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Please be aware, I suffer from genetic chronic migraines that have recently decided to take a major turn for the worse (RIP streak). So if I don't respond for a while, that's why. Depends on if I can actually look at a screen or not that day :(
About to enter my last year of college, probably won’t be on much in the meantime. Lots of things to do, not enough hours in the day. I’m not leaving or anything, but my education comes first
About to enter my last year of college, probably won’t be on much in the meantime. Lots of things to do, not enough hours in the day. I’m not leaving or anything, but my education comes first
Welcome to Ouroboros, an island village relatively close to Oceandome in the Aqualis Sea. While not part of the larger town that gives the region of Oceandome its name, they still happily fall under the jurisdiction of Mayor Octavia, as she is in charge of the entire region and not just the capital town.
The village specialty is costumes, with people from all careers pitching in during all stages to create the final product. These are then shipped out via the boat the Singing Tide to buyers all over Furvilla. As a happy bonus, because Ouroboros is an island village, it is protected from the monsters of the deep below. As for those that surface to attack ships, there are several warriors living in Ouroboros, who rotate through guard duty on the boat. Problem solved.
Ouroboros is a small town, and the people living here are very welcoming and always up for a chat. Being a village on an isolated island, meeting new people is always a treat, and gossip spreads fast. Visitors often find themselves leaving with a present or two forcibly shoved into their paws.
There is a small sub-island not too far from shore, and the only building on it is a house attached to a giant storeroom, and a sign reading “Belphegor’s Island”. It's off-limits to visitors unless specifically invited.
Despite being a small and relatively obscure village, Ouroboros is pretty diverse. Species from all over Furvilla - and even citizens of Clawtooth and beyond - reside here. The town is built with this is mind: roads are divided in half, with one part being paved stone, and the other a canal, to accommodate both terrestrial and fully aquatic villagers.
Ouroboros is also a popular place for vacations; it's not an uncommon sight to see villagers from other towns enjoying what the island has to offer. Sora and Southpaw have built a longhouse specifically for that purpose. And its not just vacationers who visit, either - there's even a musician who travels the whole of Furvilla holding concerts who will occasionally come to the island to perform!
Speaking of performances, every June 10th the island holds a massive festival to commemorate the day of the village’s founding. Known very uncreatively as Founding Day (you can thank Zale for that, he called it that and it stuck), it’s a time where the entire town gets together to show off. A stage is set up at the plaza in the center of town, with a buffet and plenty of snacks and sweets for people to munch on and judge which are the tastiest, while a tournament with all the warriors is taking place on the stage. Afterward is a free period where anyone can take the stage, and then after is a massive egg hunt in reference to how Zale, Aisling, and Tienyo initially stumbled across the island searching for materials, though there’s a twist: on top of trying to gather the most eggs, there’s also a large golden egg that gives bonus points, as a nod to how the founding trio stumbled across the spirit of the island. And finally, the night is ended with a massive fireworks show. It’s a day of fun and community, and any visitors who happen to be on the island at the time are wholeheartedly welcomed into the proceedings. After all, what is Ouroboros but a town of outsiders?
Strange and startling things involving visitors tend to get a request for the story behind it rather than judgmental stares and whispering. Well, from almost all of them anyway. After all, the village has its own fair share of strange and startling things, and people are curious. Or just seeking entertainment - I’m looking at you Belphegor.
In the end, whether you're here to buy, chat, or even just rest your paws, Ouroboros is glad to have you.
1) Budgies and cockatiels! My goal’s to get the whole set, I love them. I had an amazing blue, white, and gray feathered budgie named Storm and currently have a little sweetheart of a cockatiel named Sol. I adore my little birbs dearly. RIP Storm
2) Regi boxes! I will gladly be a trash receptacle for any and all unwanted boxes
3) Any
4) Socket-O-Matics
5) Paintie Tickets (yes, I have my priorities straight, this is in the correct order lol)
6) Shamrocks
7) Cotton flowers/seeds
Not included in the main list, but I really badly want a ringbearer, a closed species created by Velociraptor . Unfortunately they haven’t been on since 2019 and their discord server hasn't been posted in since 2020 so I guess it’s an unobtainable dreamie for now, unless I can find someone willing to sell/trade (no luck so far but hope springs eternal)
Hi, I’m Pikabolt. It’s the username I tend to use on, well, pretty much everything haha. I’m a huge fan of the Legend of Zelda series, Kingdom Hearts, Fire Emblem, and Pokémon. I enjoy writing, playing video games, reading, and drawing occasionally, though for whatever reason lately I’ve just been drawing a lot more. I draw traditional and color digitally; it’s a system that works for me, though I’ve been trying my hand at purely digital lately.
Feel free to comment on my characters; if you comment in character, they’ll return the favor. You’ll know it’s them because they speak with quotation marks. Sometimes they’ll even come bearing presents!
I cycle through multiple avatars every once in a while, but the three avatars of Rowan I use are made by SpiritMind33 , they’re really talented! Super glad I won that contest haha
I also headcanon that beta bugs are ridiculous escape artists that my animal husbandrists are constantly chasing down, so make of that what you will XD
Fairy Visits:
- Alien Blues Fairy
- Anime Fairy
- Bethany
- Berserker Fairy
- Black Heart Fairy!
- Borealis Raven fairy
- Brass Fairy
- calcium fairy
- Cap'n Gilbert
- Chex Mix Fairy
- Coral Fairy
- Creepy Shadow Fairy
- Edibles Fairy
- Fluffy Rosy Fairy
- Froppy Fairy
- Hybrid Fairy
- J
- Jurassic Faerie
- Karma Fairy
- Keeper of Dragons
- Kiri Fairy
- ᴋɪᴛꜱᴜɴᴇ ꜰᴀɪʀʏ
- Lava Fairy
- Moblin Fairy
- Moon Fair-y
- Nameless sprite
- ᴺᵉᵇᵘˡᵃ ᶠᵃⁱʳʸ
- Origami Fairy
- pan anime dubstep simp~
- Plague Doc Fairy
- Prrple Fairy
- rich fairy
- Shooting Star Fairy
- Shǔ
- Silent Spooky Fairy
- Skunk
- Skunk Fairy
- Sorbet Fairy
- Squirrel Fairy
- stinky fairy
- stïnky færïë
- Sweet Fairy
- The Owl
- Tiny Fairy
- TreeNut Fairy
- weird scaly fairy
- Wishful Thinking Fairy
- Yeeter Fae
- Alien Blues Fairy
- Anime Fairy
- Bethany
- Berserker Fairy
- Black Heart Fairy!
- Borealis Raven fairy
- Brass Fairy
- calcium fairy
- Cap'n Gilbert
- Chex Mix Fairy
- Coral Fairy
- Creepy Shadow Fairy
- Edibles Fairy
- Fluffy Rosy Fairy
- Froppy Fairy
- Hybrid Fairy
- J
- Jurassic Faerie
- Karma Fairy
- Keeper of Dragons
- Kiri Fairy
- ᴋɪᴛꜱᴜɴᴇ ꜰᴀɪʀʏ
- Lava Fairy
- Moblin Fairy
- Moon Fair-y
- Nameless sprite
- ᴺᵉᵇᵘˡᵃ ᶠᵃⁱʳʸ
- Origami Fairy
- pan anime dubstep simp~
- Plague Doc Fairy
- Prrple Fairy
- rich fairy
- Shooting Star Fairy
- Shǔ
- Silent Spooky Fairy
- Skunk
- Skunk Fairy
- Sorbet Fairy
- Squirrel Fairy
- stinky fairy
- stïnky færïë
- Sweet Fairy
- The Owl
- Tiny Fairy
- TreeNut Fairy
- weird scaly fairy
- Wishful Thinking Fairy
- Yeeter Fae
Wow, this is getting pretty long. Thank you very much guys for your kindness. Your visits never fail to brighten up my day, no matter if it’s words or items you bring.
I’m an anon fairy. Who? The world may never know.

Villagers 80
Gallery 8
Utility Crystal: The Crystal Shamrock x1
Underwater Skull x220
Poison Skull x4
Cloud Skull x15
Skull x5
Icy Skull x5
Frozen Ribcage x37
Reclaimed Skull x2
Thank you for the happy anniversary wishes, Pika!
Sent a character transfer on TH for your Mystery Adopt from the raffle just now! :3
Hello, I see how you want Regi boxes! Every day, when I get them, I post them in my stall for the lowest price :p
Done with your bookmark!
Thank you so much for complimenting Devii! <3
I'm sorry for the really randomness but i love your pfp and you have A LOT of villagers
XD i probably sound creepy
Sorry to bother you but have a good day er night
Um sorry i saw a post you did on a Forum and didnt rlly think about what i was doing
Why is it when i see Pika I think Denki??
thank you so much (again) for the sticker ;w; youve made so many furry dreams come true for me
i hope i can return the kindness one day!