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Change Log

  • Construction Worker and Blacksmith repair times are now improved by villager skill level, to a minimum of 1 minute per durability point for Construction Workers, or 0.2 minutes per durability point for Blacksmiths.

  • Based off user feedback, the explore button has now been moved to the top of the window for explorers so it stops moving up and down while exploring.

  • Maximum explores per hour per account has been raised to 60 (up from 50).

  • Change to Construction Worker skill: the amount of skill given by Herbalist Pots has been reduced to 1, and the amount of skill given by Stables has been reduced to 3 (down from 5 for both). Houses remain at 5 skill given.

  • Animal Mastery has been added for villagers of the Animal Husbandry career. Beginning from now and starting at 50%, every successful domestication attempt of an animal will raise your mastery with that species by 5%. Mastery determines your success rate for successfully domesticating any animal of that species.

  • [Bug Fix] Fixed bug where warriors would not lose HP during the same turn a piece of armor breaks.

  • [Bug Fixed] Unlearning a career now properly clears the villager's Seed Log and all recipes attached to that villager.

  • Added a [url=/stall/history]Purchase History[/url] which can be found as a link at the top of the page while browsing user stalls. This lists all purchases your account has made from other user stalls (note that this may lack logging from the first few days of site opening).

  • Narwhal Spear and Elaborate Sword have been increased to 45 Damage.

  • We have attempted to rebalance the reagents listed for the weapons and shields of each village. In addition we have harmonized the price of weapon/armor reagents in the shops to 100 FC each for all reagent items, as they had varied from village to village.

  • You can now replace houses on existing villager slots by clicking on the slot from the Villagers page. This will allow you to place a new house and retrieve the old house into your inventory.

  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug where exploring rapidly would allow users to go over their 50 explores hourly limit, please let us know if this recurs for you.

  • Added a cancel pending repair button to Construction Workers with pending repair requests, for any users who have pending repairs stuck in limbo after adopting a villager with a pending request.

  • [Bug Fix] Fixed display issue where the animal selection modal for Animal Husbandry would display incorrect time to next breeding.

  • Stray pixel on the lower right corner of some career shields has been removed, please try refreshing the page if you find the problem persists.

  • Using Breeding Potions no longer require your active villager to be of the Animal Husbandry career.

  • [Bug Fix] Using Breeding Potions on animals in stables should now be working.

  • 70cc43f964c6c68eb018f8b5709c93a4.png

    Fixed this display issue with Breeding Potions.

  • The prices for Mini HP Potion Recipe (previously 750FC) and HP Potion Recipe (previously 500FC) in the DMM Alchemy shop should now be corrected.

  • Monster Tooth Knife (Rare) with +75DMG and Monster Claw Axe (Super Rare) with +50DMG have been corrected, their +DMG values have now been swapped.

  • [Bug Fix] Carpenters should now be able to use wood from any village when repairing structures.

  • We've resolved all current instances of Paintied villagers missing their Paintie profile panel but please get in touch if you find this issue pops up for you.

  • The Warrior Costume has been corrected and now requires Chainmail to be produced.

  • Our contact us form has been altered to ensure user concerns get escalated to the correct people straight away. Please do use the form or file a report (found at the bottom of every page) if you experience any problems or concerns while using the site.

  • Herbalists can now only place a maximum of 90 pots, for a total of 100 pots. Any current herbalists who have over 100 pots may continue to use those pots until durability runs out, but will not be able to place any further pots.

  • Botany Pots have been renamed to Herbalist Pots.

  • Paintie gallery related lag should now be resolved.

  • You can now disable viewing all custom user CSS stylesheets on-site under User Settings -> Site Settings, if you prefer the vanilla layout! User CSS is turned on by default.

  • Selected item flags should now stick while browsing stall pages.

  • Online Players now displays online Admins & Moderators at the top of the list, so you know which staff members are currently available.

  • You can now hide your online status under User Settings - this will hide you from the Online Players page, as well as hiding your Last Online time on your profile. By default online status is turned on.

  • You may have experienced Stall Search going a little wonky but everything should be in order now! We've added in a browsing feature for stalls; while searching for a specific item it will display all results in ascending price as usual, but when not searching for a specific item you may browse all the latest stock that's been put into user stalls. As always, please let us know by filing a ticket if you run into any issues with the new feature!

  • [Bug Fix] Playing with villager attached pets should now be working again!

  • [Bug Fix] Armor should now properly apply the +DMG component of its buff.

  • Villagers can now name attached pets - just click on the blue pencil now found in the villager's pet box. This can be done an unlimited number of times.

  • If you ever notice that an update in the change-log has not yet taken effect, please try first hard refreshing the page (for display issues), or waiting a few minutes (for errors) - after that, please do file a ticket if the problem persists.

  • Added the [url=/change-log]change log[/url]! This'll be where we'll be doing micro-updates to keep everyone updated on site work.