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Viewing nabob0410's Profile

User ID: #145489
Username: nabob0410
Gender: Unspecified
Last Online: 30 Jul 2021, 11:16 am
Registered: 8 Aug 2019, 8:51 pm

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[Fronting | Ink]

Hello, thank you for visiting our profile. Please keep in mind that this account belongs to a traumagenic system. This should not be mixed up with endogenic systems/kin. As a side note, accusing anyone on Furvilla (or anywhere else for that matter) of ‘faking’ any mental illness is not acceptable. You never know what someone has gone through, and to hear that is extremely invalidating, both to the chance that the person has gone through horrible things, and the reality of their being. (On that note, please do not fake anything either. It makes a joke out of those who have survived, and that is never okay.) Saying that a system is faking something this serious is not right, or justified. Telling someone to 'stop faking' something, or that 'you're crazy', is sickeningly horrible, and cruel to those who have suffered. Never treat anyone differently to the way you would want to be treated.
To those who don’t believe us because we never mentioned this before, it was to protect ourselves. We only recently discovered the majority of our headmates, so we wanted to make sure that this was a safe place. We’ve determined that it is, and we want to keep it that way. Please be kind to yourselves, and to others. Have a lovely day.
Hello, Soot here. I'd be glad to have a conversation with you or answer any questions, so feel free to do that I guess- I'm a co-host and I'll be around most of the time if it's not LH or Ink. We usually don't add our names at the end of messages, so if you want to know who you're talking to, it's perfectly acceptable to ask. We don't bite.

A note to all the anons who have gifted us: thank you so much. It's very appreciated!
Hi there, thank you for reading this far if you're seeing this. I hope you're having a good day. I'm trying to finish up all the things some of my headmates didn't complete. So if we didn't do something we were supposed to, please, please DM or comment to let me know.
Remember, you are valid, and you matter.

Villagers 15

Comments 332

    • Thank you so much!

    • That's ok, no problem! Don't worry about the feathers either! ;)

    • No, I don't! Thank you for asking, though!

    • Aww, thank you! I like your background too.

    • Oml, wow, that's honestly some t a l e n t right there. It's take me quite a while to do that, even if I was required to XD

      Cats definitely do that lol, that apparently sleep 18 hours a day?? Mine are super active at night and in the morning owo (num num times!!)

    • Oml that was so long sorry XD I'm hyper all of the sudden and like to fish about my cats/cats in general lol

    • Yeah, I can definitely understand that!! XD mine are brother and sister, and they are very extremely bonded to me XD I awake every morning to find them on my feet and legs lol unfortunately I'm usually awoken by bright light since they like the window right by my bed and unintentionally leave the curtains cracked sometimes lol I've always been super bonded to cats (my actual favorite animal is a giraffe, unsurprisingly not cats, but they are still insanely important to me) and most of my sonas/characters created by me are, well... Cats XD I'm heccin o b s e s s e d X3 every cats different tho, so I definitely see how they can be taxing

    • Aww, thx!!
      i k r caaatttsss tho they precious b e a n s

    • Ah-don't worry about making room too soon, I still have to wait on the cooldown and get at least one breeding in myself, so they might not be all that close to being breedable when I've been all that I want anyways =) hopefully I'll have luck XD

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