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Change Log

  • Knotted Shield now provides 6 endurance instead of 0.
    It can now parry twice instead of once.

    The Dragon Spike Flail now always decreases your opponent's armour by 60% for two rounds (instead of a 5% chance to do so).
    It now deals 55% more damage to heavy armour instead of 35%.
    It now deals 70 - 90 fire damage instead of 5 - 10.

    The Sunder Amulet now provides 4 endurance instead of 1.
    It now provides 30 physical mitigation as well.

  • Both the Bell Fairies & Super Fun Happy Wheel have been extended to the 14th.

  • The Challengers battleground now drops Soup 27% of the time.

  • Frenzy's Shroud now only lasts 4 rounds, instead of until the end of battle.

  • Sorcerer Gem Raptor image has been added to the Snow Festival news post and the costume image is officially in the system now for you to dress up your Gem Raptors!

  • The new exploration event can now yield:
    - Dark Mythic Tablets
    - Shining Sun Dragon Scales
    - Bright Sky Dragon Scales
    - Toxic Candycorn
    - Gilded Magical Gills
    - Aqua Magical Gills

    The event now occurs 50% more often.

  • You can now donate all of your candy with a single click directly from your inventory.

  • The Warehouse event is available again, however the Reagents option only yields uncommon items as it was generating reagents not intended to be given out from that option.

    This option will be changed in a couple days to randomly generate from a predefined pool of items.

  • The Warehouse event is temporarily disabled.

  • A new exploration event is now available.

  • Unfortunately it seems that the Pumpkin Guts got swept up in the item removals when our programmer went through and set the event items to "deactivate". We'll be checking into this and posting updates and a fix for you all when we have one. Thanks for being patient with us here guys, we know this event has had quite a few bumps and we apologize for that.

  • You are now significantly less likely to get yellow cards from the tarot event, and you're also less likely to find costumes from this outcome as well.

    However, you'll now receive a random super rare costume instead of diver costume specifically. Additionally, mini-pets from yellow cards can now be any super rare animal.

  • The Mechanical Heart item can now be socketed into a weapon for the following effect:

    Each turn, you've a 50% chance to heal for 25 health (modified by intelligence).

  • The Regular Harbinger will now use Dark Lightning instead of Lightning Strike.

    It now only has a 10% chance to drop an elixir, instead of 50%.

    It now only drops 200 - 1000 FC instead of 1000 - 2000.

    The Battleground now requires 8 charges to enter instead of 20.

  • Changed the spooky buff to the right spooky buff.

  • Ana's Trial disabled.
    Fierce Fighters disabled.
    Challengers disabled.

    Harbinger no longer appears in deadly monsters
    --> It now has its own battleground.
    --> Drops are unchanged, but it now costs 20 charges; this may change.


    The following crystals have changed:

    Power Crystal: Now provides 20 - 30 damage instead of 10 - 10.
    Power Crystal +1: Now provides 35 - 45 damage instead of 15 - 15.
    Power Crystal +2: Now provides 45 - 60 damage instead of 20 - 20.
    Power Crystal +3: Now provides 80 - 110 damage instead of 25 - 25.

    Fire Crystal: Now provides 40 - 60 fire damage instead of 10 - 10.
    Fire Crystal +1: Now provides 60 - 80 fire damage instead of 15 - 15.
    Fire Crystal +2: Now provides 110 - 130 fire damage instead of 20 - 20.
    Fire Crystal +3: Now provides 140 - 210 fire damage instead of 25 - 25.

    Lightning Crystal: Now provides 1 - 150 damage instead of 1 - 30.
    Lightning Crystal +1: Now provides 1 - 270 damage instead of 1 - 50.
    Lightning Crystal +2: Now provides 1 - 340 damage instead of 1 - 65

    Frost Crystal: Now provides 60 - 60 damage instead of 15 - 15.
    Frost Crystal +1: Now provides 90 - 90 damage instead of 20 - 20.
    Frost Crystal +2: Now provides 120 - 120 damage instead of 25 - 25.

    Dark Crystal: Now provides 100 - 100 damage instead of 15 - 15.
    Dark Crystal +1: Now provides 150 - 150 damage instead of 20 - 20.
    Dark Crystal +2: Now provides 200 - 200 damage instead of 25 - 25.

    Light Crystal: NYI
    Light Crystal +1: NYI

    Fusion Crystal: Now provides 30 - 50 physical damage instead of 12 - 12.
    Now provides 40 - 40 fire damage instead of 6 - 6.
    Now provides 30 - 30 frost damage instead of 6 - 6.
    Now provides 1 - 120 lightning damage instead of 1 - 12.
    Now provides 40 - 40 dark damage instead of 6 - 6.

    Fire and Frost Crystal: Now provides 110 - 130 fire damage instead of 20 - 20.
    Now provides 90 - 90 frost damage instead of 20 - 20.

    Cursed Crystal: Now provides 270 - 320 dark damage instead of 100 - 150.
    The self-damage from this crystal has increased to 400 from 100.

    Defense Crystal: Now provides 45 mitigation instead of 10.
    Defense Crystal +1: Now provides 90 mitigation instead of 15.
    Defense Crystal +2: Now provides 140 mitigation instead of 20.

    Fire Resist Crystal: Now provides 220 fire resistance instead of 15.
    Fire Resist Crystal +1: Now provides 290 fire resistance instead of 20.
    Fire Resist Crystal +2: Now provides 340 fire resistance instead of 25.

    Frost Resist Crystal: Now provides 170 frost resistance instead of 15.
    Frost Resist Crystal +1:Now provides 240 frost resistance instead of 20.

    Lightning Resist Crystal: Now provides 200 lightning resistance instead of 15.
    Lightning Resist Crystal +1: Now provides 300 lightning resistance instead of 20.

    Dark Resist Crystal: Now provides 170 dark resistance instead of 15.
    Dark Resist Crystal +1: Now provides 240 dark resistance instead of 20.

    Fusion Resist Crystal: Now provides 100 mitigation, as well as 100 resistance to all elements, instead of 10.

    Agility Crystal: Now provides 3 agility instead of 2.
    Strength Crystal: Unchanged.
    Speed Crystal: Unchanged.
    Intelligence Crystal: Unchanged.
    Endurance Crystal: Now provides 5 endurance instead of 3.

    Brawn Crystal: Unchanged.
    Aptitude Crystal: Now provides 2 points of agility instead of 1.
    Swiftness Crystal: Now provides 2 points of agility instead of 1.
    Brutal Crystal: Now provides 3 endurance instead of 2.
    Wonder Crystal: Now provides 4 endurance instead of 1.
    Luck Crystal: Now provides 2 points of agility instead of 1.
    Fortune Cyrstal: Unchanged.
    Charm Crystal: Now provides 3 points of endurance instead of 1.
    Shining Crystal: Now provides 3 points of endurance instead of 1.
    Now provides 2 points of agility instead of 1.
    Mystery Crystal: Is now 10% more mysterious.

    Solid Crystal: Now provides 40 physical mitigation instead of 10.
    Frigid Crystal: Now provides 70 frost resistance instead of 10.
    Shock Crystal: Now provides 90 lightning resistance instead of 10.
    Fused Crystal: Now provides 30 physical mitigation, 90 fire resistance, 50 frost resistance and 70 lightning resistance instead of 5 to all.

    Crystal of Misfortune: Now reduces intelligence, strength, agility, and speed by 10 points instead of 0.
    Crystal of Fortune: Now 47% more fortunate.

    Fiery Crystal: Now provides 180 fire resistance instead of 25.
    Static Crystal: Now provides 140 lightning resistance instead of 25.
    Frozen Crystal: Now provides 120 frost resistance instead of 25.
    Ominous Crystal: Now provides 120 dark resistance instead of 25.

    Agile Crystal: Unchanged.
    Vigor Crystal: Unchanged.
    Initiative Crystal: Unchanged.
    Capacity Crystal: Unchanged.
    Longevity Crystal: Unchanged.

    Super Fun Happy Crystal: Now provides 60 physical mitigation and 50 to all resistances instead of 15/10 respectively.

    Fractured, Warm, Solace, Flawed and Minor Defense Crystal are all unchanged.


    All Crystal Recipes have had their reagent costs halved!


    The following item can now be socketed into equipment:

    Galactic Slime - Provides 15 - 25 dark damage to weapons.
    Shining Sun Dragon Scales - Provides 1 - 45 lightning damage and 1 speed.
    2017 Jack-O-Lantern - Put this in a weapon to make you slightly spookier.

    This is a quick test to see if we can use regular items for small socket bonuses.


    Hopefully these changes allow players to be more flexible with their builds and counter some of the more popular ones with more success.
    Overall, PvE content should be a lot easier - expect some tweaks to the base monsters soon.

    Having some internet troubles, sorry for the poor formatting!

  • 2017 Jack-O-Lantern has been added to the Halloween Store. It is just a collectible.


  • Upping the Fur Gem value back to 25 on Jack o Lanterns for the next 24 hours (give or take), the value will drop to the intended 1 Fur Gem at 12 am Furvilla time October 27.

  • The Chesire Staff now deals 400 darkness damage and 400 direct damage, instead of 700 darkness damage.

  • Discourse items have had their stats improved to be more competitive options at level 20; their level requirements are unchanged.

  • CSS Rules Guide in the Knowledgebase has had some updates so be sure to check that out!


    We are also looking at a delay on Event Part 2 due to some technical issues, we will have things up and running as soon as we can, thanks for being patient!

  • A certain Admin is having too much fun with the Polling system so here is another for you guys!


  • Karma ranges have been increased to 100 karma breakpoints.

  • And it looks like we have a new Poll available!


  • Candy mass conversion from your inventory is here!


  • Hey, look, more updates!

    -Candy can now be converted from your inventory.
    -Pumpkin grow time has been bumped back up to 15 min and will yield 1 pumpkin max.

  • Just a few Event Updates for you guys:

    -Minipets no longer glitched and can be removed from Jack o Lanterns
    -Cooldown has been increased to 30 min.
    -Pumpkin grow time is now 5 min.
    -Mass carving feature has been added.
    -Doorstep now located at the top of profiles.
    -15 min cool down time for opening and closing your doorstep.

  • The battlegrounds have returned. Fierce Fighters now drops slabs, and costs 2 charges instead of 3; raw FurCash rewards from this battleground have decreased slightly.

    Challengers now has a chance to drop a wide array of mini-pets in addition to slabs.

    Minstrel has stepped up their game.

  • Challengers and Fierce Fighter Battlegrounds will be unavailable temporarily.

  • I've added some SOUPER new additions to the Recycle Shop, enjoy!

  • There is now a small chance to receive an additional soup item from the Challenger battleground.

    Food drops will be replaced in 2 days.

  • The Challengers battleground now has a 6% chance to drop a warrior's elixir.

    Thanks for being patient with us! Unfortunately we won't have a chance to revisit the RNG system again until after the event, so I've drastically increased the odds of Kitsunes dropping using the standard system (was 0.05%, now it's 0.5%). The Battlegrounds will remain for roughly 10 more days, however food drops will be replaced in 3.

  • The Challengers Battleground now has a very small chance for staff crafting materials to drop.
    - The drop rate on Kitsunes has increased slightly (base drop rate); the Kitsunes were also re-added to the loot tables to see what effect this would have on the RNG system (if any).

    The Fierce Fighters battleground has also had the base drop rate on the Kitsunes increased slightly.

  • The Challengers Battleground now always drops 2 chocolate candycorn.

  • Inferno now has significantly less intelligence.

  • Jack now has less intelligence.

  • Food drops in new battlegrounds has decreased.

  • Ana now has 17 - 25 agility instead of 30 - 30.
    - She now has 40 - 50 strength instead of 40.
    - She now has 5 - 10 intelligence instead of 5.
    - She now has 140 - 160 endurance instead of 140.
    - She now has 1700 - 2100 mitigation instead of 1700 - 2400.
    - She now has higher average resistances (maximum values unchanged).

    This should make her less likely to dodge, but she has more health over-all to compensate.

    Ana is just warming up.

  • Scrapped the Protection Quotient requirement for Ana's Trial; will revisit this later.

  • A new battleground is available - Ana's Trial. You must have a level 20 warrior and the protection quotient for your village must be at least 3 for this battleground to appear.

    Two additional battlegrounds will be available in a couple days (one for level ~15 warriors, another for low level warriors); you'll be able to find the new Kitsunes, as well as other goodies (including food drops) in these battlegrounds.

  • Frost Serpent's Frost Beam damage reduced significantly.

    The Legend's Armour is now classified as heavy armour.
    - It now provides 500 physical mitigation instead of 600.
    - It now provides 24 endurance instead of 20.
    - It now reduces speed by 4 instead of 2.

    Saul's Great Hammer now deals 240 - 270 frost damage instead of 200 - 250.
    - It now deals 80 - 110 physical damage.
    - It no longer has a 5.6x multiplier for light armour.
    - It now no longer increases intelligence.
    - It now no longer reduces strength.

    Wooden Great Hammer no longer deals reduced damage to medium armour.
    - It now increases damage to heavy armour by 10% instead of 0%.

    Iron Great Hammer now only reduces damage to medium armour by 30% instead of 60%.
    - It now increases damage to heavy armour by 15% instead of 0%.

    Steel Great Hammer now only reduces damage to medium armour by 35% instead of 60%.
    - It now increases damage dealt to heavy armour by 30% instead of 0%.

    There's a new Testing Grounds battleground for upcoming opponents.

  • Ocean Dome's loot cave no longer drops medicine.

  • Temporary Change: You can no longer add plunder to your hoard from your inventory due to an exploit. You can still use the add all plunder feature.

  • Tier 1 - 3 ships now give significantly more plunder. Yarr.

  • All map events now award significantly more treasure (note the old descriptions have not been updated).

    Ship changes expected in a day or two.

  • Treasure maps now only require 20 fragments to craft.

  • Driftwood now drops more commonly from regular explorations.

  • Deluxe Mast requires less materials.

    Deluxe Rudder requires less materials.

  • "Create Steel Anchor" now requires less overall materials.