Viewing Versoa's Profile

User ID: #119190
Username: Versoa
Gender: Radioactive
Last Online: 5 Dec 2024, 7:40 pm
Registered: 16 Aug 2018, 3:33 pm
Username: Versoa
Gender: Radioactive
Last Online: 5 Dec 2024, 7:40 pm
Registered: 16 Aug 2018, 3:33 pm

Profile description
I- I change my CSS a lot don't worry about me though i'm fin e
HEY! Are you feeling a little blue? Send me a DM and I will send you a random wholesome image, or a post from r/mademesmile! :) <3 ❤ ♡ No matter who you are, you are precious loved, and worthy! Ily!
FurVilla's resident oddity obsessed nerd
Grimm/Tae ☢ Female ☢ INTP-T ☢ True Neutral
Greetings and salutations! I go by Versoa here, though you may refer to me as Grimm, or I will also accept the use of "Tae" if you're close enough to me (Basically unless you're on my friends list down below, please refrain from using it.) I'm female and use she/her pronouns. I'm an artist who specializes in all things abnormal and creepy. I absolutely love totalitarian/dystopian sci-fi books like 1984 and Fahrenheit 451, which I'm proud to say I own and have read both of. I also collect uranium glass and have a decent collection going, I also collect bones and other oddities. If you ever wish to talk about anything you absolutely may send me a DM here, or for a quicker response over on Discord! (@ Versoa#1259). I wish you all a lovely day/night!
And a quick warning before we continue; If you don't like excessive swearing, gore, or bright colors I politely suggest you vamoose because I don't wanna upset anyone
@Soufloufe is a precious edgy tofu marshmallow flouf tHing- go tease them. But don't tell them I sent you hehe <3
Some of my other beautiful friends you should talk to! ^^
Interests (Feel free to DM me and talk about any of em!) *** is my current obsession ** is a favorite and * means I just enjoy it passively
***Oddities in genera;
***Radioactive things (Uranium glass mostly)
***Military/War stuff
**The Maze Runner (and other apocalyptic Sci-Fi things hehe,,)
**Plague Doctors :))))
**Aliens and space in general
*Sally face
*Medical Dramas
*Jack Stauber
Not a mod or helper but still glad to help!
Feel free to message me or send a friend request! I don't bite! :)
(I hoard them)

CSS base by Lu edits by myself (lmao I suck at CSS :,))
Great song recommended by 10/10 dentists /hj
[/color] (keeping this here just to make you mad, heheh)
Some of my other beautiful friends you should talk to! ^^
Other places you can find me!
Discord - Versoa#1259 - Versoa
Reddit - Aqua-Dragon
Instagram - Versoaa Inactive
TikTok - @Plaguedocgarnet Inactive
Twitter - DeerieBeloved (proceed with caution, I swear and talk about politics a lot and make horribly crude/dirty jokes :'0)
YouTube - Versoa Inactive
FlightRising - Versoa Semi-Active
Dragon Cave RoseGem Semi-Active
DeviantArt - DrGarnet (Dr.Garnet) Inactive
Carrd - Versoa
Discord - Versoa#1259 - Versoa
Reddit - Aqua-Dragon
Instagram - Versoaa Inactive
TikTok - @Plaguedocgarnet Inactive
Twitter - DeerieBeloved (proceed with caution, I swear and talk about politics a lot and make horribly crude/dirty jokes :'0)
YouTube - Versoa Inactive
FlightRising - Versoa Semi-Active
Dragon Cave RoseGem Semi-Active
DeviantArt - DrGarnet (Dr.Garnet) Inactive
Carrd - Versoa
Interests (Feel free to DM me and talk about any of em!) *** is my current obsession ** is a favorite and * means I just enjoy it passively
***Oddities in genera;
***Radioactive things (Uranium glass mostly)
***Military/War stuff
**The Maze Runner (and other apocalyptic Sci-Fi things hehe,,)
**Plague Doctors :))))
**Aliens and space in general
*Sally face
*Medical Dramas
*Jack Stauber
Not a mod or helper but still glad to help!
Feel free to message me or send a friend request! I don't bite! :)

CSS base by Lu edits by myself (lmao I suck at CSS :,))
Great song recommended by 10/10 dentists /hj
Villagers 44
Gallery 14
Electric Spirit (Female)
Toxic Waste x100
Radioactive Rodent Plush x1
Blacklight Serpent Tapestry x1
Funky Serpent's Smoke x1
Green Bandana x1
Toxic Candycorn x1
Vial of Green Dye x1
i have better radioactive rodent plush cause its magical
It's all good, no need to apologise!! Honestly I totally forgot too until I was going through old notifs lmao, it's you and me both
Psssst can u show me, psssst psssssssssssst
Hi, do you still want a feast costume?
Prince Pestilence is sweet
I'm tempted to try it now, hehehe
also chocolate hamburgers don't sound too bad tbh- <.<No problem ^^
Just makin' sure... >_>