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Viewing Ammoth's Profile

User ID: #7924
Username: Ammoth
Gender: Unspecified
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 3:45 pm

Profile description

About - Lore

This is a place about fair folk, snow monsters, magical artifacts, and the people in between who are just trying to survive. There's blessings, there's curses, there's paths you should never, ever walk at night. There are people who look normal until the light hits them just right, and there's things that never looked normal at all but treat you with such kindness that you have to wonder, sometimes, who the real monster of this story is.

Tread carefully.

Finished Villagers:
Ash, Aspen, Birch, Cedar, Cereus, Cypress, Eiche, Fir, Garden, Heuchera, Juniper, Kelp, Maple, Rowan, Sequoia, Sibirica, Spruce, Ubame.

Ongoing Villagers:
Anyone named "Wanderer".

The Moth.

Art blog - Toyhouse
Paintie Shoppe

[I'm on hiatus for an undetermined amount of time (possibly forever). Not feeling FV recently. You can catch me on discord as ammoth#8435 or per email at ammoth(at)posteo.net if you need me.]

A fuzzy legged, fluffy being with antennae and a pencil. Does art, occasionally writes poetry and slaps it onto villager profiles, and pretends to know what it's doing. So far it seems to be working okay!

My villagers all live inside my interpretation of TEP, which is pretty much a snowy mountain village but with more fairy-folk and curses. Some of them have descriptions in their profiles but most of them just have snippets of stories or poems. Please don't be afraid to ask about them if you want to know more, I always enjoy babbling about my characters ;)

Misc Info

I don't accept random friend requests. If you send me a request, message me about it because if I don't recognize your username I'm turning you down.

I'm high-key trying to fill my plush collection with all the non-magical plush. If you have non-magical version of rare plush, I might be interested in buying them or trading art for them!

CSS by noll .
Image source: unsplash

Villagers 20

Comments 40

    • thank you for the comment!! Pinnate 's the one responsible for that beautiful creature; they were gifted to me and I'm still in shock, they're such a pretty moth!! ;;

    • Aah, thank you so much for the lovely comment! (/w\)
      Your painties are fantastic, too - I was just looking at Shark the other day, I love their design and the soft, muted colors! And the shading on Fir is gorgeous :O

    • I love your entry for Rowan!!! They really deserve to win! :) Good luck! (Side note, please let me know if you ever do paintie commissions! I'm absolutely in love with what you've done)

    • Aw, thank you so much. I really like yours too- I'm sorry I didn't say that yet. I really love the earthy colors and the plants all tucked into Rowan's fur. (And of course I love the name Rowan. It's my favorite tree name.) I think I like most, the painties that people really but heart behind! Good luck in the contest!

    • I'm so glad you like my entry, I saw your entry and wanted to say I absolutely love the lighting on it, and all the details! Good luck to both of us~

    • Thank you! The sweet tooth thing was kind of the idea, hehe. ;3c

    • Yooo your submission in the paintie contest is SUPER adorable and really, really good.

    • Thank you for your purchase~

    • Haha I responded to your lovely post on my page on accident so I'll say it here! If you need anymore DMM seeds just let me know! I have a ton of SR and R seeds as well that I can spare for you so your herbalist can master all of the villages plants! (;

    • Sorry, I missed you comment the other day. ^^;

      Nope, it's my fursona, I've had the nickname Pooka since before those books even came out. (I think? I've been called Pooka for over 20 years now.) Pookas are often associated rabbits due to Harvey, from the play/movie about a man who has an imaginary friend that's a 6' tall rabbit. Although pookas (or pukas) have been part of celtic mythology for centuries. They're a type of animal shapeshifting, often pranking, sometimes dangerous, faerie.

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