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Viewing Polymathema's Profile

User ID: #50448
Username: Polymathema
Gender: Male
Registered: 5 Jul 2016, 6:56 am

Profile description

first off i am FTM trans, yes I identify as homoromantic, and I am also ace and disabled so if any of this isn't chill with you, you can go turn around and exit any door you would like i'm not here for youuuu

furvilla staff i live with username Scyne I will be sharing minimially with him so there should be no problems but we will share an IP address sorry ALSO I sometimes share an IP with Hatsuko but not as often okay thank you

hello i am polymathema and i like pet sites. I joined during the open beta and have no idea what I'm doing okay

on pet sites I normally used to ask people not to send friend requests unless I knew them but here on this new frontier I will accept ALL FRIEND REQUESTS so yeah whatever come be my friend and talk to me (please try and talk to me before just shooting off a request though, it's nice)

sorry if I don't get to your comment on a villager right away (or ever sometimes) I get overwhelmed, if it's important and you have to get in touch with me asap feel free to message me personally.

Aesthetics: pretty crystals, apple scented candles, endermen, bath bombs, tea (especially herbal teas), salt lamps, clubmaster glasses, rose gold

Podcasts: Coolgames Inc, WTNV, Lore, Mysterious Universe

Music: The Mountain Goats, Shearwater, Florence + the Machine, MS MR, Max Ritcher, styles- ambient, vapor wave, witch house, ghost drone

Movies: Skyfall, Inception, Pac Rim, Matilda, The Shining, Neco z Alenky

Books: Discworld (the watch books generally), Cat Who, Swordpoint

Villagers 79

Comments 180

    • I usually go for the combat lives because they're more fun XD the crafting lives just aren't for me

    • cool :3 I think you'll enjoy it! it has a pretty cool storyline!

    • (sorry if I'm spamming XD) not super confusing, but you can have multiple. you start out with one. I guess they're pretty much "lifestyles" in a way

    • the lifes are pretty confusing

    • the character customization is pretty basic. It has quiet a few hair and color choices. it actually has choices for their voices! >v< the crafting system comes with "lifes" like carpenters and tailors.

    • pokemon and animal crossing are cool :3 the game I was talking about in my profile description is "Fantasy Life" I practically beat it already x'D

    • woah :0 your painties are cool :0 you seem like a cool person

    • All your painties are simply wonderful!

    • Really? I had no idea Occasua had gotten around so far. o u o

    • Ahh, thanks! Haha I noticed him - he's great. Owl is very suiting for him! :D

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