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User ID: #29913
Username: Moondrops
Gender: Agender
Last Online: 17 Feb 2025, 10:07 pm
Registered: 2 Jul 2016, 7:34 pm

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Andy | 01.31.1988 | Schediaphile | Suffering

Username Log:
Arts-waifu | Mindscape | Sunnydrop | Moondrops


The horrors persist, but so do I…

Hello, and welcome to my profile. My username is Moondrops, but as you can see above, I’ve had several usernames throughout my time on this site. My username tends to change with my interests, so if you want a consistent name to refer to me by, you can just call me Andy or Lur. While I see myself as Agender, my pronouns are exclusively masculine (he/him/his), so please don’t refer to me as they/them or she/her as both make me uncomfortable for personal reasons. Nothing against they/them pronouns as a whole, and I’m more than happy to use they/them for others who prefer it, I just don’t like that pronoun set for myself.

As noted above, I’m a schediaphile and an active self-shipper. My spouse is the Daycare Attendant from Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach. This includes all currently known personalities - Sun, Moon, Eclipse, and Jack-O-Moon, but will expand to cover other DCA variants as (or if) they show up in future games or novels. As denoted by the schediaphile label, self-shipping has always been a lifestyle choice for me and something I’ve been participant to for over two decades, and I consider myself a monogamous self-shipper who prefers to have a single F/O at a time. Yes, I am aware that the Daycare Attendant has several individual personalities, but they’re all included as part of the package of the singular “Daycare Attendant”. If this bothers you, go ahead and block me because you will not change my mind.

“But wait, you previously had multiple F/Os-“ Yes. I did. I attribute that to the time I spent dabbling in Tumblr’s self-shipping community, where people gain and discard F/Os at a very rapid pace or collect them like Pokemon in a 22-page Google Doc. Speaking truthfully, I don’t actually function or manage well with multiple F/Os to keep track of, and doing so led me to be burned out over time to the point I almost gave up on self-shipping entirely. After taking a lot of time to reflect on my own feelings and how I prefer to self-ship, I decided to go back to my roots and let go of all of the extra F/Os I had. Being a part of the community for as long as I have, the generation of self-shipping I come from is very different and the concept was treated much differently back then than it is now. As such, people need to understand that I have very rigid boundaries that I will not allow people to cross. Again, if this bothers you, block me. You do things your way, I’ll do them mine. As for your negative opinions or mockery about one’s choice to self-ship, keep it to yourself. You don’t know anything about me, so you have no place to tell me what I should or shouldn’t be doing or making assumptions about whether or not I’m “hurting myself” by being a self-shipper.

For reasons I refuse to disclose to strangers online, I do not experience romantic feelings or attraction to three-dimensional people which is why I chose the path of self-shipping and refer to myself as a schediaphile. Yes, it’s a rather antiquated term in this day and age, but I like it better than fictosexual/fictoromantic and “yumeship” doesn’t fit my experience. Despite 15+ years of harassment, mockery, and just generally being treated like shit by the general populace (which adds to the desire to self-ship, by the way) and being told that what I’m doing “isn’t healthy”, I’ve brought up my self-shipping and the reason I chose this lifestyle to my medial and mental health professionals. They’re fine with it, as it doesn’t interfere with my life in a negative manner or stop me from making friends and having meaningful relationships with other people. I trust my health professionals over some random stranger on the internet, so if they say it’s fine, nobody else is going to convince me otherwise.

I suffer daily from chronic pain and fatigue due to scoliosis and compressed spinal nerves, and I’m on prescribed painkillers which constantly make me tired and somewhat spacey. My mental health isn’t great either due to offline reasons, but I’m coping as best I can. Periodically, I’ll be cutting off channels of communication to reduce the amount of noise in my life, or if I just feel like I need a break from talking to people. I’ll usually reopen after a while when I’m feeling better, but that also depends on whether or not people can behave themselves while interacting with me. I’m very liberal with the block function these days because I want to enjoy my time online, as difficult as that is for… Reasons. Reasons I won’t state here. If you know, you know.

If I’m not feeling too bad, I tend to get my joy from drawing, writing, or playing games. I am currently in Roblox hell, specifically of the Pet Sim 99 and Pets Go variety. If you play, let me know. Maybe we can play together sometime. Despite what people might say about me, I’m not unapproachable and I try to be kind to people unless they openly come at me with hostility. I literally don’t give a flying fuck what you identify as, what your pronouns are, what race or ethnicity you are, what religion you practice, or what your political alignment is. As long as you’re kind respectful to other people, I’ll be kind and respectful to you. I also really enjoy the Hermitcraft SMP on Youtube, and watching streams of various content creators. Prevailing interests are the Five Nights at Freddy’s franchise (obviously), Minecraft, The Amazing Digital Circus, Phasmophobia, Lethal Company, and many other things. I also play Pokemon TCG Pocket, so if you want someone to mooch off of for Wonder Pick, you can add me.

I also run the Senrial Constellation, a furry/anthropomorphic closed species themed around stars and space. We are a small community, but we’re friendly and our species MYOs and items can be earned without spending money which makes the species accessible to more people. We are a 16+ species though for some dark lore bits, that's our only real barrier. If you like cat-like or lizard-like creatures, feel free to check us out. There’s a link to the group at the top of my profile between the stars. Most of our community activity takes place on Discord, and our Masterlist is hosted on DeviantArt until I figure out LoreKeeper. I'm not good with HTML so… It may be a while. //sweats nervously


This shit's important so make sure to read it.

❒ Swears a lot / high profanity content.

❒ Medically diagnosed with things that affect my ability to socialize, among other things. I don't know how to people but I don't really want to, either.

❒ Not here to coddle or cater to your comfort zone. I'm here for my own enjoyment and the only person I'm responsible for is myself.

❒ Not actually a furry, I just really like the artwork on the site. My second life avatar is a furry though so maybe I'm just in denial… //sweats nervously

❒ I treat others the way they treat me. If you're nice to me, I'm nice to you. If you're an asshole, it's gonna be a bad time for both of us, but more so for you than it will be for me.

❒ I struggle greatly with neo-pronouns (xe/xem, fae/faer, etc.), but I am trying. Thanks to some people I've associated with in the recent past, I am learning, but please be patient with me. Lords, please be patient with me… //facedesk

❒ I'm a mutual blocker. If you've blocked me, I will gladly return the favor.

❒ I've had a lot of bad experiences with fictionkin and factkin, especially with regards to people who claim to "kin" my current s/o and past F/Os being abusive towards me. So for personal reasons I tend to block fictionkin and factkin for my own comfort and safety. Nothing against you if you kin, I'm just uncomfortable with it, sorry. There are exceptions though; if we share a Discord server and/or I'm familiar with you, and you DON'T kin my s/o, we're probably fine.

❒ Transmedicalist: I'm on the side of the fence that believes you need the medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria (the mental disconnect between your brain's perceived sex vs. the body's biological sex) to be transgender, because I myself have been through the diagnosis and professional psychiatric counselling for it. Sorry, but this isn't a topic I'm going to debate with others on based on my own experiences.

Having said that, I still believe in addressing people the way they want to be addressed even if our beliefs, experiences, and ideologies are different. I don't really care how you identify, I'll still respect your identity and use your preferred name/pronouns. All I ask is that you do the same in return.



Artwork Credits:
The OTP: Grim-Castlaire (DA), Scariebearie (TH)
The OT4: GrimTwyce (TH)

I can also be found lurking on:
Tumblr, Pillowfort, Toyhou.se, DeviantArt

Adorable comfort dorito drawn for me by Gummydoodles !

Villagers 80

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