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Tournament Rewards

Posted by Admin-Wisteria on 2 Jun 2017, 7:46 pm


Hi all!

Just quickly letting you know you can claim your tournament rewards now from here!

Also here's this Shop!

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    • DaDwarf - Leftover points will be carried over into the next tournament, according to previous news posts... that should be later this month.

    • What is that sword in the stone trophy? That was never shown or mentioned but I see someone with it

    • Admin-Wisteria what do we do with left over points? Is it possible to round up numbers? I spent the majority but landed on 74 so no matter what i buy next i wont be spending that 4 points and thats a lil sour lol

      Any way you can either give everyone a rounded up number or add a 1vp item?

    • yay!

      i think this was better than the serpent festival

    • Thank you for that, now I have to decide what I want to get...

    • Any chance we can get a solid date and time on when the shop will be closing? And if pets will still be going sterile on the 1st? I really need to know to try and weigh my odds on breeding and decide what pets to buy. Many thanks!

    • Yay thanks! Loving my shiny new trophies!!!

    • Got my lance, thank you! And thanks for creating such a fun event, I loved it! ^-^

    • Ah makes sense, I only dropped constantly woooo

    • MariahKat

      Ya, that's your finishing ELO. 1000 is what everyone started with, I think.