Fire Serpent Scalemail - Tripled Resistances Lightning SSM - Tripled Resistances Frost SSM - Tripled Resistances Dark SSM - Tripled Resistances Light SSM - Doubled Resistances Ascended SSM - Doubled Resistances, excluding Dark, which is now 200 (was -100).
There may be some issues with Chocolate Candycorn - we're looking into it.
Also, in the previous update: Chill Amulet --> Chilling Wand & "resistances have increased significantly."
Chocolate Candycorn now heals for 1500 Health instead of 500.
Abel's Folly now has an extra detrimental effect: - All damage you deal causes 200% of that damage dealt to be returned to you. You also lose 125 health per turn as pure damage.
Deadly Poison no longer reduces dark resistance. (was -200). - It no longer reduces dodge chance (Was -200%) - It no longer increases damage taken. (Was +15%) - Its base damage is now 440 instead of 500.
The basic amulets have had their damage increased by 30. (Fireball, Frostbolt, Fusion bolt, Jolt & Chaos Bolt).
All the original "Magic" category amulets have been improved:
Backlash now deals 570 - 700 damage instead of 460 - 550. Blizzard now deals 150 damage per turn to both players instead of 50. Chaos Flames now deals 400 - 800 damage instead of 50 - 800. It now always causes burning (was 50% chance). Creeping Darkness now deals 200 base damage (was 50). Destruction now deals 800 fire damage (was 650). Fiery Retort now deals 500 - 650 fire damage (was 350 - 500) Flame Sunder now deals 350 - 450 fire damasge (was 175 - 225). Each Frost Volley Bolt now deals 150 damage (was 75). Furious Flames now deals 375 damage per round (was 250). Lightning Strike now deals 400 - 800 damage (was 100 - 750); it now always leaves the target electrified (was 25%). Unstable Elements now deals: - 150 dark damage (was 50) - 275 earth damage (was 50) - 195 fire damage (was 50) - 175 frost damage (was 50) - 200 pure damage (was 50) - 220 lightning damage (was 50)
All items in the "combo" category have been improved drastically:
Chill amulet now only chills your opponent. Combustion now deals 550 - 550 damage (was 350 - 350). Ember now deals 1000 fire damage (was 500). Electrify has been reworked. It now deals 1000 lightning damage to an opponent if they're afflicted by electrify. Extinquish now heals for 700 (was 200); this healing still scales with intelligence. Frostfire is unchanged. Fusion Blast now deals 120 - 170 of each element instead of 30 - 40. Pollute now deals 475 - 525 base damage to your opponent; self damage is unchanged. Shock now deals 275 - 420 damage. (Was 75 - 325).
The following items have resistance changes:
Scholary Robes: All resistances tripled. Wizard Robes: All resistances doubled. Quality Robes: All resistances dobuled. Amethystine Robes: Fire Resistance doubled; frost resistance increased by 200. Oasis Robes: All resistances doubled; now has 200 lightning & dark resistance.
Reinforced Leather Armour: All resistances doubled. Dark Leather Armour: All resistances doubled. Light Leather Armour: All resistances tripled. --> Light Leather Armour is now classified as light armour. Improved Reinforced Leather Armour: All resistances doubled. Flowering Leather Armour: All resistances doubled. Studded Leather Armour: All resistances tripled; now has 250 dark resistance.
Enchanted Hood: All resistances tripled. Amethystine Hood: All resistances increased by 100.
All Rings now provide significantly more endurance: Bronze Ring - 6 END (was 1). --> You can now purchase Bronze Rings in the recycle shop for 2500 FurGems. Silver Ring - 10 END (Was 2). Gold Ring - 17 END (Was 3). Platinum Ring - 24 END ( Was 4). Enchanted Ring - 27 END (Was 3). Fire Signet Ring - 15 END (Was 2). Lightning Signet Ring - 15 END (Was 2). Frost Signet Ring - 30 END (Was 10). Dark Signet Ring - 0 END, was -2 - now provides 15 SPD and 4 STR. (was 2 / 0). Enchanted to be Awesome Signet Ring: 40 END (Was 6). Gem-Rings: 17 END (Was ~1 END). Hale's Ring now increases damage dealt & taken by 37% (was 25%). Laura's Ring - 12 END (Was 0). Obsidian Ring - 17 END (Was 2). Petrified Wood Ring - 11 END (Was 1). Lion Form Ring - 24 END (Was 0). RROA - 40 END (Was 7). Tourmaline Ring - 10 END (Was -1).
A Brief Explaination: This should make old amulets more viable, and make "cheaper" warrior builds more accessible to a larger number of players. The large endurance increase is a temporary solution to a larger problem - once we're able to code changes to endurance, these bonuses will be gone.
To off-set the damage increase from various elements, resistances has increased significantly. Ideally, this should make duels a bit more interesting, but has the intentional side-effect of making PvE content easier & more accessible.
Please post feedback - I've made sure to list the previous values so we can revert these changes if need be.
Arnoth is sick of fighting such weak warriors, and has resigned to a life of luxury at his secret oasis home in the desert.
The Zeboran Space Suit now has 150 mitigation (Up from 60), and its "Power on" abilities description has been corrected to actual function.
The Zeboran Ray Gun now interacts with opponents which have the "Powered suit" status effect.
-MOD Tempest
Warrior's Boxers can now be found in the recycle shop for 42069 FG.
-MOD Tempest
The Flame Utility crystal now provides 100 fire resistance instead of 10.
New Stuff: - You can find a damaged spacesuit in OD's reef exploration event (1% chance). - You can find a functional spacesuit in the Black Tarot card event (0.2% chance). - You can find an Unsettling Feathercloak from the Black Tarot card event (0.45% chance). - A couple independent events have been added to various villages for new plushies. - OFB has a basement again (Thanks to MOD-Pseudonym). - Steel Plate Helm is now available from WM4. - Elaborate Plate Helm is now available from Deadly Monsters. - Both of these helms also drop in deadlier monsters.
(Updated for clarity).
The "Mindbreak" effect on the Crying Feather Knife now correctly displays its cleansing effects.
The Spells "Flame Sunder" and "Combustion" now correctly state the caster of the spells.
-MOD Tempest
A new exploration event has been added (all villages).
Salt & Monster Meat now drop 10% of the time from Wandering Monsters battlegrounds. The recipe is now available for purchase. (Drop rates to be adjusted!)
Deadlier Monsters has been re-enabled; no changes have been made to loot drops.
QP Exploration Changes:
You are now twice as likely to find an Ember Meteorite when going left in the maze.
Right --> Left --> Straight --> Straight --> Lie
This path now provides 2 - 8 Twilight Sky Mushrooms instead of 2 - 4.
Right --> Left --> Straight --> Straight --> Truth
This path now provides 1 - 4 Twilight Sky Mushrooms instead of 1 - 2. This path now has a 40% chance to yield a Granite Sky Rock instead of 25% chance.
You can no longer fail to climb the stairs in the spire (was 50% chance). - The chest now provides 1 - 2 Sky Coins instead of 3 - 5, and 100 - 200 FC instead of 500 - 1500.
The tower will no longer be an illusion. - You'll no longer lose charges for entering the study. - You'll no longer lose charges when leaving the tower.
You're now three times as likely to find an Azure Feather in the Lodgings. - Failure at the lodgings will no longer cause you to lose charges.
You're now twice as likely to receive a topaz feather when descending from the Grand Hall.
TEP Exploration Changes:
You're now half as likely to fail when investigating the stone, and doing so will no longer cause you to lose exploration charges.
You can no longer fail when taking the path.
Taking the left path is now half as likely to fail, and no longer causes you to lose charges.
You're now three times as likely to find an Azure Feather when resting. - Failing to rest no longer causes you to lose charges. - Successfully resting now restores 20 charges instead of 15.
Looking for a way Around no longer causes you to lose exploration charges.
Failing to go through the pass no longer causes you to lose exploration charges. You're now much more likely to succeed when picking this option.
Searching the shrine is now twice as likely to provide materials; failing to explore the shrine now provides a small amount of FC.
Attempting to interact with the ladder still yields in exploration loss on failure.
Unicorn Lance - Now requires 1,000,000 Candycorn instead of 2,500,000 Qurious Blade - Now requires 3,200 Dark Mythic Tablets instead of 4,000. Traveler's Amulet - Now requires 100 of each feather instead of 200 / 190 / 3000 (Elegant Feather is now required). Ridiculous Ring - No longer requires: Shining Light, Mystery, Super Fun Happy, Fortune, Superior Light, Fusion or any tremendous-tier crystals.
-- The following items are now stocked in the valour shop:
The Kitsune Bags can no longer contain: Arctic, Silver, Red or Foxfire Kitsunes. Instead, they may provide Rainbow Cloud, Howling-Were, Classic & Modern Bard Kitsunes.
For reference:
12% Chance: Dark Orchid, Star Guardian, Vampire Spooky, Lil Witchy, Happy Holly, Winter Wonderland. 8% Chance: Rainbow Cloud, Classic Bard, Modern Bard 3% Chance: Howling Were-Kitsune 1% Chance: Armour of the Divine Kitsune
It's available in the FDE for 750 FD, and drops very rarely in Deadlier Monsters.
6 --> 4 Int 6 --> 4 End 150 --> 75 Mitigation (ability unchanged).
Unicorn Lance Unchanged.
Ridiculous Ring of Absurdity no longer has any sockets, but now provides 7 to all stats and 77 to all defensive categories.
The recipe is unchanged.
Amethystine Steel recipes drop 3x more frequently.
Due to a bug, Sunny's Inquisitive Blade can no longer be used as a keepsake.
Just a quick correction!
Agate's War Fan: Drops 1% of the time from a new opponent, which can be found rarely in Wandering Monsters IV.
New items are now available:
Risktaker's Coin: 1.25% from black tarot cards. 1% from the black wheel.
Risktaker's Sword: 0.5% from black tarot cards.
Risktaker's Shield: 0.75% from the black wheel.
Agate's War Fan: Drops 1% of the time from a new opponent, which can be found rarely in Deadly Monsters IV.
Talenti's Tome: Found 1% of the time when taking the trail in TEP (this event will be updated soon).
Sunny's Inquisitive Blade: Available in the recycle shop for 2000 FurGems. Note that the damage bonus & reduction on this item does not stack with similar effects.
Users now have the ability to adjust their browsing font size, which should help with some accessibility issues. If you notice any sections you believe are being improperly affected, please let me know! There are also now options to hide the Contests and Painties sections from the Town Hall page. All three options are available on the User Settings page.
A fix has also been implemented that should now display the birthday gifts you've received when you first claim them.
A Questioning Button has been added to the Recycle Shop!
5 new Pride Buttons have been added to the Recycle Shop! Androgyne, Intersex, Autochorissexual, Pangender, and Polysexual so go on over and check them out!
Shattered Greatsword has been renamed to Broken Greatsword.
Amethystine Hood now provides 300 to all elemental resistances. Amethystine Robes no longer provides any stat bonuses/penalties, but instead increase all resistances by 600. Amethystine Kite Shield no longer decreases speed, but instead increases it by the same amount.
Amethystine Mace now deals drastically increased damage to heavy/medium armour types, applies Sunder to your opponent, and Battle Cry & Fortitude to yourself - all effects last 6 rounds. However, it now only has a single charge.
Momentum has been fixed for the Steel Zweihander.
Amethystine Hood/Robes no longer decrease mitigation.
Lesser Earth Golem has slightly more strength but no longer uses Headbutt, and instead uses basic attacks & earth bolt.
Lightning Strike now has a base damage of 1 - 600 instead of 1 - 1200.
Greater / Lesser golems now always drop chocolate candy corn. Tiny golems have a 50% chance to drop one.
Greater Dark Golems no longer casts Dark Matter (which triggers silence & disarm effects). Greater Frost Golem no longer casts Cryogenic Stasis (which was outright broken).
The new tier 6 battleground, The Abyss, is now available.
Festival Shop now has festival items stocked.
Live Changes:
Deadlier monsters has been disabled. The monsters have moved to The Abyss, with slightly improved stats.
Silver Bardiche now drops in Deadly Monsters.
Steel Bardiche now drops in Wandering Monsters IV
Lion Roar Amulet now drops in Deadly Monsters Lion Form Ring now drops in Old Caves Lion Paws now drops in The Graveyard Lion Mane Hide now drops in Open Waters Lion Mask now drops in Mountain's Peak Lion Shield now drops in Serpent's Head
Lawnmower's Rampage now correctly deals extra damage after one round to the user, tentative on Lifebringer status.
Broken Items are now properly classified as weapons, and have unique attacks.
These changes have been prepared for the festival's launch, and are provided for information purposes:
Loot Table for The Abyss (Tier 6):
0.08%: Obsidian Ring Petrified Wooden Ring Steel Zweihander Gold Tower Shield
0.05%: Aqua Magical Gills Gilded Magical Gills Toxic Candycorn Bright Sky Dragon Scales Shining Sun Dragon Scales Dark Mythic Tablet
Please note that when creating items this way, items are generated as if they had dropped from battle and so will have a minimum potency score of 100%.
----- Legendary Recipes:
Will be implemented week 2 of the event. Please note that the designs of the legendary items are expected to change.
DMM Exploration Changes:
You are now twice as likely to find the Hovel, and slightly less likely to end up at the hills.
You are less likely to find Card Sharp's deck when using the door in the hovel. --> These changes make you roughly twice as likely to find a Topaz Feather.
You now have a 12% chance to get Molten Waste at the Desolate Windmill (was 8%)
All stages at the Hidden Cove are now 50% (previously was 50%, 50%, 40%, 27%) ---> This gives you a ~3% chance to find an Azure Feather through this method. The Traveler will no longer give you an Iron Lump, but instead will give you a random rare reagent. The first failure state in this path no longer causes you to lose exploration charges. The second failure state in this path awards 1 - 200 FurCash (the event text hasn't been updated to indicate why, aliens probably?), and no longer causes you to lose exploration charges. The third failure state in this path awards 50 - 400 FurCash and no longer causes you to lose charges (aliens again). The fourth failure state in this path no longer causes you to lose exploration charges and provides a random potion of any rarity (also due to aliens).
Expect further changes to this path later.
Bountiful Fields is unchanged.
The well's secret outcome now occurs 0.02% of the time instead of 0.01% of the time. Don't think too much about this, it's not worth pursuing.
Success at the well now provides an uncommon animal (was common).
Failure at the quarry no longer causes you to lose exploration charges.
Taking the Left Path at the quarry now restores exploration charges instead of taking them. There's again no explaination for this, but this time it was probably werewolves and not aliens.
Failure taking the right path no longer causes you to lose exploration charges.
When interacting with the door at the house, you're now four times as likely to succeed and receive a Eerie Toothy Scarf; likewise, you're that much less likely to trigger a failed outcome at that location. You'll now receive 2 - 4 Sinister Spiderwebs instead of 1 - 3 when interacting with the door and getting a regular success. You'll also get 1 - 50 FurCash. Failure at the The Door no longer causes you to lose exploration charges.
When entering through the window, you now have a 40% chance to succeed instead of 25% chance. On repeated failure for entering the window, you'll no longer lose exploration charges.
The Mill is unchanged.
Failure at The Town Hall now causes you to receive 1 - 80 FurCash instead of losing exploration charges.
The Market is unchanged.
The Lake's secret outcome has been disabled. Again, don't think too much on this one.
You're now half as likely to fail entering the lake.
Failing to swim across the lake no longer causes you to lose exploration charges.
OD Exploration Changes:
The Manokit event is unchanged.
You're now twice as likely to find Shiny Red Oxygen Tanks in the cave. You'll no longer lose 5 exploration charges for failing on this option.
When entering the reef, you're now much less likely to fail, and doing so no longer causes you to lose exploration charges.
Exploring elsewhere in the Cave Singer event no longer causes you to lose exploration charges on failure.
Loot Caves:
The loot caves are available again, but now require level 10 to access.
In addition, the "warrior" exploration materials, typically found in events, now have the following drop rates in the Loot Cave: Uncommon: 2.5% Rare: 1% Super Rare: 0.05%.
OFB Castle Changes:
You can no longer fail climbing in the window.
When visiting the Serpent's Quarters, you are now three times as likely to find an Azure feather.
When visiting the Kitchen, you'll no longer lose any charges for failure; you're twice as likely to find Card-Sharp's Deck here, and you'll no longer lose charges for doing so.
When visiting the Garden, you'll now receive 2 - 7 Cherry Lumber instead of 1 - 1.
When searching the cellar, you'll now receive 4 - 9 Cherry Lumber instead of 2 - 3. When searching the cellar, you'll now receive 1 - 3 Onyx Arm Straps instead of 1 - 1.
When returning from the cellar INSTEAD OF searching, you'll now have a 50% chance of receiving an Anodized Aluminum Lump instead of 22% chance.
The odds of reaching the cellar are unchanged: 75%, 65%, 65%
The "Descend" option from the side rooms has been removed.
Door One now gives an Onyx Arm Strap 65% of the time instead of 35% of the time.
You can no longer fail entering the tower.
When entering the tower, you now have a 75% chance to encounter Cinder (was 50%)
She'll now reward you with 1 - 2 Onxy Arm Straps instead of 1. You'll also receive 75 - 200 FC instead of 25 - 100.
Grand Heal Amulet now passively provides 10% damage reduction while equipped; this does not stack with similar effects.
You can now find Cupid's Harp in the DMM Exploration event.
Harbingers now drop 1 - 2 Harbinger Hides. Harbinger Cloaks are now craftable. The recipe drops from Harbingers (very rarely).
The Harbinger's Loot has changed. It now drops 400 - 1200 FurCash (Was 200 - 1000). It no longer drops materials. It now drops broken hammers 100% of the time. It now drops broken axes 50% of the time. It now drops shattered greatswords 20% of the time. In addition to having a 10% chance to drop a warrior's elixir, it now has a 2.5% chance to drop an extra elixir. There is now a 40% chance to receive a bonus 200 - 400 FC. There is now a 5% chance to receive a bonus 300 - 600 FC. There is now a 0.01% chance to receive a bonus 10,000 - 15,000 FC.
Notes: This should make it easier to craft crystals overall; odds for exploration yields will increase soon - I'm looking to push some emphasis away from warriors and into explorers instead of warriors being able to gather all required materials.
Tourmaline Ring can now be found in Deadly Monsters, Wandering Monsters IV and Wandering Monsters III
Larry the Living Lawnmower Schema is now available in the recycle shop for 10,000 FurGems.
The Harbinger now drops the Hand Pendulum Item.
Bardiche & Lion items are ready for release, but pending viable drop locations.
Light Staff now deals 400 pure damage instead of 350. Dark Staff now deals 340 - 390 dark damage instead of 290 - 325. Flame Staff now deals 310 - 360 fire damage instead of 200 - 270, and is much more likely to cause burns. Frost Staff now deals 250 - 290 frost damage instead of 175 - 220, and is much more likely to cause chills. Lightning Staff now deals 1 - 550 lightning damage instead of 40 - 375, and now always causes electrify.
All Caps Removed; Deadly Monsters now drops 130 - 220 FC (should yield similar results over 3 successful battles to what it did previously), and Deadlier Monsters has been temporarily re-enabled with no modifications (pending the implementation of tier 6 battlegrounds).
Caps have been removed on Wandering Monster battlegrounds (but still exist for village grounds).
Chocolate Candycorn now drops 35% of the time instead of *45% of the time.
Loot Caves have been disabled pending player feedback.
Village Battlegrounds have changed:
Tier 1: Common materials now drop 30% of the time instead of 46% of the time. Chocolate Candycorn now drops 35% of the time instead of 35% of the time. Steel still drops 30% of the time. Uncommon materials now drop 16% of the time instead of 26% of the time. Coins still drop 5% of the time. Rare materials now drop 2.5% of the time. Super Rare materials now drop 1.5% of the time, except for items like Cryo Waste, which drop 0.5% of the time. FurCash has been reduced to 5 - 10 from 15 - 25. Equipment & recipe drops have been doubled. This battleground now has a maximum level requirement of 5.
Tier 2: Common materials now drop 35% of the time instead of 46% of the time. Chocolate Candycorn still drops 46% of the time. Steel still drops 35% of the time. Uncommon materials now drop 19% of the time instead of 29% of the time. Rare materials now drop 5% of the time instead of 10% of the time. Super Rare materials now drop 2.5% of the time, except for items like Cryo Waste, which drop 1% of the time. Sky Coins now drop 5.5% of the time instead of 5% of the time. Equipment & recipe drops have been doubled. FurCash values unchanged from 8 - 18. This battleground now has a minimum level requirement of 4. This battleground now has a maximum level requirement of 10.
Tier 3: Common Materials still drop 53% of the time. Steel still drops 40% of the time. Chocolate candycorn now drops 50% of the time instead of 35% of the time. Uncommon materials still drop 33% of the time. Skycoins now drop 7% of the time, down from 10%. Rare items still drop 10% of the time. Super Rare items still drop 5% of the time, except for items like Cryo Waste, which still drop 1.5% of the time. Equipment & recipe drops have been doubled. FurCash values unchanged from 10 - 20. This battleground now has a minimum level requirement of 9. This battleground now has a maximum level requirement of 15.
Tier 4: Common items still drop 57% of the time. Steel still drops 45% of the time. Chocolate Candycorn now drops 50% of the time, and always drops 2. Uncommon items still drop 37% of the time. Skycoins now drop 10% of the time, down from 12%. Rare items now drop 12% of the time. Super Rare items still drop 7% of the time, except for items like Cryo Waste, which drop 2% of the time. FurCash has been reduced from 25 - 35 to 15 - 25. Equipment & recipe drops have been doubled. This battleground now has a minimum level requirement of 15. This battleground now has a maximum level requirement of 20.
Tier 5: Emerald Feathers & Warrior Elixirs no longer drop. Common items have been added, dropping 76% of the time. Uncommon items have been added, dropping 45% of the time. Rare items now drop 15% of the time instead of 25% of the time. Super rare items now drop 9% of the time instead of 15% of the time, except for items like Cryo Waste, which drop 3.5% of the time. FurCash has been reduced from 100 - 200 to 35 - 70. This battleground now has a minimum level requirement of 18. This battleground now costs 1 charge instead of 2.
Wandering Monsters
This battleground now has a maximum level requirement of 5. FurCash has been reduced to 5 - 10 from 12 - 14.
Wandering Monsters II
This battleground now has a minimum level requirement of 4. This battleground now has a maximum level requirement of 10. FurCash has been reduced to 8 - 18 from 20 - 25.
Wandering Monsters III
This battleground now has a minimum level requirement of 9. This battleground now has a maximum level requirement of 15. FurCash has been reduced to 10 - 20 from 35 - 50. Equipment drop rates have improved by roughly 33%.
Wandering Monsters IV
This battleground now has a minimum level requirement of 12. This battleground now has a maximum level requirement of 20. Warrior Elixirs no longer drop in this battleground. Cryo Waste, Oceanic Emeralds, Titanium Lump, Asheon Meteorites and Aurora Ice Chunks no longer drop in this battleground. FurCash has been reduced to 15 - 25 from 60 - 90. It now costs 1 charge to enter this battleground instead of 2.
Deadly Monsters
This battleground now has a minimum level requirement of 18. Warrior Elixirs no longer drop in this battleground. Emerald Feathers no longer drop in this battleground. FurCash has been reduced from 500 - 1000 to 35 - 60. All SR materials from this battleground are 66% less likely to drop. It now costs 1 charge to enter this battleground instead of 3.
Deadlier Monsters is no longer available; these monsters will be moving on to the new tier 6 battlegrounds when they're available, with some adjustments. Loot that was exclusive to this battleground will be relocated with them.
Recipe Changes:
Basic Robes Schema has had its cost reduced by ~75%, and now only takes 5 minutes to craft (was 15). It no longer requires a Silver Anvil. Robes Schema now requires ~50% less materials to craft.
Standard Leather Armour now requires ~80% less materials to craft, and now only takes 5 minutes to craft (was 15). It no longer requires a Silver Anvil.
Simple Hood now requires ~80% less materials to craft, only takes 5 minutes, and no longer requires a silver anvil. It still needs lumber, for some reason?
Enchanted Hood now requires ~80% less materials to craft.
Heavy Belts now require ~80% less materials to craft; they still require a silver anvil.
Reinforced Belt requires ~33% less materials to craft.
Bronze, Silver and Gold Rings all require 50% less materials to craft.
In addition, Bronze Rings now provide +20 to all resistances. Silver Rings now provide +35 to all resistances. Gold Rings now provide +80 to all resistances, as well as +2 speed. Platnium Rings now provide +110 to all resistances, as well as +2 speed. Enchanted Rings now provide +160 (flat) to all resistances. Enchanted To Be Awesome Signet Ring now provides 180 (flat) to all resistances, as well as +6 endurance.
Abada pets now have descriptions.
Vibrant Gemstones now have descriptions.
Vibrant Gemstones no longer drop.
Wolf Battlegrounds are no longer available.
A new Elite Testing Ground is available - it features 10 monsters from OFB. (Reqs 20+, has no loot drops).
Haunted Zweihander's effects have changed slightly: Corrupted I now deals 85 dark damage and 15 physical damage instead of 100 dark damage. Corrupted II now deals 100 dark damage and 20 physical damage instead of 120 dark damage. Corrupted III now deals 115 dark damage and 25 physical damage instead of 140 dark damage.
Iron Heater Shields, Iron Bucklers and Iron Plate Armour now requires ~60% less materials to craft, but takes ~30% longer to craft.
Steel Heater, Steel Buckler, Steel Plate, Steel Axe and Steel Hammer now require ~66% less materials to craft, but take twice as long to craft.
Steel Mace requires ~80% less materials to craft.
Steel Axe requires ~80% less materials to craft, but takes twice as long to craft.
Steel Hammer requires ~70% less materials to craft, but takes twice as long to craft.
Steel Greatsword is unchanged.
Weapon Crystals requires ~20% less Silver Wrist Hooks and Rusted Steel.
Sheild Crystals require ~20% less Silver Wrist Hooks and Rusted Steel.
Armour Crystals are unchanged.
Utility Crystals require ~20% less materials overall.
The Imaginary Lance That Doesn't Exist now deals imaginary damage.
Sword of Discourse has gained 12 min damage to all elements, and +15 physical damage.
Shield of Discourse has gained +15 mitigation and +10 to all elemental resistances, excluding dark.
Abel's Folly is now available in the quest shop for 250 shards.
The Lion set is currently undergoing testing.
Pies should be fixed! \o/
Sheet Collar of Amasis is available from the recycle shop for 150,000 FurGems.
Abel's Folly is currently undergoing testing.
Gaia's Vine Staff can be found when exploring in DMM.
Priest's Death by Mocha Recipe Card is now available from the Food Supplies store.
Loki Plushie can now be found when exploring in DMM.
Ink Plushie can now be found when exploring in DMM.
Chii Plushie can be bought in the recycling shop for 250 FurGems.
Manic Plush can be acquired very rarely by spinning the Black Wheel.
Chester's Hat should no longer give limited pets. If it does, please let us know ASAP!
DMM event pets are now sterile.
Superior Light Trinket now correctly has 1 charge (was infinite); this may be changed to two charges.
A new Floral Delight recipe has been added to the cooking shop.
Dominion's Khopesh now drops from mimics.
Hidden Earth Amulet is temporarily available in the Valor Shop for 3750 VP.
The Abada recipe is available in the Recycling shop for 6785 gems.
The Super Happy Fun Wheel is no longer available.
Vibrant Gemstones now drop in Wandering Monsters III & IV, as well as Deadly & Deadlier Monsters.
The drop rate matches the charge cost x 2000 (I.e. you'll always get one from Deadlier Monsters).
You'll receive 1 - 3 Vibrant Gemstones when triggering the Tarot Card event. White Fabric no longer drops, and is now available from the recycle shop for 70 FurGems.
New generation bug has been fixed.
Mitigation decreased by 125. Strength reduced by 10 (Lions only).
Fire Serpent Scalemail - Tripled Resistances
Lightning SSM - Tripled Resistances
Frost SSM - Tripled Resistances
Dark SSM - Tripled Resistances
Light SSM - Doubled Resistances
Ascended SSM - Doubled Resistances, excluding Dark, which is now 200 (was -100).
There may be some issues with Chocolate Candycorn - we're looking into it.
Also, in the previous update: Chill Amulet --> Chilling Wand & "resistances have increased significantly."
Chocolate Candycorn now heals for 1500 Health instead of 500.
Abel's Folly now has an extra detrimental effect:
- All damage you deal causes 200% of that damage dealt to be returned to you. You also lose 125 health per turn as pure damage.
Deadly Poison no longer reduces dark resistance. (was -200).
- It no longer reduces dodge chance (Was -200%)
- It no longer increases damage taken. (Was +15%)
- Its base damage is now 440 instead of 500.
The basic amulets have had their damage increased by 30.
(Fireball, Frostbolt, Fusion bolt, Jolt & Chaos Bolt).
All the original "Magic" category amulets have been improved:
Backlash now deals 570 - 700 damage instead of 460 - 550.
Blizzard now deals 150 damage per turn to both players instead of 50.
Chaos Flames now deals 400 - 800 damage instead of 50 - 800. It now always causes burning (was 50% chance).
Creeping Darkness now deals 200 base damage (was 50).
Destruction now deals 800 fire damage (was 650).
Fiery Retort now deals 500 - 650 fire damage (was 350 - 500)
Flame Sunder now deals 350 - 450 fire damasge (was 175 - 225).
Each Frost Volley Bolt now deals 150 damage (was 75).
Furious Flames now deals 375 damage per round (was 250).
Lightning Strike now deals 400 - 800 damage (was 100 - 750); it now always leaves the target electrified (was 25%).
Unstable Elements now deals:
- 150 dark damage (was 50)
- 275 earth damage (was 50)
- 195 fire damage (was 50)
- 175 frost damage (was 50)
- 200 pure damage (was 50)
- 220 lightning damage (was 50)
All items in the "combo" category have been improved drastically:
Chill amulet now only chills your opponent.
Combustion now deals 550 - 550 damage (was 350 - 350).
Ember now deals 1000 fire damage (was 500).
Electrify has been reworked. It now deals 1000 lightning damage to an opponent if they're afflicted by electrify.
Extinquish now heals for 700 (was 200); this healing still scales with intelligence.
Frostfire is unchanged.
Fusion Blast now deals 120 - 170 of each element instead of 30 - 40.
Pollute now deals 475 - 525 base damage to your opponent; self damage is unchanged.
Shock now deals 275 - 420 damage. (Was 75 - 325).
The following items have resistance changes:
Scholary Robes: All resistances tripled.
Wizard Robes: All resistances doubled.
Quality Robes: All resistances dobuled.
Amethystine Robes: Fire Resistance doubled; frost resistance increased by 200.
Oasis Robes: All resistances doubled; now has 200 lightning & dark resistance.
Reinforced Leather Armour: All resistances doubled.
Dark Leather Armour: All resistances doubled.
Light Leather Armour: All resistances tripled.
--> Light Leather Armour is now classified as light armour.
Improved Reinforced Leather Armour: All resistances doubled.
Flowering Leather Armour: All resistances doubled.
Studded Leather Armour: All resistances tripled; now has 250 dark resistance.
Enchanted Hood: All resistances tripled.
Amethystine Hood: All resistances increased by 100.
All Rings now provide significantly more endurance:
Bronze Ring - 6 END (was 1).
--> You can now purchase Bronze Rings in the recycle shop for 2500 FurGems.
Silver Ring - 10 END (Was 2).
Gold Ring - 17 END (Was 3).
Platinum Ring - 24 END ( Was 4).
Enchanted Ring - 27 END (Was 3).
Fire Signet Ring - 15 END (Was 2).
Lightning Signet Ring - 15 END (Was 2).
Frost Signet Ring - 30 END (Was 10).
Dark Signet Ring - 0 END, was -2 - now provides 15 SPD and 4 STR. (was 2 / 0).
Enchanted to be Awesome Signet Ring: 40 END (Was 6).
Gem-Rings: 17 END (Was ~1 END).
Hale's Ring now increases damage dealt & taken by 37% (was 25%).
Laura's Ring - 12 END (Was 0).
Obsidian Ring - 17 END (Was 2).
Petrified Wood Ring - 11 END (Was 1).
Lion Form Ring - 24 END (Was 0).
RROA - 40 END (Was 7).
Tourmaline Ring - 10 END (Was -1).
A Brief Explaination:
This should make old amulets more viable, and make "cheaper" warrior builds more accessible to a larger number of players. The large endurance increase is a temporary solution to a larger problem - once we're able to code changes to endurance, these bonuses will be gone.
To off-set the damage increase from various elements, resistances has increased significantly. Ideally, this should make duels a bit more interesting, but has the intentional side-effect of making PvE content easier & more accessible.
Please post feedback - I've made sure to list the previous values so we can revert these changes if need be.
Arnoth is sick of fighting such weak warriors, and has resigned to a life of luxury at his secret oasis home in the desert.
The Zeboran Space Suit now has 150 mitigation (Up from 60), and its "Power on" abilities description has been corrected to actual function.
The Zeboran Ray Gun now interacts with opponents which have the "Powered suit" status effect.
-MOD Tempest
Warrior's Boxers can now be found in the recycle shop for 42069 FG.
-MOD Tempest
The Flame Utility crystal now provides 100 fire resistance instead of 10.
New Stuff:
- You can find a damaged spacesuit in OD's reef exploration event (1% chance).
- You can find a functional spacesuit in the Black Tarot card event (0.2% chance).
- You can find an Unsettling Feathercloak from the Black Tarot card event (0.45% chance).
- A couple independent events have been added to various villages for new plushies.
- OFB has a basement again (Thanks to MOD-Pseudonym).
- Steel Plate Helm is now available from WM4.
- Elaborate Plate Helm is now available from Deadly Monsters.
- Both of these helms also drop in deadlier monsters.
(Updated for clarity).
The "Mindbreak" effect on the Crying Feather Knife now correctly displays its cleansing effects.
The Spells "Flame Sunder" and "Combustion" now correctly state the caster of the spells.
-MOD Tempest
A new exploration event has been added (all villages).
Salt & Monster Meat now drop 10% of the time from Wandering Monsters battlegrounds. The recipe is now available for purchase. (Drop rates to be adjusted!)
Deadlier Monsters has been re-enabled; no changes have been made to loot drops.
QP Exploration Changes:
You are now twice as likely to find an Ember Meteorite when going left in the maze.
Right --> Left --> Straight --> Straight --> Lie
This path now provides 2 - 8 Twilight Sky Mushrooms instead of 2 - 4.
Right --> Left --> Straight --> Straight --> Truth
This path now provides 1 - 4 Twilight Sky Mushrooms instead of 1 - 2.
This path now has a 40% chance to yield a Granite Sky Rock instead of 25% chance.
You can no longer fail to climb the stairs in the spire (was 50% chance).
- The chest now provides 1 - 2 Sky Coins instead of 3 - 5, and 100 - 200 FC instead of 500 - 1500.
The tower will no longer be an illusion.
- You'll no longer lose charges for entering the study.
- You'll no longer lose charges when leaving the tower.
You're now three times as likely to find an Azure Feather in the Lodgings.
- Failure at the lodgings will no longer cause you to lose charges.
You're now twice as likely to receive a topaz feather when descending from the Grand Hall.
TEP Exploration Changes:
You're now half as likely to fail when investigating the stone, and doing so will no longer cause you to lose exploration charges.
You can no longer fail when taking the path.
Taking the left path is now half as likely to fail, and no longer causes you to lose charges.
You're now three times as likely to find an Azure Feather when resting.
- Failing to rest no longer causes you to lose charges.
- Successfully resting now restores 20 charges instead of 15.
Looking for a way Around no longer causes you to lose exploration charges.
Failing to go through the pass no longer causes you to lose exploration charges. You're now much more likely to succeed when picking this option.
Searching the shrine is now twice as likely to provide materials; failing to explore the shrine now provides a small amount of FC.
Attempting to interact with the ladder still yields in exploration loss on failure.
Unicorn Lance - Now requires 1,000,000 Candycorn instead of 2,500,000
Qurious Blade - Now requires 3,200 Dark Mythic Tablets instead of 4,000.
Traveler's Amulet - Now requires 100 of each feather instead of 200 / 190 / 3000 (Elegant Feather is now required).
Ridiculous Ring - No longer requires: Shining Light, Mystery, Super Fun Happy, Fortune, Superior Light, Fusion or any tremendous-tier crystals.
The following items are now stocked in the valour shop:
Dark Mythic Tablet
Light Mythic
Azure Feather
Item Upgrade Ticket
The Kitsune Bags can no longer contain: Arctic, Silver, Red or Foxfire Kitsunes.
Instead, they may provide Rainbow Cloud, Howling-Were, Classic & Modern Bard Kitsunes.
For reference:
12% Chance: Dark Orchid, Star Guardian, Vampire Spooky, Lil Witchy, Happy Holly, Winter Wonderland.
8% Chance: Rainbow Cloud, Classic Bard, Modern Bard
3% Chance: Howling Were-Kitsune
1% Chance: Armour of the Divine Kitsune
It's available in the FDE for 750 FD, and drops very rarely in Deadlier Monsters.
Traveler's Amulet Recipe Changes:
300 --> 200 Azure Feathers
5000 --> 3000 Emerald Feathers
250 --> 190 Topaz Feathers
Traveler's Amulet Changes:
250 --> 190 Mitigation
100 --> 70 Resistance
Barrel Shield Recipe Changes:
3000 --> 1700 Birch Lumber
3000 --> 1700 Cherry Lumber
10000 --> 6000 Lumber
Barrel Shield Changes:
50 END --> 37 END
Armour of the Divine Kitsune Recipe:
No longer requires: The Legend's Armour, Vali's Golden Hammer, Alure's Flames, Peaches' Poison, Kyla's Trinket, Saul's Cursed Hammer
Armour of the Divine Kitsune:
1000 --> 770 Mitigation
Qurious Blade Recipe:
7000 --> 4000 Dark Mythic Tablet
100 --> 50 Amethystine Steel
Qurious Blade
+6 to all stats --> +4 to all stats (ability unchanged).
Mace of Infinite Light Recipe:
250 --> 175 Light Mythic Tablet
75 --> 50 Amethystine Steel
Mace of Infinite Light:
6 --> 4 Int
6 --> 4 End
150 --> 75 Mitigation (ability unchanged).
Unicorn Lance Unchanged.
Ridiculous Ring of Absurdity no longer has any sockets, but now provides 7 to all stats and 77 to all defensive categories.
The recipe is unchanged.
Amethystine Steel recipes drop 3x more frequently.
Due to a bug, Sunny's Inquisitive Blade can no longer be used as a keepsake.
Just a quick correction!
Agate's War Fan: Drops 1% of the time from a new opponent, which can be found rarely in Wandering Monsters IV.
New items are now available:
Risktaker's Coin:
1.25% from black tarot cards.
1% from the black wheel.
Risktaker's Sword:
0.5% from black tarot cards.
Risktaker's Shield:
0.75% from the black wheel.
Agate's War Fan: Drops 1% of the time from a new opponent, which can be found rarely in Deadly Monsters IV.
Talenti's Tome: Found 1% of the time when taking the trail in TEP (this event will be updated soon).
Sunny's Inquisitive Blade: Available in the recycle shop for 2000 FurGems. Note that the damage bonus & reduction on this item does not stack with similar effects.
Users now have the ability to adjust their browsing font size, which should help with some accessibility issues. If you notice any sections you believe are being improperly affected, please let me know!
There are also now options to hide the Contests and Painties sections from the Town Hall page.
All three options are available on the User Settings page.
A fix has also been implemented that should now display the birthday gifts you've received when you first claim them.
A Questioning Button has been added to the Recycle Shop!
5 new Pride Buttons have been added to the Recycle Shop! Androgyne, Intersex, Autochorissexual, Pangender, and Polysexual so go on over and check them out!
Shattered Greatsword has been renamed to Broken Greatsword.
Amethystine Hood now provides 300 to all elemental resistances.
Amethystine Robes no longer provides any stat bonuses/penalties, but instead increase all resistances by 600.
Amethystine Kite Shield no longer decreases speed, but instead increases it by the same amount.
Amethystine Mace now deals drastically increased damage to heavy/medium armour types, applies Sunder to your opponent, and Battle Cry & Fortitude to yourself - all effects last 6 rounds. However, it now only has a single charge.
Momentum has been fixed for the Steel Zweihander.
Amethystine Hood/Robes no longer decrease mitigation.
Lesser Earth Golem has slightly more strength but no longer uses Headbutt, and instead uses basic attacks & earth bolt.
Lightning Strike now has a base damage of 1 - 600 instead of 1 - 1200.
Greater / Lesser golems now always drop chocolate candy corn. Tiny golems have a 50% chance to drop one.
Greater Dark Golems no longer casts Dark Matter (which triggers silence & disarm effects).
Greater Frost Golem no longer casts Cryogenic Stasis (which was outright broken).
The new tier 6 battleground, The Abyss, is now available.
Festival Shop now has festival items stocked.
Live Changes:
Deadlier monsters has been disabled. The monsters have moved to The Abyss, with slightly improved stats.
Silver Bardiche now drops in Deadly Monsters.
Steel Bardiche now drops in Wandering Monsters IV
Lion Roar Amulet now drops in Deadly Monsters
Lion Form Ring now drops in Old Caves
Lion Paws now drops in The Graveyard
Lion Mane Hide now drops in Open Waters
Lion Mask now drops in Mountain's Peak
Lion Shield now drops in Serpent's Head
Lawnmower's Rampage now correctly deals extra damage after one round to the user, tentative on Lifebringer status.
Broken Items are now properly classified as weapons, and have unique attacks.
These changes have been prepared for the festival's launch, and are provided for information purposes:
Loot Table for The Abyss (Tier 6):
Obsidian Ring
Petrified Wooden Ring
Steel Zweihander
Gold Tower Shield
Aqua Magical Gills
Gilded Magical Gills
Toxic Candycorn
Bright Sky Dragon Scales
Shining Sun Dragon Scales
Dark Mythic Tablet
Dark Bardiche
Light Bardiche
Gold Bardiche
Light Mythic Tablet
Azure Feather
Topaz Feather
Amethystine Steel Blueprints (x5).
Shattered Greatsword
Broken Axe
Broken Hammer
Vibrant Gemstone (1 - 2) - Cycles.
Dark Gemstone (1).
Bashful Blossoms (1).
Warrior's Elixir: 1.6%
Chocolate Candycorn (2): 100%
FurCash: 150 - 260
Other Drops:
Butcher's Block Bundle (2%)
Dairy Asile Bundle (2%)
Fresh Produce Bundle (2%)
Hot Chocolate Packet (1%)
Ice Chunk (1%)
White Fur Tufts (0.5%)
Silver Paw Platter (0.2%)
Baker's Bundle (0.5%)
Coral (1%)
Magical Gills (1%)
Dragon Hide (1%)
Stardust (1%)
Golden Laurels (1%)
Iron Lump (1%)
Kingly Gemstones (0.2%)
Mammoth Tusk (1%)
Spellbook Page (1%)
Feather (1%)
Insect Wings (1%)
Soup (0.01%)
Golden Cufflinks (1.2%)
Oceanic Gem (1.2%)
Brass Pieces (1%)
Elegant Feather (1%)
Candycorn (1.2%)
Slime Bucket (1.2%)
Torn Steak (1%)
Toxic Waste (1%)
Tiny Golems
- Small FurCash award, and a chance at all festival-exclusive items.
Golem Fields
- Moderate FurCash award, and a greater chance at all festival-exclusive items.
- Broken Equipment
- Warrior Elixirs
- Mystery Bags
Greater Golem Fields
- Larger FurCash award, best chance at festival-exclusive items.
- Broken Equipment
- Warrior Elixirs
- Mystery Bags
The Amethystine Enigma Recipe produces one of the following Amethystine items:
Axe, Buckler, Heater Shield, Greathammer, Greatshield, Greatsword, Hammer, Lance, Mace, Scythe, Plate Armour, Robes, Hood, Studded Leather.
-OR- 65 Ingots (2% chance).
Please note that when creating items this way, items are generated as if they had dropped from battle and so will have a minimum potency score of 100%.
Legendary Recipes:
Will be implemented week 2 of the event.
Please note that the designs of the legendary items are expected to change.
DMM Exploration Changes:
You are now twice as likely to find the Hovel, and slightly less likely to end up at the hills.
You are less likely to find Card Sharp's deck when using the door in the hovel.
--> These changes make you roughly twice as likely to find a Topaz Feather.
You now have a 12% chance to get Molten Waste at the Desolate Windmill (was 8%)
All stages at the Hidden Cove are now 50% (previously was 50%, 50%, 40%, 27%)
---> This gives you a ~3% chance to find an Azure Feather through this method.
The Traveler will no longer give you an Iron Lump, but instead will give you a random rare reagent.
The first failure state in this path no longer causes you to lose exploration charges.
The second failure state in this path awards 1 - 200 FurCash (the event text hasn't been updated to indicate why, aliens probably?), and no longer causes you to lose exploration charges.
The third failure state in this path awards 50 - 400 FurCash and no longer causes you to lose charges (aliens again).
The fourth failure state in this path no longer causes you to lose exploration charges and provides a random potion of any rarity (also due to aliens).
Expect further changes to this path later.
Bountiful Fields is unchanged.
The well's secret outcome now occurs 0.02% of the time instead of 0.01% of the time. Don't think too much about this, it's not worth pursuing.
Success at the well now provides an uncommon animal (was common).
Failure at the quarry no longer causes you to lose exploration charges.
Taking the Left Path at the quarry now restores exploration charges instead of taking them. There's again no explaination for this, but this time it was probably werewolves and not aliens.
Failure taking the right path no longer causes you to lose exploration charges.
When interacting with the door at the house, you're now four times as likely to succeed and receive a Eerie Toothy Scarf; likewise, you're that much less likely to trigger a failed outcome at that location.
You'll now receive 2 - 4 Sinister Spiderwebs instead of 1 - 3 when interacting with the door and getting a regular success. You'll also get 1 - 50 FurCash.
Failure at the The Door no longer causes you to lose exploration charges.
When entering through the window, you now have a 40% chance to succeed instead of 25% chance.
On repeated failure for entering the window, you'll no longer lose exploration charges.
The Mill is unchanged.
Failure at The Town Hall now causes you to receive 1 - 80 FurCash instead of losing exploration charges.
The Market is unchanged.
The Lake's secret outcome has been disabled. Again, don't think too much on this one.
You're now half as likely to fail entering the lake.
Failing to swim across the lake no longer causes you to lose exploration charges.
OD Exploration Changes:
The Manokit event is unchanged.
You're now twice as likely to find Shiny Red Oxygen Tanks in the cave.
You'll no longer lose 5 exploration charges for failing on this option.
When entering the reef, you're now much less likely to fail, and doing so no longer causes you to lose exploration charges.
Exploring elsewhere in the Cave Singer event no longer causes you to lose exploration charges on failure.
Loot Caves:
The loot caves are available again, but now require level 10 to access.
In addition, the "warrior" exploration materials, typically found in events, now have the following drop rates in the Loot Cave:
Uncommon: 2.5%
Rare: 1%
Super Rare: 0.05%.
OFB Castle Changes:
You can no longer fail climbing in the window.
When visiting the Serpent's Quarters, you are now three times as likely to find an Azure feather.
When visiting the Kitchen, you'll no longer lose any charges for failure; you're twice as likely to find Card-Sharp's Deck here, and you'll no longer lose charges for doing so.
When visiting the Garden, you'll now receive 2 - 7 Cherry Lumber instead of 1 - 1.
When searching the cellar, you'll now receive 4 - 9 Cherry Lumber instead of 2 - 3.
When searching the cellar, you'll now receive 1 - 3 Onyx Arm Straps instead of 1 - 1.
When returning from the cellar INSTEAD OF searching, you'll now have a 50% chance of receiving an Anodized Aluminum Lump instead of 22% chance.
The odds of reaching the cellar are unchanged: 75%, 65%, 65%
The "Descend" option from the side rooms has been removed.
Door One now gives an Onyx Arm Strap 65% of the time instead of 35% of the time.
You can no longer fail entering the tower.
When entering the tower, you now have a 75% chance to encounter Cinder (was 50%)
She'll now reward you with 1 - 2 Onxy Arm Straps instead of 1. You'll also receive 75 - 200 FC instead of 25 - 100.
Grand Heal Amulet now passively provides 10% damage reduction while equipped; this does not stack with similar effects.
You can now find Cupid's Harp in the DMM Exploration event.
Harbingers now drop 1 - 2 Harbinger Hides.
Harbinger Cloaks are now craftable.
The recipe drops from Harbingers (very rarely).
The Harbinger's Loot has changed.
It now drops 400 - 1200 FurCash (Was 200 - 1000).
It no longer drops materials.
It now drops broken hammers 100% of the time.
It now drops broken axes 50% of the time.
It now drops shattered greatswords 20% of the time.
In addition to having a 10% chance to drop a warrior's elixir, it now has a 2.5% chance to drop an extra elixir.
There is now a 40% chance to receive a bonus 200 - 400 FC.
There is now a 5% chance to receive a bonus 300 - 600 FC.
There is now a 0.01% chance to receive a bonus 10,000 - 15,000 FC.
Notes: This should make it easier to craft crystals overall; odds for exploration yields will increase soon - I'm looking to push some emphasis away from warriors and into explorers instead of warriors being able to gather all required materials.
Tourmaline Ring can now be found in Deadly Monsters, Wandering Monsters IV and Wandering Monsters III
Larry the Living Lawnmower Schema is now available in the recycle shop for 10,000 FurGems.
The Harbinger now drops the Hand Pendulum Item.
Bardiche & Lion items are ready for release, but pending viable drop locations.
Light Staff now deals 400 pure damage instead of 350.
Dark Staff now deals 340 - 390 dark damage instead of 290 - 325.
Flame Staff now deals 310 - 360 fire damage instead of 200 - 270, and is much more likely to cause burns.
Frost Staff now deals 250 - 290 frost damage instead of 175 - 220, and is much more likely to cause chills.
Lightning Staff now deals 1 - 550 lightning damage instead of 40 - 375, and now always causes electrify.
All Caps Removed; Deadly Monsters now drops 130 - 220 FC (should yield similar results over 3 successful battles to what it did previously), and Deadlier Monsters has been temporarily re-enabled with no modifications (pending the implementation of tier 6 battlegrounds).
Caps have been removed on Wandering Monster battlegrounds (but still exist for village grounds).
Chocolate Candycorn now drops 35% of the time instead of *45% of the time.
Loot Caves have been disabled pending player feedback.
Village Battlegrounds have changed:
Tier 1:
Common materials now drop 30% of the time instead of 46% of the time.
Chocolate Candycorn now drops 35% of the time instead of 35% of the time.
Steel still drops 30% of the time.
Uncommon materials now drop 16% of the time instead of 26% of the time.
Coins still drop 5% of the time.
Rare materials now drop 2.5% of the time.
Super Rare materials now drop 1.5% of the time, except for items like Cryo Waste, which drop 0.5% of the time.
FurCash has been reduced to 5 - 10 from 15 - 25.
Equipment & recipe drops have been doubled.
This battleground now has a maximum level requirement of 5.
Tier 2:
Common materials now drop 35% of the time instead of 46% of the time.
Chocolate Candycorn still drops 46% of the time.
Steel still drops 35% of the time.
Uncommon materials now drop 19% of the time instead of 29% of the time.
Rare materials now drop 5% of the time instead of 10% of the time.
Super Rare materials now drop 2.5% of the time, except for items like Cryo Waste, which drop 1% of the time.
Sky Coins now drop 5.5% of the time instead of 5% of the time.
Equipment & recipe drops have been doubled.
FurCash values unchanged from 8 - 18.
This battleground now has a minimum level requirement of 4.
This battleground now has a maximum level requirement of 10.
Tier 3:
Common Materials still drop 53% of the time.
Steel still drops 40% of the time.
Chocolate candycorn now drops 50% of the time instead of 35% of the time.
Uncommon materials still drop 33% of the time.
Skycoins now drop 7% of the time, down from 10%.
Rare items still drop 10% of the time.
Super Rare items still drop 5% of the time, except for items like Cryo Waste, which still drop 1.5% of the time.
Equipment & recipe drops have been doubled.
FurCash values unchanged from 10 - 20.
This battleground now has a minimum level requirement of 9.
This battleground now has a maximum level requirement of 15.
Tier 4:
Common items still drop 57% of the time.
Steel still drops 45% of the time.
Chocolate Candycorn now drops 50% of the time, and always drops 2.
Uncommon items still drop 37% of the time.
Skycoins now drop 10% of the time, down from 12%.
Rare items now drop 12% of the time.
Super Rare items still drop 7% of the time, except for items like Cryo Waste, which drop 2% of the time.
FurCash has been reduced from 25 - 35 to 15 - 25.
Equipment & recipe drops have been doubled.
This battleground now has a minimum level requirement of 15.
This battleground now has a maximum level requirement of 20.
Tier 5:
Emerald Feathers & Warrior Elixirs no longer drop.
Common items have been added, dropping 76% of the time.
Uncommon items have been added, dropping 45% of the time.
Rare items now drop 15% of the time instead of 25% of the time.
Super rare items now drop 9% of the time instead of 15% of the time, except for items like Cryo Waste, which drop 3.5% of the time.
FurCash has been reduced from 100 - 200 to 35 - 70.
This battleground now has a minimum level requirement of 18.
This battleground now costs 1 charge instead of 2.
Wandering Monsters
This battleground now has a maximum level requirement of 5.
FurCash has been reduced to 5 - 10 from 12 - 14.
Wandering Monsters II
This battleground now has a minimum level requirement of 4.
This battleground now has a maximum level requirement of 10.
FurCash has been reduced to 8 - 18 from 20 - 25.
Wandering Monsters III
This battleground now has a minimum level requirement of 9.
This battleground now has a maximum level requirement of 15.
FurCash has been reduced to 10 - 20 from 35 - 50.
Equipment drop rates have improved by roughly 33%.
Wandering Monsters IV
This battleground now has a minimum level requirement of 12.
This battleground now has a maximum level requirement of 20.
Warrior Elixirs no longer drop in this battleground.
Cryo Waste, Oceanic Emeralds, Titanium Lump, Asheon Meteorites and Aurora Ice Chunks no longer drop in this battleground.
FurCash has been reduced to 15 - 25 from 60 - 90.
It now costs 1 charge to enter this battleground instead of 2.
Deadly Monsters
This battleground now has a minimum level requirement of 18.
Warrior Elixirs no longer drop in this battleground.
Emerald Feathers no longer drop in this battleground.
FurCash has been reduced from 500 - 1000 to 35 - 60.
All SR materials from this battleground are 66% less likely to drop.
It now costs 1 charge to enter this battleground instead of 3.
Deadlier Monsters is no longer available; these monsters will be moving on to the new tier 6 battlegrounds when they're available, with some adjustments.
Loot that was exclusive to this battleground will be relocated with them.
Recipe Changes:
Basic Robes Schema has had its cost reduced by ~75%, and now only takes 5 minutes to craft (was 15). It no longer requires a Silver Anvil.
Robes Schema now requires ~50% less materials to craft.
Standard Leather Armour now requires ~80% less materials to craft, and now only takes 5 minutes to craft (was 15). It no longer requires a Silver Anvil.
Simple Hood now requires ~80% less materials to craft, only takes 5 minutes, and no longer requires a silver anvil. It still needs lumber, for some reason?
Enchanted Hood now requires ~80% less materials to craft.
Heavy Belts now require ~80% less materials to craft; they still require a silver anvil.
Reinforced Belt requires ~33% less materials to craft.
Bronze, Silver and Gold Rings all require 50% less materials to craft.
In addition,
Bronze Rings now provide +20 to all resistances.
Silver Rings now provide +35 to all resistances.
Gold Rings now provide +80 to all resistances, as well as +2 speed.
Platnium Rings now provide +110 to all resistances, as well as +2 speed.
Enchanted Rings now provide +160 (flat) to all resistances.
Enchanted To Be Awesome Signet Ring now provides 180 (flat) to all resistances, as well as +6 endurance.
Abada pets now have descriptions.
Vibrant Gemstones now have descriptions.
Vibrant Gemstones no longer drop.
Wolf Battlegrounds are no longer available.
A new Elite Testing Ground is available - it features 10 monsters from OFB. (Reqs 20+, has no loot drops).
Haunted Zweihander's effects have changed slightly:
Corrupted I now deals 85 dark damage and 15 physical damage instead of 100 dark damage.
Corrupted II now deals 100 dark damage and 20 physical damage instead of 120 dark damage.
Corrupted III now deals 115 dark damage and 25 physical damage instead of 140 dark damage.
Iron Heater Shields, Iron Bucklers and Iron Plate Armour now requires ~60% less materials to craft, but takes ~30% longer to craft.
Steel Heater, Steel Buckler, Steel Plate, Steel Axe and Steel Hammer now require ~66% less materials to craft, but take twice as long to craft.
Steel Mace requires ~80% less materials to craft.
Steel Axe requires ~80% less materials to craft, but takes twice as long to craft.
Steel Hammer requires ~70% less materials to craft, but takes twice as long to craft.
Steel Greatsword is unchanged.
Weapon Crystals requires ~20% less Silver Wrist Hooks and Rusted Steel.
Sheild Crystals require ~20% less Silver Wrist Hooks and Rusted Steel.
Armour Crystals are unchanged.
Utility Crystals require ~20% less materials overall.
The Imaginary Lance That Doesn't Exist now deals imaginary damage.
Sword of Discourse has gained 12 min damage to all elements, and +15 physical damage.
Shield of Discourse has gained +15 mitigation and +10 to all elemental resistances, excluding dark.
Abel's Folly is now available in the quest shop for 250 shards.
The Lion set is currently undergoing testing.
Pies should be fixed! \o/
Sheet Collar of Amasis is available from the recycle shop for 150,000 FurGems.
Abel's Folly is currently undergoing testing.
Gaia's Vine Staff can be found when exploring in DMM.
Priest's Death by Mocha Recipe Card is now available from the Food Supplies store.
Loki Plushie can now be found when exploring in DMM.
Ink Plushie can now be found when exploring in DMM.
Chii Plushie can be bought in the recycling shop for 250 FurGems.
Manic Plush can be acquired very rarely by spinning the Black Wheel.
Chester's Hat should no longer give limited pets. If it does, please let us know ASAP!
DMM event pets are now sterile.
Superior Light Trinket now correctly has 1 charge (was infinite); this may be changed to two charges.
A new Floral Delight recipe has been added to the cooking shop.
Dominion's Khopesh now drops from mimics.
Hidden Earth Amulet is temporarily available in the Valor Shop for 3750 VP.
The Abada recipe is available in the Recycling shop for 6785 gems.
The Super Happy Fun Wheel is no longer available.
Vibrant Gemstones now drop in Wandering Monsters III & IV, as well as Deadly & Deadlier Monsters.
The drop rate matches the charge cost x 2000 (I.e. you'll always get one from Deadlier Monsters).
You'll receive 1 - 3 Vibrant Gemstones when triggering the Tarot Card event. White Fabric no longer drops, and is now available from the recycle shop for 70 FurGems.
New generation bug has been fixed.
Mitigation decreased by 125.
Strength reduced by 10 (Lions only).