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Change Log

  • We've just finished moving our villager files to a slightly neater home - there was a small hiccup in the move which may have resulted in incorrect thumbnails being displayed for a short time, but this should now be fixed. If you're still experiencing display issues please try a hard refresh (ctrl+f5) and clearing your cache - if it persists please do report the problem.

  • - Villager house remodeling & decoration has been added - you may now Remodel your villager's houses from your Villagers page for 10kFC, which will allow you to decorate it with furniture items.
    - Furniture items can be purchased from the crafting shop of each village.
    - You can visit another villager's house every 5 minutes to get 5FC (and leave 5FC for the recipient villager).
    - You can also leave furniture gifts for the villager, which you may position as you like in their house for them to find and collect.

  • Beta testers have a new exclusive Forum Vista available to them (designed by our very own Mod-Kaleo), it can be found for use under your forum settings in the Vistas drop down.

  • The 10 minute breeding cooldown has been amended to a limit of 50 daily breedings.

  • The cost of painties has been raised from 100FD to 250FD for launch.

  • You can now only breed animals once every 10 minutes (refreshing at XX:00, XX:10, XX:20, etc.).

  • FurCash shops now stock limited quantities of items, and will restock every 15 minutes with varying prices. Adjustments on restocking rates may be made over the next few days so please let us know if you have any feedback, suggestions or issues with the new system.

  • Some cat and fox plushes were missed in the original batch and have been added. In addition, Snuffle Plushes have been added.

  • Magic Gembound Plushes (birthstones) have been added to the FurDollar Emporium for 2050 FD each. Three new Limited Rarity Gembounds have been added - Terra Gembound, Oceanic Gembound, and Beloved Gembound. These do not appear in Gembound Potions. They stock as plushes in the Quest Shop only.

  • Shifty Morphing Potion Recipe has been moved into the Quest Shop, and the recipe changed to request containers and super rare plants from all villages.

  • Chinchilla, Syrian Hamster, Guinea Pig, and Chestnut Horse plushes have been added.

  • All villager potion changes in effect. Added Syrian Hamster (Rodent), Chinchilla (Rodent), Guinea Pig (Rodent), and Chestnut (Horse) to species potions.

  • Changing over villager colorations past their original three to "potion only" is in progress now.

  • Attempting to buy items from stalls with several thousand items will no longer crash certain browsers.

  • - You should no longer be able to export stables which are currently being repaired.
    - If one of your Construction Workers was previously stuck repairing a stable which has since been removed, you should now be able to complete the job from their career page to free them.

  • News posts should now display the correct timestamp for time of post.

  • In the progress of adding Snuffles

  • Wolf genus renamed to Canine genus.

  • Animal Husbandry villagers who have mastered a species now only require a single turn to fully domesticate all animals of that species. This takes longer than a standard domestication, depending on the current domesticity of the animal - a animal at 0 domesticity will take 100 minutes to tame.

  • A button to finish animal collection has been added to the top of the Animal Husbandry career page - if you have a villager who has gotten stuck collecting forever due to a stable being removed, you can use this button to free them. Please do file a report if you continue to experience problems with stuck Animal Husbandry villagers.

  • Youtube tags ([youtube][/youtube]) are now working. Only the video ID should be supplied (the part at the end of the URL) - not the full URL.

  • The infractions system has been amended - you will now not be banned multiple times within a single point threshold. This means that for example:
    - If you receive a 2 point infraction, you will be banned for 1 day.
    - If you receive a 1 point infraction after this (bringing your total points up to 3), you will not receive a ban, as the next threshold is at 4 points. (Before this update, you would receive an additional 1 day ban for this infraction.)
    - If you receive another 1 point infraction after this (bringing your total points up to 4), you will then receive a 3 day ban for the 4 point threshold.

  • The Villager page update has been amended - Villagers page organisation is now independent of your profile, and can be customised separately on the Villagers page. Make sure to hit the save button at the bottom of the page after re-arranging your villagers!

  • You can now mark your forum threads for deletion when editing them. This will automatically lock the thread and mark it to be reviewed and deleted by a moderator.

  • Breeding cooldown on animals now round up to midnight rather than being set to an exact time during the day.

  • - The cost of villager slots past the first 10 no longer scales - it now costs 50k FC and 1 House for every slot after the 10th slot.
    - The Villagers page will now display your villagers in custom sorting order editable under Edit Profile (this is to make it uniform with the sidebar and your profile page).

  • A Random Painties panel been added under the Latest Painties panel in the Town Hall. This panel is updated every 15 minutes.

  • Thread titles will now be displayed in forum ping or subscription notifications. This is a trial change which may be reversed if it causes performance issues.

    Note that this update does not apply retroactively - you may find that old pings and subscriptions will show the old message.

  • The Maintenance Market now sorts by skill level when a repair type (House/Stable/Pot or Equipment) is selected. The implementation for skill levels has been re-coded so please do be on the look out & report any bugs you might run into with Construction Work or Blacksmithing.

  • All damaged equipment now costs 1 Steel per Durability to repair (this is an increase in repair cost for Commons, and a decrease in repair cost for Rares and Super Rares).

  • - SQL errors should no longer randomly pop up when multi-harvesting (Herbalism) or exporting an animal from a stable (Animal Husbandry).
    - Setting a villager as a worker should now display the correct success message.
    - Fur Idol rollover times should now display correctly on the 31st of the month.

  • Bulk stable/animal importing and exporting has been added to the Animal Husbandry page - these links can be found towards the bottom of the page. Again, please do let us know if you run into any bugs or issues with the new feature.

  • Galleries have been added - items can be freely added and removed from your gallery, which will display the first 8 on your profile (with a link to view the rest of the gallery). Items can be freely added and removed at will, but purchasing slots will cost FurCash, beginning at 25kFC for an additional 4 slots and rising by 5k for every slot purchase after. As usual, please do let us know if you run into any bugs or issues.

  • [Bug Fix] Giving Tree gifts are now properly made anonymous or non-anonymous.

  • The Worker system has been amended - villagers can now begin work immediately after being set as a Worker, but cannot be unset as a Worker or transferred for 24 hours after being set.

  • The 24 hour waiting period on new Workers has been lifted for a day to give everyone time to choose their new Workers.

  • 1. Price to build Houses has been reduced down to 70 Wood+Minutes for 50 Durability, scaling up to 350 Wood+Minutes for 250 Durability.
    2. We have introduced the Worker system - your account can have up to 10 villagers set as active Workers at a time. Only active Workers can work and begin new jobs (they can still finish old jobs), but the houses of non-Workers will not decay. Villagers may freely be set or unset as a Worker from the Villagers page, but when set as a Worker will have to wait for 24 hours before they can begin work.
    3. Hourly account caps on Explorers and Warriors have been removed.
    4. A layout tweak was made to the Villagers page, please try refreshing the page if you find the layout looks wonky for you.

  • Construction Worker building & repair costs and time have been adjusted to incentivize repairing instead of replacing structures.

    1. The cost of building structures now scales with the amount of durability of the structure:
    - 100 Wood+Minutes for 50 Durability Houses, up to 500 Wood+Minutes for 250 Durability Houses
    - 30 Wood+Minutes for 50 Durability Stables, up to 150 Wood+Minutes for 250 Durability Stables
    - 10 Wood+Minutes for 50 Durability Pots, up to 100 Wood+Minutes for 500 Durability Pots
    2. Repairing a structure now costs half the amount of wood required to build an equivalent structure.
    3. The time spent required for a repair begins at half the time required to build an equivalent structure, but can be reduced to a quarter by maxing out your Skill.

    Botany Pots now have a maximum durability of 500.

  • Harvesting for herbalists has been recoded - herbalism pots now lose 1 Durability per harvest rather than 1 Durability per day. As always, please do keep an eye out for bugs or errors and let us know if you run into any problems!

  • The Wardrobe has been added as a link on villager pages for people who want to swap between multiple painties! You can purchase a wardrobe slot which will "save" your villager's current paintie - after this, you can remove the paintie or apply new painties and still swap back to your old paintie at any time from the Wardrobe page.

    Wardrobe slots begin at 50k FC and increase by 25k FC per purchase. Please note that at current, costumes and potions cannot be applied to villagers who have currently existing wardrobe slots (i.e. all your painties must still be applied to the same base).

  • The Giving Tree has been added, where users can leave and take item, FC or FD gifts. Gift Points are granted to the gifter's village at the time that a gift is picked up - for now these points are just for fun, but we may look into doing something more tangible with them in the future.

    Currently the Giving Tree allows users to pick up gifts once every 60 seconds. Donations can now only be left every 10 seconds to prevent spam, with a minimum donation of 25FC.

  • Releasing animals via Animal Husbandry will now display the animal's image and name in the confirmation panel for clarity.

  • You can now post a new topic every 5 minutes (down from 30).

  • You may have noticed Quests in the new menu - while the Quest Shop has yet to be stocked, the feature itself is up and ready for testing for anyone who wants to get a head start!

    We have reduced the rate of the appearance of occurrence of Uncommon or rarer animals in quest lists which we hope will make quests more manageable. As always please do keep us updated with feedback and suggestions.

  • Referral prizes and FurDollar Emporium items have been made Limited Rarity.

  • - Blocked forum posts and comments will now be completely hidden instead of showing a "Hidden post/comment" bar.
    - Painties from blocked users will now be hidden.

  • We're trying a new navigation menu out to make things on the site easier to find - as always, please do let us know your feedback and suggestions as we continue to make tweaks through Beta!

    If you find that the new navigation menus are not displaying properly, please first try refreshing the page before submitting a bug report - make sure to include the browser (Firefox, Chrome, IE, etc.) and device (PC, tablet, mobile, etc.) that you're using to access the site. Thanks for your patience!

  • A select all button has been added to the bottom of the quick stock page - note that this will only select everything on the current page.

  • Hi, sorry it's been awhile since the last update - we've been working behind the scenes on some larger new features which we look forward to releasing later on in Beta!

    In the meanwhile, we've added in a Daily Streak which rewards you for logging in every day, though you'll lose your streaks if you miss a day. As always please let us know if you run into any issues or have any feedback, and thank you for your patience throughout early development.

  • It is no longer possible to post on, or view the threads of blocked users when directly linked.