork change over the next few days. This is in preparation for an expansion to crystal crafting, which is planned for a later date.
Year of the Ox Red Envelope is now classified as a keepsake. It provides 1 extra charge to an Explorer.
The winning vistas from the Out of This World Vista Contest have now been put into the Recycling Shop! Apologies for this unusual delay and we thank you all for your patience! ~MOD-Piko
Additional battle buddies have had effects added to them. Also, some of the previous ones have had their images updated to look cleaner.
Remember you can disable battle effects in your User Settings.
Obsidian Greatsword & Faeli's Cursed Amulet have had their silence effects replaced with Eternal Silence; this effect silences as per usual, but cannot be 'replaced' by temporary silence effects.
Two long overdue updates to the Spell books!
-Spell book of Air's damage increased from 130-200 to 275-350
-Spell book of Water's damage increased from 150-200 to 250-320
Every participation prize for the Out of This World contests have been given out. If you believe a mistake was made and you did not receive the right number of prizes, please message the AdminAssistant account.
Prizes for the contest winners are still being sent out. Thank you for your patience!
The site should now show on your browser as being on a secure connection, with all addresses routing to
This may have required you to log back into your account.
Around 35,000 unverified accounts have been permanently banned, which will temporility effect the users online count. For now on such accounts will be purged on a regular basis.
Icy Antlers now drop very rarely in the Legacy Grounds.
Some code has been updated related to battleground graphics. This is a expansion of related updates from the last downtime. No one has yet to report any bugs related to this, but please be on the lookout as there were additional changes today.
What you should notice as a player is nothing different. However, there was a single addition since the event started that was previously unannounced:
The Dapper Chicken Battle Buddy will appear on the battlefield with your warrior (or with your opponent in PVP) if equipped. Where they appear is determined by which of the 3 weapon slots they are equipped to. It is possible to have more than one.
If you do not wish to see this effect, there is an option to "Hide Battle Effects" in your account settings. Checking this will also hide any future similar effects. Note that the Dapper Chicken is currently the only such element in the game, and will remain that way for the immediate future as we continue to look for bugs and other issues.
Please let me know if you notice any issues!