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Viewing Eternal01's Profile

User ID: #158337
Username: Eternal01
Gender: Male
Last Online: 26 Jul 2024, 10:32 am
Registered: 7 Nov 2019, 8:53 am

Profile description

Ah, hello space traveller! welcome to the profile of the great Eternal01! here you will find that i like Pokemon, Space stuff, Drawing demonic entities, furries, robotic beings, creepy kirby dudes (that one is for my toyhouse), and many other things! we hope you enjoy your travels with this grand being :3

The Almighty Links!!!!

Toyhouse (where i keep my art of the many characters i own! so many beautiful specimens...): https://toyhou.se/LazyArcticFox

Instagram (includes art and other such stuff! like stuff i do off-site, i guess (please make sure not to leak my real name and/or my face over here, that is a no-no >:c)): https://www.instagram.com/lazy_arctic_fox/

Artfight (started 2023, still going strong!): https://artfight.net/~LaziestFoxEver


(below is a section from the old version of this profile, archived cus i like it still)

(the best thing that Itsa_me_Trashy ever said)


(*salutes @nevethedragon for a great roleplay*)


(another rp ends, to be honest, i loved this one a lot...)

Villagers 12

Comments 78

  • Comment has been hidden

    • lol yea i do like them a lot. i am a self proclaimed ferret mom here xD

    • thank you for remaining respectful, its alright!

    • i dont want to derail the rp thread so i'll say here; sometimes im offline. or doing really important stuff. someone could be gone for a whole day, and take awhile to make a good and composed response. i can say from experience that being mass pinged is very bothersome and annoying

    • Yes I am, thank you for noticing :)

    • Thank youuuuu-

    • Hullo! Sorry to bother, but I was hoping to ask permission to use the Halloween headshot I did of Supernova as an official sample of my headshot art. :) I'll addd the name of the character and your name aside from a disclaimer if you want.

    • My Eevee, Meowth and Charmander are all from build a bear but no clothes besides Meowth but I got a whole bag full of pokemon plushies mostly eeveelutions, I need to find them, I remember needing to wash them due to my dog and fleas. Learning to sew so I plan to make my build a bears custom outfits over paying a lot for a shirt and pants. saying this hear to not derail your adventure thread.

    • Happy birthday ^^

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