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User ID: #102792
Username: R8VN
Rank: Helper
Gender: She
Registered: 9 Aug 2017, 9:01 am

Profile description

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gift art by my awesome friend sherbettoons

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I am 19 years old and a digital artist/story writer with a massive project underway and a love for making new characters. I'm always down to meet new people so please don't feel shy to talk to me; I like to think I'm approachable so even if it's for small talk I'm totally fine with it. I might seem overly chatty and share a lot while other times I'm very closed off. Dont take it personally because it's never my intent to offend anyone. My emotions are like a tornado and I can be very impulsive and forgetful at times. If i don't reply it's either because I'm sleeping or I'm busy. Usually I'm online much less on the weekends but i try to be active either way. I am currently expanding my collections and reworking/recoding my villagers. It is a work in progress so stay tuned ( •̀ ω •́ )

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my wishlist is here

many thanks to everyone who's gifted me items, it's much appreciated and brought me a step closer to completing my goals. you rock!

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Villagers 40

Comments 347

    • I was kinda sad when I realized Draikinator was quitting ^-^ but he wasn’t the nicest person, so I’m not as sad if say moonkitti or finchwing quit

    • i'd be good with that!! ^v^ dm me the character + let me know what sorta you'd like~ i'll get it out to you this weekend <3

    • awwwh, thank you!! yeah, i'd be down to do an icon commission sometime! i haven't for a while, no idea how i'd price it. what were you thinking?
      (i've got more artstuff on DA for examples! https://www.deviantart.com/kreptv/gallery/)

  • Comment has been hidden

    • Ahhmtgosh I’m so sorry! I’ve been swamped and not been on FV much the past couple days. I’ll check those over ASAP, thanks!

    • well what if I choose to not be online? >:D

    • Hey, sorry for the late response! I was at my Aunt and Uncle's house yesterday and was away from my main computer; I only logged in through my phone to keep my Daily Streak. Your original trade offer was perfectly fair! I'm sorry, but another user previously offered another Feral Costume for a commission; the only reason why it's still on my Wishlist is because they are not done with it yet, so the trade is still up in the air. I'm sorry to decline! If something falls through I'll contact you. Thank you for the offer!

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