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Viewing R8VN's Profile

User ID: #102792
Username: R8VN
Rank: Helper
Gender: She
Registered: 9 Aug 2017, 9:01 am

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gift art by my awesome friend sherbettoons

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I am 19 years old and a digital artist/story writer with a massive project underway and a love for making new characters. I'm always down to meet new people so please don't feel shy to talk to me; I like to think I'm approachable so even if it's for small talk I'm totally fine with it. I might seem overly chatty and share a lot while other times I'm very closed off. Dont take it personally because it's never my intent to offend anyone. My emotions are like a tornado and I can be very impulsive and forgetful at times. If i don't reply it's either because I'm sleeping or I'm busy. Usually I'm online much less on the weekends but i try to be active either way. I am currently expanding my collections and reworking/recoding my villagers. It is a work in progress so stay tuned ( •̀ ω •́ )

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my wishlist is here

many thanks to everyone who's gifted me items, it's much appreciated and brought me a step closer to completing my goals. you rock!

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Villagers 40

Comments 347

    • Id be alright with that. I will mark Snickerdoodle as pending, pm me when you save up the rest so we can trade!

    • If you are still interested in Snickerdoodle Im willing to accept your offer now! Let me know your TH and transfer the FD if so. I will send him as soon as I see it (owo)b

    • If I dont get any interest for USD offers by the 20th Ill definitely put you down for adopting Snickerdoodle. It makes me happy you like him!

    • Aww thank you!! Im not sure what drawing program you use, but i use paint tool sai and i have my stabilizer set to 15 and i really take my time on my lines. The trick is to do them in one quick motion instead of dragging your pen across your tablet because that makes the lines wiggly

    • I don't mind you getting #48. I'd prefer to get #49 anyway. ^^

    • Ok, one problem, I do this on mobile, but hopefully it should be no different. I’ll try this in a bit

    • Uhummmm.... Depends. Send me the details and I'll let you know. Shifties cost more than regular. I'm also considering opening up discounts tho for people who can give me good drawing references for portraits because I need to add more to my portfolio so if you're interested I could tell you more about that. DM me for more details, about the price and the possible discount.

    • Ok, seems simple. Don’t I need a image code to enter a image?

    • I meant FD currency exception. Hah! Awkward... XD. I can probably do one for you but you might have to wait a while. Or not wait a while. Depends on my schedule, really. But you'd have to be open to the possibility of not having it for a few weeks (although that long is unlikely).

    • Hey! I just reopened for USD actually, I've been having a lot of hw lately and SATS are coming up for me so I just don't have the time for furvilla commissions. I do need money to buy lunch though, so I make time for USD. I could make an FR currency exception but it might take several weeks and I don't want to put you through that. Depending on what it is I could do it for $7-$15. Let me know, I'd be happy to do it for you if I can.

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