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Viewing LanceDoggo's Profile

User ID: #2969
Username: LanceDoggo
Rank: Helper
Gender: Male
Last Online: 17 Jun 2024, 2:15 am
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 12:49 pm

Profile description

An old dog of the 1988 vintage~

Bowtie icon by Bestest_Fox

Lance Pop by Rotsuoy

Gamer icon by Imoku

My "Imaginary Lance that doesn't exist" was more than generously donated to me by Wasteland_Wyvern

Warrior equipment spreadsheet
If it's missing anything or is incorrect anywhere, let me know and I can update it~! You can see a bit of a change log in this forum thread, or even let us know if something is incorrect! Shoutout to msjanny for helping me out with updating this!

I stream once in a while, and you can learn more about it here~!

And yes... This is one large village of "Lance".

And also yes, I'm an old dog that has been around the sun more than 30 times! Starting to get dizzy here.

Amazing book brought to you by Bestest_Fox


Villagers 73

Comments 469

    • I gotta make you a paintie thats lance but on the chihuahua base

    • Hey thank you so much for the houses :D

    • Omg thank you for the choco doggo! ;o; ♡

    • THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! :D!!!!!!!!!!!! im crying in the club thank you so so much

    • My elo has tanked too because I do a lot more experimenting with builds. Still it's a ton of fun!

    • Lance is my spirit animal.

    • I miss lancey...

    • Doesn't do half bad either. I lose most times but I've always come close and I have won a few. Been going up against a lot of the tougher opponents too. Shadowfox Hamlet zatarin etc. Been fun. I have a mage version but it is countered by lightning form lol

    • Yes indeed. It still is going through testing so if you wanna fight more I'll be in and out of queue all day. I have between one and two damaging abilities depending on build but using only buddies as weapons

    • You've spent approximately $72.50 on just lance painties


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