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Viewing Pozemi20's Profile

User ID: #139134
Username: Pozemi20
Gender: Female
Registered: 3 Jul 2019, 10:25 pm

Profile description

Hey there, and welcome to my profile! My name's Pozemi, though you can call me Emi or Zemi if you prefer. I'm a furry with a love of goats, birds, cats, Pokemon, and metal music!
My wishlist: Always want paintie tickets
Sun Sign: Aries
Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Chinese Zodiac: Dog
Gemstone: Diamond
Ruling Heavenly Body: Mars
Flower: Daisy, Sweet Pea
Colour: Yellow, Red
Tarot: The Sun, Wheel of Fortune, The Magician


Villagers 903

Comments 247

    • Hey!
      you got 800 villigers!!!

    • aww thank you so much! and that was so funny cause i had gifts to trade off to you as well ^^ best of luck with your trades!

    • you're welcome! i don't need anything in return; i just had them laying around. you enjoy!

    • any time!! i'm just happy to help! happy holidays <3

    • thank you!! i originally finished it back in september, just had to keep getting the new feast buttons to keep up ^^. and i know i said it in your thread, but congrats on having the most villagers (currently) on the site!! that's insane @.@

    • thank you so much! :D i finished my button book for now (unless they want to keep adding for feast buttons ;u;) but i'll always take capsules ^^

    • thanks for the trade~

    • any time!!!! always happy to help :D

    • thank you!!! a lot of love and thought go into them ^^

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