It has been decided that in addition to the villager trophy your warrior can collect for participating in the Standard Tourney, BOTH the Standard and Free-for-All tournies will also award you with an openable prize bag, called the "Big Bag o' Prizes".
This prize be awarded at the end of all future tournies, including the ones about to end on the 15th. The prize bag can be earned in both bi-weekly tournies, so you can thus earn as many as 4 prize bags a month.
The prize bags will generally contain some useful crafting reagents useful for the warrior career, with a small chance for something rare. Nothing in the bag is an item that cannot be obtained elsewhere on the site, however, so no worries about potentially missing out on an exclusive item.
Prizes for both tournies will be redeemable from their respective prize logs:
To serve as a reminder, you will now receive an automatic notification when a Tourney you participated in is complete, with a link to your earned prizes.
Remember, you will still be eligible for a prize in this current tourney so you have a little over a day to get your 10 battles in!
The following items can no longer be used in standard PvP battles:
- Most "Lance" items, excluding the unicorn lance. - Frost Spike Amulet - Prideful Peacock Foil
Prideful Peacock Foil no longer incorrectly generates with the maximum number of sockets (but is still likely to come with many sockets).
Some minor text and graphic additions to the Standard and Free-for-All Tourney pages and their prize log pages have been made to clarify Valor Points per PVE battle and PVP duel, and to reflect the VP increases from previous tourneys. Note that 10 duels are required in either tourneys to achieve a ranking. Also, only the Standard Tourney will reward a participation trophy at the end of the tourney. This will be a villager trophy. The Free-for-All will no longer reward an end-of-tourney VP prize.
Threads have been created and stickied in the Off Topic Discussion, Off Topic Discussion (18+), and Advice Chat forums that contain a form for asking for resources regarding medical issues and wildlife. From now on it is strictly forbidden to directly ask Furvilla users for medical or wildlife advice or provide advice yourself. Please read the thread for more information. -MOD-Thaleia
The following items can no longer be used in standard PvP battles:
A new Pride Vista Contest is being hosted in the Official Contests forum! Make sure to check it out! -MOD-Thaleia
The Tourney Shop is now stocked and open! Both new and legacy items have been added! Many prices have been adjusted.
The following battlegrounds have been merged into a new battleground, the "Legacy Grounds":
Novice Sparring Grounds The Minor Frost Ring Stormy Peaks Lone Wolves The Frost Ring Owl Conclave The Pride's Desert Challengers Dire Wolves Intermediate Sparring Grounds Owl Council Alpha Wolves
Carcetus, Noble Wanderer - Now drops 6 Fizzle Fluff, up from 2. - Now has a 0.75% chance to drop Ring of Curses: Guile - Now has a 0.75% chance to drop Ring of Curses: Wisdom
Esper, the Untouchable - Now drops 9 Fizzle Fluff, up from 3. - Now has a 0.75% chance to drop Lightning Blast Amulet - Now has a 0.75% chance to drop Lightning Storm Amulet - Now has a 0.75% chance to drop Lifeforce Lightning Amulet
Wyllow - Now drops 9 Fizzle Fluff, up from 3. - Now has a 0.75% chance to drop Spell Siphon Amulet. - Now has a 0.75% chance to drop Diminish Amulet - Now has a 0.75% chance to drop Sudden Shock Amulet
These three enemies appear 3/2/2% of the time in the Legacy Grounds.
Blessing of the Storm has been added to the Valour Point shop for 500 points. Fizzle Fluff can now be purchased from the Valour Point shop for 50 points.
Arnoth, Fusith, Lycanthrope and Pumpkin (Owls Conclave) have had their stats drastically reduced.
All owls now drop an Owl Feather 1.2% of the time.
Feathery Designs has been added to the Valour Point shop for 220 points. Owl Feather can now be purchased from the Valour Point shop for 2100 points.
Drops rates are otherwise maintained by their specific NPCs. Pending feedback, we may adjust the stats downwards for higher tiered enemies, and upwards for weaker ones to noramlise the difficulty for the battleground.
Currently, the following monsters have an increased appearance rate (2% in lieu of 1%):
There is a 5% chance you'll run into a mimic instead of a normal enemy.
Oasis water drops doubled.
Universal Drops:
0.04%: Mystery Kitsune Bag
0.05%: Frost Elemental Drax Flame Heart Elemental Drax Dark Orchid Mystic Kitsune Star Guardian Mystic Kitsune
100%: 1-4 Chocolate Candycorn 10-60 FurCash Super Sky Rock
Super Sky Rock is now common & has no inherent function.
- Wandering Monsters I and Wandering Monsters II have been condensed and renamed to Skittering Monsters.
- Wandering Monsters III and Wandering Monsters IV have been condensed and renamed to Wandering Monsters.
- Deadly Monsters has had its drop rates increased and item pool expanded.
- Abyss now requires 3 charges to enter, but has had its drop rates increased and item pool expanded. Village specific items and cooking ingredients have been removed.
- Deadlier Monsters has had its drop rates increased and item pool expanded.
The following battlegrounds will be going offline for a little bit shortly after midnight for a little spring cleaning and drop rate adjustment.
Wandering Monsters I Wandering Monsters II Wandering Monsters III Wandering Monsters IV Deadly Monsters Abyss Deadlier Monsters
We will have them back up and running asap!
A quick buff to the Unicorn Lance:
- It now has 3 charges, up from 2. - It now provides 12 endurance, up from 6. - It now provides 170 to all resistances, up from 100. - It now provides 1 agility, up from 0.
Reminder: the Serpent Festival will close at 11:59 tonight!
- You will no longer be able to give offerings to the Serpent - Festival-themed battlegrounds will no longer be available - The Mysterious Pink Supply Sack will no longer be available from the Cottage Shop - The festival's stone explore event will end - Serpent's cake recipe will have its crafting time increased to balance it with other food recipes - Earthen Slabs will revert to uncommon rarity - Bashful Blossoms will revert to rare rarity
The Gala shop will remain open until the end of the day on April 20th.
- This year's festival-themed pets will be able to breed until April 20th - 100 breeding turns per account will remain in effect until the end of the day on April 20th - You may convert feathers to points until the shop closes - Please remember to spend those points before the shop closes, as Serpent Festival points do not carry over from year to year
If you participated in this year's event, be sure to claim your trophy from the Gala before it closes on April 20th!
You can now search by item rarity in the item museum and stalls. You can also specifically search for animals by species rarity and/or color rarity.
As always, please report any discovered bugs in the bug report forum!
Some small changes. Please let me know if the bug report forum if you notice any related problems!
CAREER LOGS AND ACHIEVEMENTS - only staff or owner of a villager can now view a villager's career logs - anyone can see a villager's career achievements, but only their owner sees the "Claim Achievement" buttons
SCRAPPING ANIMALS - when scrapping equipment, if it happens to also be an animal (such as Battle Moo), the scrap results will now correctly be based on its species rarity, not its color rarity. Like all equipment, it will prompt you if it is Limited rarity
The Quetzal Friends Stone explore event now should appear more often when exploring. You are also a bit more likely to get a stone from your chosen path.
Earthen Slabs and Bashful Blossoms are now classified as common items, which should cause them to drop more often when exploring. This classification may revert after the festival concludes.
White Fabric and Dynamite are now 25 furgems in the recycling shop, down from 70 and 75 respectively.
Shamrocks are now always worth 25 furgems when recycled, whether they are currently dropping or not. Reminder - Shamrocks will continue to drop until the end of March 31st.
All festival bosses have had their core stats drastically reduced.
Serpent Statue of Wind now has considerably less stats, but slightly more health.
Some changes to the Villagers list from player profile page: - villager info should no longer overlap if they have names several lines long - icons marking villagers that have pets, or are participating in this month's Tourney and/or Feast appear below villager names. This is mostly information previously only visible in the "Villagers" tab - clicking on the career title below villagers now links you directly to their career page
Misc minor aesthetic changes: - Bananny Candy Recipe slot in the kitchen shop no longer looks ridiculous - various shops should all have item slots that are of consistent size
As always, please let me know in bug report forum if any of these changes have caused bugs!
Owls & Wolves are now available.
Scrapping odds have been slightly tweaked to drop more loot.
Reminder! The Oracle Valentine's Day explore event will end at midnight FVT tonight.
Little Pink Birthday Items and Magic Pisces Sticker are all now available in the Fur Dollar Emporium!
Frost Ring & Stormy Peaks are now available. The Pride's Desert & Challenger battlegrounds remain open as well.
Within battle, the "Flee" button has been moved up to the same horizontal level as the "Pass" button.
The Pride's Desert & Challengers are now available.
The Sparring Grounds & Owl battlegrounds are no longer available.
Kitten Form Ring can now be found in Deadly Monsters, Deadlier Monsters and the Abyss. Light Plate Armour can now be found in Deadly Monsters.
Wolves & Stormy Peaks are no longer available. Owls & Sparring Grounds are now available.
As of this posting, no new custom orders will be accepted, and custom orders are closed. We are diverting Mod-Shroomy's artistic talents to larger site projects.
All currently accepted orders will be fulfilled. Should customs open again, we will make an announcement.
Thank you!
All festival explore events and the related battlegrounds decided to stick around a little bit longer than the extension. They are now no longer active. Thank you for enjoying the festival!
Armor Crystal: Frost / Lightning / Dark can be found as *bonus* items when crafting armour crystals. (1% each).
Armour Crystal Template now requires 500 Rusted Steel and 50 Silver Wrist Hooks, down from 680 / 60.
Weapon Crystal: Piercing Light can be found as a *bonus* item when crafting weapon crystals. (1% chance).
Weapon Crystal Template now requires 700 Rusted Steel and 95 Silver Wrist Hooks, down from 960 / 128.
It now takes 220 minutes to craft this crystal recipe, down from 360 minutes.
Ring Crystal: Piercing Light can be found as a *bonus* item when crafting ring crystals (1% chance).
Ring Crystal Template now requires 470 Rusted Steel and 70 Silver Wrist hooks, down from 600 / 90.
It now takes 160 minutes to craft this crystal recipe, down from 320 minutes.
Utility & Shield crystal recipes remain unchanged at this time.
Please note that these crystals added as bonus chances will be available very rarely during temporary events in the future.
We've lost track of our Secret Spiders. I don't know what to tell you.
Air Assault Amulet & Water Strike Amulet can be purchased from The Fair Exchange for 100,000 FurCash.
Simple Robes can now be crafted by Tailors from Simple Robes Schema, which may be found in all Wandering Monsters battlegrounds.
The site's internal cache as been flushed. Hopefully this has fixed the various minor issues players have noticed after we came back online, such as name, number, and graphical inconsistencies, and possibly sporadic issues with the maintenance market and block lists.
Food / Stones drop half as often in King's Parlour
"Wild Wisteria" has changed: It now deals 240 - 550 Lightning damage and reduces the dark resistance of your opponent by 600 for 4 rounds.
The Frost Ring / Challenger battlegrounds are no longer available; Wolves & Stormy Peaks are now available.
Elemental Wand Schema has been added to the Fair Exchange for 2500 FC.
The following recipes are now sold at The Fair Exchange for 1000 FC each: - Iron Heater Shield Schema - Iron Buckler Schema - Comfortable Clothing Schema - Standard Leather Armour Schema - Iron Plate Armour Schema - Basic Robes Schema
-- Item & Recipe Changes --
Iron Heater Shield: - Now provides 2 END, and 80 Mitigation (up from 40). - No longer requires a Silver Anvil to craft.
Iron Buckler: - Now provides 4 END. - No longer requires a Silver Anvil to craft.
Iron Plate Armour: - No longer requires a Silver Anvil to craft.
Steel Heater Shield: - Now provides 3 END, 110 Mitigation (up from 60), 50 Fire & Frost resist (up from 15) - No longer requires a Gold Anvil to craft.
Superior Heater Shield: - Now provides 6 END (up from 1), 170 Mitigation (up from 13), 70 Fire & Frost Resist (up from 40).
Steel Buckler: - Now provides 6 END and SPD.
Flawless Steel Buckler: - Now provides 6 END and SPD.
Steel Plate Armour: - Now reduces Agility & Speed by 4 (up from 1). - Now increases STR by 2 (up from 1). - Now increases END by 11 (up from 6). - Now increases Mitigation by 370 (up from 320) - Now increases Fire & Frost Resist by 110 (up from 30). - Now reduces Lightning resist by 200 (down from 150). - All materials required for this recipe have been halved.
Perfected Steel Plate Armour: - Now reduces Agility & Speed by 2. - Now increases STR by 3 (up from 1). - Now increases END by 14 (up from 10). - Now increases Fire & Frost resist by 110 (up from 30).
Comfortable Clothing: - All categories of resistance have increased by 100. - Now provides 6 AGI, up from 2. - Now reduces STR by 2. (To off-set the damage bonus from the agility). - No longer requires a Silver Anvil to craft (I mean, really?)
Reinforced Clothing: - Per above, all categories of resistance have increased by 100. - Now provides 7 AGI, up from 3. - Now reduces STR by 2. - Now increases SPD by 4 (up from 1). - No longer requires a Gold Anvil.
Standard Leather Armour: - Now provides 4 END, up from 1.
Reinforced Leather Armour: - Now provides 5 END, up from 2.
Improved Reinforced Leather Armour: - Now provides 8 END, up from 4.
Basic Robes: - All resistances increased by 50. - Now provides 2 END.
Robes: - All resistances increased by 70. - Now provides 3 END. - No longer requires a Gold Anvil to craft.
Quality Robes: - Now provides 6 END, up from 3. - Water & Air Resist doubled.
Steel Mace, Greatsword, Axe & Hammer: - All provide an additional point of STR.
-- Other Changes --
Feathered Dagger now deals 1 - 800 Lightning damage (was 50 - 400). - It also has a new description!
Shield of Discourse - Now provides an additional AGI, STR and SPD. - All resistances, excluding dark, increased by 60. - Mitigation increased by 40. Ability Replaced with a new experimental move, "Confusion".
Sword of Discourse - All damage types increased by 20 (min/max), excluding physical. - Now deals Water & Air damage. - Now has a 25% chance to apply "Flow" to the user. - Now has a 25% chance to apply "Debris" to the enemy.
Chocolate Candycorn now restores 2000 HP, up from 1500.
Bessie's Fun House has been disabled.
The "Basic Robes Schema" now drops more frequently in WM 1/2/3, with the highest overall drop rate in WM1.
Modling no longer uses Take Out The Trash. (This only applies to the monster.)
Anniversary boxes now drop 5% of the time from Wandering / Deadly / Abyss battlegrounds, up from 3-3.5%.
Additionally, Deadlier Monsters now has a 25% chance to drop an anniversary box, up from 3.5% (Matching Furvilla's Folly).
Protection Ring of Tempest has been updated to have an ability: Heals the user for 500 health that scales with intelligence, and adds protective stats depending on how many of Tempest's equipment you have equipped.
As mentioned in the bug report forum, the feast failed to roll-over at midnight as it should have. I suspect it was related to conflict with other automated site actions also occurring at the same time. Feast rollover was thus rescheduled to 02:45. All participants should have received notifications and their feast prizes for November.
Going forward, feast roll-over will occur a few minutes delayed, 5 minutes after midnight on the first of each month.
Battlegrounds have rotated!
- Animal Husbandry: from within stables and the breeding selection screen, animals now show tags for their color and species rarities. Just like in the menagerie, the left tag corresponds to the color rarity, and the right tag the species rarity. "Super Rare" tags appear in orange.
- elements in the career pages for Animal Husbandry and Herbalists have be shifted around just a little bit.
When viewing animal info in the museum and inventory, it now gives information for the animal's species and the rarity of its color.
As always, please report any noticed bugs or inaccuracies!
When viewing equipment info (either via Item Museum, or clicking an equipment within Inventory or a warrior's Equipment Selection), you should now be able to see a stat for "Passive Effects", if an equipment has any.
Passive Effects are effects that automatically occur during battle by carrying that equipment, even if you don't use the equipment during battle.
You will see the Passive Effect's corresponding icon, name, description, odds, and occurrence rate. Note that "instant" means it occurs only once at the beginning. Also indicated is the target (green if targets one's self, orange if it targets one's opponent).
PLEASE NOTE: Ability-triggered effects (such as the "Lacerated" effect resulting from the "Maul" ability) are not shown. These kind of effects should instead be described within the ability's description.
Please report any noticed missing or incorrect information!
Vial of Obsidian Dye recipe is now obtainable in your village's Alchemy shop.
Earthen Slab now drops in all villages while exploring.
Accidentally, Intermediate Sparring Grounds cost way to many charges! This has now been corrected.
Battlegrounds have rotated! Owls / Wolves are no longer available; Sparring Grounds & Pride's Desert are now available.
Spookle Berries, Crystallized Blood, Slime Souls and Pumpkin Guts no longer drop from exploring. They will return next year during the Dragonsmaw Manor festival season!
Wooden Hammer & Scythe have had their drop rates doubled in Wandering Monsters.
It has been decided that in addition to the villager trophy your warrior can collect for participating in the Standard Tourney, BOTH the Standard and Free-for-All tournies will also award you with an openable prize bag, called the "Big Bag o' Prizes".
This prize be awarded at the end of all future tournies, including the ones about to end on the 15th. The prize bag can be earned in both bi-weekly tournies, so you can thus earn as many as 4 prize bags a month.
The prize bags will generally contain some useful crafting reagents useful for the warrior career, with a small chance for something rare. Nothing in the bag is an item that cannot be obtained elsewhere on the site, however, so no worries about potentially missing out on an exclusive item.
Prizes for both tournies will be redeemable from their respective prize logs:
To serve as a reminder, you will now receive an automatic notification when a Tourney you participated in is complete, with a link to your earned prizes.
Remember, you will still be eligible for a prize in this current tourney so you have a little over a day to get your 10 battles in!
The following items can no longer be used in standard PvP battles:
- Most "Lance" items, excluding the unicorn lance.
- Frost Spike Amulet
- Prideful Peacock Foil
Prideful Peacock Foil no longer incorrectly generates with the maximum number of sockets (but is still likely to come with many sockets).
Some minor text and graphic additions to the Standard and Free-for-All Tourney pages and their prize log pages have been made to clarify Valor Points per PVE battle and PVP duel, and to reflect the VP increases from previous tourneys. Note that 10 duels are required in either tourneys to achieve a ranking. Also, only the Standard Tourney will reward a participation trophy at the end of the tourney. This will be a villager trophy. The Free-for-All will no longer reward an end-of-tourney VP prize.
Threads have been created and stickied in the Off Topic Discussion, Off Topic Discussion (18+), and Advice Chat forums that contain a form for asking for resources regarding medical issues and wildlife. From now on it is strictly forbidden to directly ask Furvilla users for medical or wildlife advice or provide advice yourself. Please read the thread for more information.
The following items can no longer be used in standard PvP battles:
Faeli's Cursed Amulet
Festive Sword
Kitsune Spirit Shield
Kitsune Spirit Amulet
The Legend's Armour
A new Pride Vista Contest is being hosted in the Official Contests forum! Make sure to check it out!
The Tourney Shop is now stocked and open! Both new and legacy items have been added! Many prices have been adjusted.
The following battlegrounds have been merged into a new battleground, the "Legacy Grounds":
Novice Sparring Grounds
The Minor Frost Ring
Stormy Peaks
Lone Wolves
The Frost Ring
Owl Conclave
The Pride's Desert
Dire Wolves
Intermediate Sparring Grounds
Owl Council
Alpha Wolves
Carcetus, Noble Wanderer
- Now drops 6 Fizzle Fluff, up from 2.
- Now has a 0.75% chance to drop Ring of Curses: Guile
- Now has a 0.75% chance to drop Ring of Curses: Wisdom
Esper, the Untouchable
- Now drops 9 Fizzle Fluff, up from 3.
- Now has a 0.75% chance to drop Lightning Blast Amulet
- Now has a 0.75% chance to drop Lightning Storm Amulet
- Now has a 0.75% chance to drop Lifeforce Lightning Amulet
- Now drops 9 Fizzle Fluff, up from 3.
- Now has a 0.75% chance to drop Spell Siphon Amulet.
- Now has a 0.75% chance to drop Diminish Amulet
- Now has a 0.75% chance to drop Sudden Shock Amulet
These three enemies appear 3/2/2% of the time in the Legacy Grounds.
Blessing of the Storm has been added to the Valour Point shop for 500 points.
Fizzle Fluff can now be purchased from the Valour Point shop for 50 points.
Arnoth, Fusith, Lycanthrope and Pumpkin (Owls Conclave) have had their stats drastically reduced.
All owls now drop an Owl Feather 1.2% of the time.
Feathery Designs has been added to the Valour Point shop for 220 points.
Owl Feather can now be purchased from the Valour Point shop for 2100 points.
Drops rates are otherwise maintained by their specific NPCs. Pending feedback, we may adjust the stats downwards for higher tiered enemies, and upwards for weaker ones to noramlise the difficulty for the battleground.
Currently, the following monsters have an increased appearance rate (2% in lieu of 1%):
Rowan, Thatcher, Kyla, Emma, Moonlight, Luci, Sophie, Peaches, Siru, Siobahn.
There is a 5% chance you'll run into a mimic instead of a normal enemy.
Oasis water drops doubled.
Universal Drops:
Mystery Kitsune Bag
Frost Elemental Drax
Flame Heart Elemental Drax
Dark Orchid Mystic Kitsune
Star Guardian Mystic Kitsune
1-4 Chocolate Candycorn
10-60 FurCash
Super Sky Rock
Super Sky Rock is now common & has no inherent function.
- Wandering Monsters I and Wandering Monsters II have been condensed and renamed to Skittering Monsters.
- Wandering Monsters III and Wandering Monsters IV have been condensed and renamed to Wandering Monsters.
- Deadly Monsters has had its drop rates increased and item pool expanded.
- Abyss now requires 3 charges to enter, but has had its drop rates increased and item pool expanded. Village specific items and cooking ingredients have been removed.
- Deadlier Monsters has had its drop rates increased and item pool expanded.
The following battlegrounds will be going offline for a little bit shortly after midnight for a little spring cleaning and drop rate adjustment.
Wandering Monsters I
Wandering Monsters II
Wandering Monsters III
Wandering Monsters IV
Deadly Monsters
Deadlier Monsters
We will have them back up and running asap!
A quick buff to the Unicorn Lance:
- It now has 3 charges, up from 2.
- It now provides 12 endurance, up from 6.
- It now provides 170 to all resistances, up from 100.
- It now provides 1 agility, up from 0.
Reminder: the Serpent Festival will close at 11:59 tonight!
- You will no longer be able to give offerings to the Serpent
- Festival-themed battlegrounds will no longer be available
- The Mysterious Pink Supply Sack will no longer be available from the Cottage Shop
- The festival's stone explore event will end
- Serpent's cake recipe will have its crafting time increased to balance it with other food recipes
- Earthen Slabs will revert to uncommon rarity
- Bashful Blossoms will revert to rare rarity
The Gala shop will remain open until the end of the day on April 20th.
- This year's festival-themed pets will be able to breed until April 20th
- 100 breeding turns per account will remain in effect until the end of the day on April 20th
- You may convert feathers to points until the shop closes
- Please remember to spend those points before the shop closes, as Serpent Festival points do not carry over from year to year
If you participated in this year's event, be sure to claim your trophy from the Gala before it closes on April 20th!
You can now search by item rarity in the item museum and stalls. You can also specifically search for animals by species rarity and/or color rarity.
As always, please report any discovered bugs in the bug report forum!
Some small changes. Please let me know if the bug report forum if you notice any related problems!
- only staff or owner of a villager can now view a villager's career logs
- anyone can see a villager's career achievements, but only their owner sees the "Claim Achievement" buttons
- when scrapping equipment, if it happens to also be an animal (such as Battle Moo), the scrap results will now correctly be based on its species rarity, not its color rarity. Like all equipment, it will prompt you if it is Limited rarity
The Quetzal Friends Stone explore event now should appear more often when exploring. You are also a bit more likely to get a stone from your chosen path.
Earthen Slabs and Bashful Blossoms are now classified as common items, which should cause them to drop more often when exploring. This classification may revert after the festival concludes.
White Fabric and Dynamite are now 25 furgems in the recycling shop, down from 70 and 75 respectively.
Shamrocks are now always worth 25 furgems when recycled, whether they are currently dropping or not. Reminder - Shamrocks will continue to drop until the end of March 31st.
All festival bosses have had their core stats drastically reduced.
Serpent Statue of Wind now has considerably less stats, but slightly more health.
Some changes to the Villagers list from player profile page:
- villager info should no longer overlap if they have names several lines long
- icons marking villagers that have pets, or are participating in this month's Tourney and/or Feast appear below villager names. This is mostly information previously only visible in the "Villagers" tab
- clicking on the career title below villagers now links you directly to their career page
Misc minor aesthetic changes:
- Bananny Candy Recipe slot in the kitchen shop no longer looks ridiculous
- various shops should all have item slots that are of consistent size
As always, please let me know in bug report forum if any of these changes have caused bugs!
Owls & Wolves are now available.
Scrapping odds have been slightly tweaked to drop more loot.
Reminder! The Oracle Valentine's Day explore event will end at midnight FVT tonight.
Little Pink Birthday Items and Magic Pisces Sticker are all now available in the Fur Dollar Emporium!
Frost Ring & Stormy Peaks are now available. The Pride's Desert & Challenger battlegrounds remain open as well.
Within battle, the "Flee" button has been moved up to the same horizontal level as the "Pass" button.
The Pride's Desert & Challengers are now available.
The Sparring Grounds & Owl battlegrounds are no longer available.
Kitten Form Ring can now be found in Deadly Monsters, Deadlier Monsters and the Abyss.
Light Plate Armour can now be found in Deadly Monsters.
Wolves & Stormy Peaks are no longer available.
Owls & Sparring Grounds are now available.
As of this posting, no new custom orders will be accepted, and custom orders are closed. We are diverting Mod-Shroomy's artistic talents to larger site projects.
All currently accepted orders will be fulfilled. Should customs open again, we will make an announcement.
Thank you!
All festival explore events and the related battlegrounds decided to stick around a little bit longer than the extension. They are now no longer active. Thank you for enjoying the festival!
Armor Crystal: Frost / Lightning / Dark can be found as *bonus* items when crafting armour crystals. (1% each).
Armour Crystal Template now requires 500 Rusted Steel and 50 Silver Wrist Hooks, down from 680 / 60.
Weapon Crystal: Piercing Light can be found as a *bonus* item when crafting weapon crystals. (1% chance).
Weapon Crystal Template now requires 700 Rusted Steel and 95 Silver Wrist Hooks, down from 960 / 128.
It now takes 220 minutes to craft this crystal recipe, down from 360 minutes.
Ring Crystal: Piercing Light can be found as a *bonus* item when crafting ring crystals (1% chance).
Ring Crystal Template now requires 470 Rusted Steel and 70 Silver Wrist hooks, down from 600 / 90.
It now takes 160 minutes to craft this crystal recipe, down from 320 minutes.
Utility & Shield crystal recipes remain unchanged at this time.
Please note that these crystals added as bonus chances will be available very rarely during temporary events in the future.
We've lost track of our Secret Spiders. I don't know what to tell you.
Air Assault Amulet & Water Strike Amulet can be purchased from The Fair Exchange for 100,000 FurCash.
Simple Robes can now be crafted by Tailors from Simple Robes Schema, which may be found in all Wandering Monsters battlegrounds.
The site's internal cache as been flushed. Hopefully this has fixed the various minor issues players have noticed after we came back online, such as name, number, and graphical inconsistencies, and possibly sporadic issues with the maintenance market and block lists.
Food / Stones drop half as often in King's Parlour
"Wild Wisteria" has changed: It now deals 240 - 550 Lightning damage and reduces the dark resistance of your opponent by 600 for 4 rounds.
The Frost Ring / Challenger battlegrounds are no longer available; Wolves & Stormy Peaks are now available.
Elemental Wand Schema has been added to the Fair Exchange for 2500 FC.
The following recipes are now sold at The Fair Exchange for 1000 FC each:
- Iron Heater Shield Schema
- Iron Buckler Schema
- Comfortable Clothing Schema
- Standard Leather Armour Schema
- Iron Plate Armour Schema
- Basic Robes Schema
-- Item & Recipe Changes --
Iron Heater Shield:
- Now provides 2 END, and 80 Mitigation (up from 40).
- No longer requires a Silver Anvil to craft.
Iron Buckler:
- Now provides 4 END.
- No longer requires a Silver Anvil to craft.
Iron Plate Armour:
- No longer requires a Silver Anvil to craft.
Steel Heater Shield:
- Now provides 3 END, 110 Mitigation (up from 60), 50 Fire & Frost resist (up from 15)
- No longer requires a Gold Anvil to craft.
Superior Heater Shield:
- Now provides 6 END (up from 1), 170 Mitigation (up from 13), 70 Fire & Frost Resist (up from 40).
Steel Buckler:
- Now provides 6 END and SPD.
Flawless Steel Buckler:
- Now provides 6 END and SPD.
Steel Plate Armour:
- Now reduces Agility & Speed by 4 (up from 1).
- Now increases STR by 2 (up from 1).
- Now increases END by 11 (up from 6).
- Now increases Mitigation by 370 (up from 320)
- Now increases Fire & Frost Resist by 110 (up from 30).
- Now reduces Lightning resist by 200 (down from 150).
- All materials required for this recipe have been halved.
Perfected Steel Plate Armour:
- Now reduces Agility & Speed by 2.
- Now increases STR by 3 (up from 1).
- Now increases END by 14 (up from 10).
- Now increases Fire & Frost resist by 110 (up from 30).
Comfortable Clothing:
- All categories of resistance have increased by 100.
- Now provides 6 AGI, up from 2.
- Now reduces STR by 2. (To off-set the damage bonus from the agility).
- No longer requires a Silver Anvil to craft (I mean, really?)
Reinforced Clothing:
- Per above, all categories of resistance have increased by 100.
- Now provides 7 AGI, up from 3.
- Now reduces STR by 2.
- Now increases SPD by 4 (up from 1).
- No longer requires a Gold Anvil.
Standard Leather Armour:
- Now provides 4 END, up from 1.
Reinforced Leather Armour:
- Now provides 5 END, up from 2.
Improved Reinforced Leather Armour:
- Now provides 8 END, up from 4.
Basic Robes:
- All resistances increased by 50.
- Now provides 2 END.
- All resistances increased by 70.
- Now provides 3 END.
- No longer requires a Gold Anvil to craft.
Quality Robes:
- Now provides 6 END, up from 3.
- Water & Air Resist doubled.
Steel Mace, Greatsword, Axe & Hammer:
- All provide an additional point of STR.
-- Other Changes --
Feathered Dagger now deals 1 - 800 Lightning damage (was 50 - 400).
- It also has a new description!
Shield of Discourse
- Now provides an additional AGI, STR and SPD.
- All resistances, excluding dark, increased by 60.
- Mitigation increased by 40.
Ability Replaced with a new experimental move, "Confusion".
Sword of Discourse
- All damage types increased by 20 (min/max), excluding physical.
- Now deals Water & Air damage.
- Now has a 25% chance to apply "Flow" to the user.
- Now has a 25% chance to apply "Debris" to the enemy.
Chocolate Candycorn now restores 2000 HP, up from 1500.
Bessie's Fun House has been disabled.
The "Basic Robes Schema" now drops more frequently in WM 1/2/3, with the highest overall drop rate in WM1.
Modling no longer uses Take Out The Trash.
(This only applies to the monster.)
Anniversary boxes now drop 5% of the time from Wandering / Deadly / Abyss battlegrounds, up from 3-3.5%.
Additionally, Deadlier Monsters now has a 25% chance to drop an anniversary box, up from 3.5% (Matching Furvilla's Folly).
Be sure to check out our newest little contest! The Questionable Quiztacular!
Protection Ring of Tempest has been updated to have an ability: Heals the user for 500 health that scales with intelligence, and adds protective stats depending on how many of Tempest's equipment you have equipped.
As mentioned in the bug report forum, the feast failed to roll-over at midnight as it should have. I suspect it was related to conflict with other automated site actions also occurring at the same time. Feast rollover was thus rescheduled to 02:45. All participants should have received notifications and their feast prizes for November.
Going forward, feast roll-over will occur a few minutes delayed, 5 minutes after midnight on the first of each month.
Battlegrounds have rotated!
- Animal Husbandry: from within stables and the breeding selection screen, animals now show tags for their color and species rarities. Just like in the menagerie, the left tag corresponds to the color rarity, and the right tag the species rarity. "Super Rare" tags appear in orange.
- elements in the career pages for Animal Husbandry and Herbalists have be shifted around just a little bit.
When viewing animal info in the museum and inventory, it now gives information for the animal's species and the rarity of its color.
As always, please report any noticed bugs or inaccuracies!
When viewing equipment info (either via Item Museum, or clicking an equipment within Inventory or a warrior's Equipment Selection), you should now be able to see a stat for "Passive Effects", if an equipment has any.
Passive Effects are effects that automatically occur during battle by carrying that equipment, even if you don't use the equipment during battle.
You will see the Passive Effect's corresponding icon, name, description, odds, and occurrence rate. Note that "instant" means it occurs only once at the beginning. Also indicated is the target (green if targets one's self, orange if it targets one's opponent).
PLEASE NOTE: Ability-triggered effects (such as the "Lacerated" effect resulting from the "Maul" ability) are not shown. These kind of effects should instead be described within the ability's description.
Please report any noticed missing or incorrect information!
Vial of Obsidian Dye recipe is now obtainable in your village's Alchemy shop.
Earthen Slab now drops in all villages while exploring.
Accidentally, Intermediate Sparring Grounds cost way to many charges! This has now been corrected.
Battlegrounds have rotated! Owls / Wolves are no longer available; Sparring Grounds & Pride's Desert are now available.
Spookle Berries, Crystallized Blood, Slime Souls and Pumpkin Guts no longer drop from exploring. They will return next year during the Dragonsmaw Manor festival season!
Wooden Hammer & Scythe have had their drop rates doubled in Wandering Monsters.